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Short-term Memory
2015/02/24 23:07:03瀏覽35|回應0|推薦0

Short-term Memory

I am sick.

There are too many accounts and codes to be memorized.

Gmail, Yahoo, UDN, MOMO, Skype, Book.com, QQ, Line, ERP System, Microsoft, FB...

How could I possibly remember them all?

I wasted a lot of time thinking about what the **** codes were.

I kept forgetting what the codes were and applied for a new code.

So, to invent this from happening again...I kept my secret codes in the brochure.

This brochure really comes in handy.

I found myself looking for the brochure for help too many time.

There is only one problem left.

What happen if the brochure is gone?

( 休閒生活雜記 )
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