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2022/01/21 15:19:55瀏覽498|回應0|推薦12

These days, a Chinese American reporter of New York Times adopted an inappropriate term, banality of evil, to slur China government of her relatively severe but successful measures taken in fighting Covid.  Here is the definition of "banality of evil" I found online:  

The “banality of evil” is the idea that evil does not have the Satan-like, villainous appearance we might typically associate it with. Rather, evil is perpetuated when immoral principles become normalized over time by unthinking people. Evil becomes commonplace; it becomes the everyday.

Please also watch a video to see what she said at: 民族败类,华裔记者袁莉为替美国抗疫失败洗白,恶意攻击14亿国人 - 西瓜视频 (ixigua.com)

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