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2019列寧墓被人潑上了橄欖油?‘ Deranged man tries to revive Lenin with olive oil
2019/03/20 11:58:19瀏覽466|回應0|推薦4




1925年3月,前往列寧墓瞻仰列寧遺體的人群.列寧遺體進行防腐處理並公開供人瞻仰後,各共產黨及共產主義國家效仿者有:格奧爾吉·季米特洛夫、克萊門特·哥特瓦爾德、喬巴山、恩維爾·霍查、福布斯·伯納姆、胡志明、毛澤東和金日成。 從事屍體防腐工作的生化學家鮑里斯·伊里奇·茲巴爾斯基Збарский, Борис Ильич配製了一種「香樹脂液」,列寧遺體保護小組每隔18個月就要對遺體進行一次防腐處理。具體的處理流程為:把遺體放在秘制的防腐劑中浸泡兩個星期,然後進行衣物清理,對遺體進行化妝,整體過程必須在16攝氏度,濕度不超過70%的無菌室中操作。




Rise! Rise!”: Crazed man tries to “wake up” Lenin’s corpse at Moscow’s Red Square..

Deranged man, shouting “Rise! Rise!” came to Lenin’s Mausoleum . a popular tourist attraction in Moscow’s Red Square near Kremlin, and tried to splash it with olive oil. He wanted to bring the “Chief of World’s Proletariat” back to life, he explained to the cops.  

Passers-by at Moscow’s Red Square noticed a strange man, who ranted incoherently before taking out a bottle of some liquid (later determined to be olive oil). Police arrested him as he tried to force his way to the mausoleum.


列寧墓Мавзоле́й Ле́нина),安葬著弗拉基米爾·伊里奇·列寧的遺體,位於莫斯科紅場中央克里姆林宮牆附近,由紅色花崗石和黑色大理石建成。

內部墓道一級級向下的台階便能見聞名世界的水晶棺。瞻仰室內氛圍寧靜神秘,僅有的光線都從水晶棺里發散而出;棺內的特製燈光所散發出的朦朧光線猶如深夜時室內床頭燈光般昏暗、柔和,照耀著仰面躺臥、神情安詳如睡的列寧遺體。水晶棺棺蓋是由多層厚重的木質構成而並非水晶,美觀而莊重。棺內的列寧遺體身著黑色西裝,右手微握,左手舒展,清晰而安詳。 列寧墓上層修建有檢閱台。

Visiting Lenin’s Tomb相關圖片

How Lenins corpse looks better with age: Scientists reveal experimental embalming methods used on the Soviet leader.

  • Embalmers substitute parts of flesh with plastics and other materials
  • A mild bleach is often used to deal with fungus stains on Lenins face
  • The body is covered in glycerol and potassium acetate every 2 years
  • At one time, 200 scientists were working to help preserve Lenins body.

Мавзоле́й Влади́мира Ильича́ Ле́нина (в 1953—1961 годах Мавзолей Владимира Ильича Ленина и Ио́сифа Виссарио́новича Ста́лина) — памятник-усыпальница на Красной площади у Кремлёвской стены в Москве, где с 1924 года в прозрачном саркофаге выставляется тело Владимира Ленина[.

Первый деревянный мавзолей возвели в январе 1924 года], второй деревянный — в мае 1924-го. Каменный мавзолей построили к октябрю 1930 года..

При мавзолее с 1924 года существует лаборатория по сохранению тела Ленина], в ней были забальзамированы тела нескольких известных политиков разных стран[]. С 1953 по 1961 год в мавзолее находился саркофаг с телом Иосифа Сталина].






Lenins Mausoleum.Embalmed remains of the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution.

The Bolshevik leaders remains were embalmed on Stalins orders when he died aged 53 in 1924 and kept on display in Moscow apart from a period in the Second World War .


Vladmir Lenin may have been dead for 90 years, but his corpse looks better than the day he passed. This is the claim made by his embalmers, who have developed experimental techniques to maintain the look and feel of the communist revolutionarys body. Pictured is his body in 1997.


Lenin alive? Ambulance at communist chief’s mausoleum baffles Russians.

Lenin’s Mausoleum has been the subject of heated debates for decades after the Soviet Union crumbled, as some urged authorities to bury him, while communists firmly opposed such a move. Proponents of burying Lenin usually cite Orthodox tradition to lay remains to rest, costs of maintaining the tomb, alleged necessity to bury the communist past of the country and other things.‘Wake up!’: Deranged man tries to revive Lenin with … olive oil.






VLADMIR LENIN (1870-1924) 

Vladmir Lenin was behind the Bolshevik take-over of power in Russia in 1917. He was also the architect and first head of the USSR.

Born in Simbirsk, he was expelled from university for his radical policies while studying law. This prompted him to move to St Petersburg, where he became a revolutionary. 

He was arrested and exiled to Siberia. He later spent most of his time in western Europe, where he became the leader of the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party.

In 1917, Lenin returned to Russia where he led what was to be known as the October Revolution. Around three years of civil war followed in which millions died. 

In 1918, Lenin survived an assassination attempt, but was severely wounded. In 1922 he suffered a stroke from which he never fully recovered. 




 Lenin’s Tomb combines the global vision of the best historical scholarship with the immediacy of eyewitness journalism. Remnick takes us through the tumultuous 75-year period of Communist rule leading up to the collapse and gives us the voices of those who lived through it, from democratic activists to Party members, from anti-Semites to Holocaust survivors, from Gorbachev to Yeltsin to Sakharov. An extraordinary history of an empire undone, Lenin’s Tomb stands as essential reading for our times. 



( 時事評論國際 )
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