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要愛母親,也要愛父親,中國傳統有世上沒有不是的父母的說法. 夫妻失和在加拿大法律規定不能阻止看望孩子http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/19866364 拐藏23年多兒女不與父親聯絡很不合理, http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/19141615 情,法,也不合利,父親一直的尋找,掛念行為,豈不是都為兒女最大利益考量呢? http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/112860362    不憑眼見只憑信心,信心最大的勝利,乃是在『安靜中』知道祂是神,能活著便是榮幸,還活著就是贏家,在神沒有難事。https://www.wwbible.org/ 哈利路亞!我謹效法尼布甲尼撒恭訟讚我神、因祂作為全都誠實、祂所行的公義公平‧那行動驕傲的、祂能降為卑。http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/154416191 祈神賜福聰明,榮耀,威嚴和光耀都復歸於我http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/103228008  恢復加拿大身份並管理加拿大家庭和家產!祈求神賜福保守並允成 、謹敬奉主耶穌聖名禱告、阿們 ! http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/120875114  ,神若願意,有規則必有例外,未來無限可能。神的計劃,神的時間,奇妙難測,必是美好的!http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/128229033    敬祝 平安喜樂 豐盛吉祥 境界更擴張 豐盛又祥和  alpineatks許登昭敬上 手機:0939-191-134 LINE:0908006079:台灣新北市23149新店區三民路117433 E-mail: alpineatks@gmail.com ;drk_hsu@yahoo.ca ;Canadian Immigration(18Dec 1991), Canadian social Insurance#729-111-039, Canadian CareCard#9134-814-575, 1997Knowing Jesus, August 10, 2003 be baptized,

響應「買澳洲酒」運動,加拿大參議員麥克菲德蘭(Marilou McPhedran)更呼籲,為了站邊民主價值,不但要買澳洲酒,而且還要從台灣買入!,

黑夜會過,黎明必來:CANADA加拿大聯邦參議員馬里洛斯.麥克菲德蘭(Marilou McPhedran)MP  CAN HELP!祈惠助就近聯絡被藏匿溫哥華23年多三兒女們助我父子女再歡相聚. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/103228008

黑夜會過,黎明必來:CANADA加拿大聯邦參議員馬里洛斯.麥克菲德蘭(Marilou McPhedranCAN HELP!Arrest Vanouver保羅張 Paul Chang 張書銘 is wanted abduction of children.  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/152692075http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/154182419黑夜會過,黎明必來:23年多了,喜樂平安的聖誕節又快來臨了,或許您是神又派來的仁慈天使... http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/108609354

Asked the Vancouver City Police Department to dispatch "

Chinese-speaking" police officers to help find three children who were still in hiding in Vancouver from Taiwan and have been hiding for more than 21 years & inform them of their current situation.
Taiwan (R.O.C.) 許登昭 birth date: 1956/08/30 .
Canadian Immigration(18Dec 1991),
Canadian social Insurance#729-111-039,
Canadian CareCard#9134-814-575 ,
Cell#:0939-191-134, Line:250745w6789
alpineatks@gmail.com ; drk_hsu@yahoo.ca
台灣新北市23149新店區三民路117巷4弄3號3樓 Cell#;0939191134:TEL:02-8665-3255
3F., No.3, Aly. 4, Ln. 117, Sanmin Rd., Sindian Dist., New Taipei City 23149, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Asked the Vancouver Police Department : 請求溫哥華市警局分派"懂中文"的警官幫忙尋找由台灣被拐帶仍被藏匿溫哥華到現在21年多的三兒女並盼通知她們現時處境.
台灣新北市台灣許登昭敬上 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/111546188


The latest place to know that they were hidden was in the Gasin House in Vancouver 7270 Dow Ave, Burnaby, BC V5J 3X4.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/111562880 Asked the Vancouver City Police Department to dispatch "Chinese-speaking" police officers to help find three children who were still in hiding in Vancouver from Taiwan and have been hiding for more than 20 years & inform them of their current situation.  參予拐藏兒女她們的母親江明樺據說約5年多前癌症死亡前,已被藏21年多的我三兒女身心有受咒詛捆綁,使我三兒女至今不開口與父親聯絡.. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/111186509 本將分離二十年多至今不聯絡的三兒女交託神,但近竟夢見她們正抱怨著我為何還不快去幫忙打破圍堵他們身心的高牆.


To the Vancouver Police Department:
After requesting the help of your government to seek help, on June 24, 1997, after being kidnapped from Taiwan to Vancouver, the three children who have lost more than two decades have so far requested the notification of the situation of the three children and requested your government to assist in the investigation of the childs transnational status. Hiroki violated the law and requested the case number to be notified to the Taiwan office in Vancouver at https://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr/index.html, the leading group <yvr@mofa.gov.tw> to inform the case number and provide For help with communication and assistance in contacting supplementary information.
I. Request for help:
1. Request your bureau to vigorously search for three children who have been lost to Taiwan for more than 20 years after they were kidnapped from Taiwan to Vancouver on June 24, 1997, and requested your government to help me understand the current situation of the three children. .
2. Request Your childs help to inform the child of the number of cross-border violations.
3. Due to my poor English speaking ability, stupidity, and poor management, it is reasonable to say that the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Vancouver office in Taiwan is willing to help provide relevant communication and assistance in the relevant investigations issued by the Bureau. Contact additional information and other help.
4. It is reported that the three children are still being captured by the two masterminds of Stephanie Vancouver Canada Multiple Realty Paul Chang (888lumberking@gmail.com, Cell:00217788895306) Zhang Boqin, the Taiwanese name Zhang Shuming (SU-Ming Chang 1972/06/16). Zhang Yunxiang and Clark YH Chang (1974/05/18 students) live together under pressure in the Gassing Family Inn 7270 Dow Ave, Burnaby, BC V5J 3X4).
5. I hope for help, I am grateful for it.

敬致溫哥華市警局(Vancouver Police Department):

請求 貴局 幫忙 協尋於1997624,由台灣被拐藏到溫哥華後,至今失聯21年多的三兒女請求通知三兒女處境 ,  請求 貴局幫助查辦此幼兒跨國被拐藏違法案 , 並請求將案件號碼通知 台灣駐溫哥華辦事處 https://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr/index.html  領務組<yvr@mofa.gov.tw> 通知案件號碼,提供有關溝通及協助聯絡補充資料等幫忙.

1.請求 貴局大力我協尋於1997年6月24日,由台灣被拐藏到溫哥華後,至今失聯21年多的三兒女,並請求 貴局幫忙告知我瞭解三兒女她們現時生活狀況. 

2.請求 貴局惠助通知此幼兒跨國被拐藏違法案 案件號碼. 
3.因我英文說聽能力很差,愚蠢智窮,又有理說不清, 台灣駐溫哥華辦事處領務組願意幫助在貴局有關調查中,依據 貴局 通知案件號碼,提供有關溝通及協助聯絡補充資料等幫忙.
4. 據聞知三兒女 現仍被兩主謀大繼子Vancouver Canada Multiple Realty Paul Chang (888lumberking@gmail.com,Cell:00217788895306)張博欽, 台灣名張書銘(SU-Ming Chang 1972/06/16 ) 綁匪次繼子張雲翔Clark Y.H. Chang  (1974/05/18生)脅迫下一起住在在溫哥華加欣家庭旅館 7270 Dow Ave, Burnaby, BC V5J 3X4), 
5.盼請幫忙, 感激不盡.  



我夫妻英文能力都不好,本來住在台灣 , 經商與養育溫哥華出生的三兒女,她們本來在台灣讀台北再興小學及幼稚園 。    

2.1997624日晚上 ,在我以為三兒女去學漫畫時,她們的母親及剛加拿大大學畢業來台灣的二繼子張雲翔Clark Y.H. Chang  (1974/05/18生),卻沒獲我同意情形下 , 兩人一起私下將我三兒女帶到溫哥華住家 

3. 她們的母親1997年8月後,又在台北出現,並散播將三兒女藏匿在台灣的謊言,在我努力尋找後, 終於確認三兒女失蹤,才又陸續發現:溫哥華住家被加拿大大學畢業的大繼子Vancouver Canada Multiple Realty Paul Chang (888lumberking@gmail.com,Cell:00217788895306)張博欽, 台灣名張書銘(SU-Ming Chang 1972/06/16 ) 綁匪次繼子張雲翔Clark Y.H. Chang  (1974/05/18生)兩繼子聯手偷賣溫哥華住家 ,所以三兒女,和所有家人,才會都無法聯絡了。

4.我知道失去所有家人和家產後 ,又幾次到溫哥華,只能短暫停留,瞭解情形,也曾幾次將蒐集資料 ,送往溫哥華警方報案尋兒女事及請求調查家產失去的情事


6.英文說聽能力很差 , 愚蠢智窮 ,有理說不清,沒錢了,每次到溫哥華只有短時間停留,又不懂加拿大法律 ,及溫哥華警方作業流程 ,雖曾幾次將蒐集資料 ,送往溫哥華警方報案 , 但至今21年多一無進展 RCMP Detachment Cst Travis MORTON (travis.morton@rcmp-grc.gc.ca)investigating at the request of 17JAN2013.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12227853   

7.非常掛慮三兒女的處境.常因內心責任感 ,及掛念兒女們思慮 ,而半夜驚醒 

8.此次幸獲台灣駐溫哥華辦事處領務組 ,建議向貴溫哥華市警局(網址:  http://vancouver.ca/police/contact/index.html)報案,提請調查,貴局成立有案後,拜託通知案件號碼 .  

9.台灣駐溫哥華辦事處https://www.roc-taiwan.org/cayvr/index.html  領務組<yvr@mofa.gov.tw> 願意幫助在貴局有關調查中,依據 貴局 通知案件號碼,提供有關溝通及協助聯絡補充資料等幫忙.以便進行調查,以期協助尋找3親生兒女及跨國誘藏幼童有關犯罪事宜。 

10.我在加拿大的房子(4616 Halley AveBurnaby B.C.加拿大V5G 3E1)在1998114日被偷偷地賣掉被拆除。 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12478755


許登昭  Teng-Chao Hsu  出生日期:1956/08/30



台灣(郵編 23149 )新北市新店區三民路117433樓 

3F., No.3, Aly. 4, Ln. 117, Sanmin Rd., Sindian Dist., New Taipei City 23149, Taiwan (R.O.C.)  手機0939-191-134, Line:250745w6789 :電話:02-8665-3255 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/109887999


1.許登昭  Teng-Chao Hsu  ) 的第一個女兒--- Denise Hsu許鈞媛1990129日出生,溫哥華出生登記#90-09-000545加拿大護照#Mb450571,台灣身份證號碼F227369355

2.* 許登昭  Teng-Chao Hsu  )的 第一個兒子--- Derrick Hsu許鈞堤出生於1990129日,溫哥華出生登記號90-09-000546加拿大護照#Mb450572,台灣身份證號碼F127710467

3.* 許登昭  Teng-Chao Hsu  )的  二女兒---Angela Hsu許家慈出生於1992224日,出生登記號:B93581-041,台灣身份證號碼:A226540566

4.台灣通緝犯*妻子--- Ming- Hua Chiang(又名Angel Chiang)江明樺生於19951025日在台灣台北,台灣護照#M2250191台灣身份證號碼F20055908加拿大移民局(19911218日)加拿大社會保險局#729-111-005

5.妻子 Ming- Hua Chiang(又名Angel Chiang前丈夫的第一個兒子 -台灣通緝犯大繼 張書銘(現在改名張博欽)Multiple Realty Paul Chang,電子郵件:888lumberking@gmail.com ,手機:07788895306出生於616日。 1972年在台灣,台灣,台灣IDF121503753,加拿大護照#VN206759 1997SFU畢業。

請求立即逮捕 - 加拿大  Vanouver Multiple Realty Paul Chang 綁架 兒童被台灣政府通緝     http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12225067

6.妻子 Ming- Hua Chiang(又名Angel Chiang前丈夫 的第二個兒子 -台灣通緝犯 二繼張雲翔(又名Cark Chang1974518日生於台北,台灣,台灣IDF123392043,加拿大護照#VN206760 0 1997 UBC畢業

請求逮捕 - 美國新澤西 Cark Chang  張雲翔 因綁架 兒童被台灣政府通緝 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12224607

上面提到的前4名(W / *標記為)從他們從溫哥華到台北到現在的那天(1997624日)失去了聯繫。我嘗試了所有可能的方式從台灣接觸他們,甚至去了溫哥華在 1999/8/51999/8/20 之間,但是至今一直躲避不回應聯絡,只有非常失望。 


我的家人以及下面列出的所有財產全都不見了,我 許登昭  Teng-Chao Hsu  )一直在努力尋找,但一切都是徒勞的。請求幫忙,拜託:

My house in Canada (4616 Halley Ave Burnaby B.C. Canada  V5G 3E1) was sold stealthily and torn down without my own awareness in 14 Jan.1998 . http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12478755  And my  family with all the properties listed below was all gone , I ( Teng - Chao Hsu ) have been trying so hard to look for but all in vain . Herewith , I would be so desperate to ask for your great help on my hopeless searching job , and your kindness on this point will be highly  appreciated .                                                                                               

四.請求幫助尋找人:1.*1st daughter ---Denise Hsu 許鈞媛

Born in 29 Jan .1990 ,Vancouver birth registration #90-09-000545Canadian passport #Mb450571,Taiwan ID # F227369355 

四.請求幫助尋找人:2.*1st son   ---Derrick Hsu 許鈞堤

Born in 29 Jan .1990 ,Vancouver birth registration #90-09-000546   Canadian passport # Mb450572 ,Taiwan ID # F127710467

.請求幫助尋找人:3.**2nd daughter ---Angela Hsu許家慈  Born in 24 Feb .1992 , birth registration #B93581-041 ,   Taiwan ID#A226540566

.請求幫助尋找台灣通緝犯:4.**Wife  ---Ming- Hua Chiang,(a.k.a. Angel Chiang) 江明樺  Born in 25 Oct.1951 inTaipei ,Taiwan , Taiwan passport #M2250191  Taiwan ID#F20055908 Canadian Immigration (18 Dec 1991) Canadian social Insurance# 729-111-005

四.請求幫助尋找台灣通緝犯:5.**Wifes前丈夫1st son--Su- ming Chang  , (a.k.a. Paul  Chang) 張書銘(現改張博欽)  (Multiple Realty Paul Chang, E- 888lumberking@gmail.com, Tel:00217788895306 ) Born in 16 Jun . 1972in Taipei ,Taiwan,   Taiwan ID#F121503753, Canadian passport #VN206759  1997 SFU畢業 .

Request immediately arrest-CANADA Vanouver Multiple Realty Paul Chang is wanted abduction of children http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12225067

四.請求幫助尋找台灣通緝犯:5.*Wifes前丈夫2nd son--Yung-hsiang  Chang  ,(a.k.a. Cark  Chang) 張雲翔.(工作地點http://www.vision-institute.com/new-jersey/clark-chang-o-d.htm)Born in 18 May.1974 inTaipei , Taiwan , Taiwan ID #F123392043,Canadian passport # VN206760 0 1997 UBC畢業  

Request immediately arrest-USA-new-jersey/clark-chang is wanted abduction of children http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12224607

The first 4 persons mentioned above ( W/*as marked )  were losing contact from the day ( 24Jun.1997 )  they left for Vancouver from Taipei till now .

I have tried all the possible ways to reach them from Taiwan and even went to Vancouver between 1999/8/5 and 1999/8/20 , but found nothing but hopelessness .

My person data: Teng-Chao Hsu 許登昭  , birth date: 1956/08/30 .

Canadian Immigration(18Dec 1991),

Canadian social Insurance#729-111-039,

Canadian CareCard#9134-814-575 ,

Cell#:0939-191-134, Line:250745w6789 

alpineatks@gmail.com ; drk_hsu@yahoo.ca


3F., No.3, Aly. 4, Ln. 117, Sanmin Rd., Sindian Dist., New Taipei City 23149, Taiwan (R.O.C.)



敬致 Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society (台加文化協會)執事大鑒:盼協助1997年6月24日自台灣新北市中興路三段146號住家拐帶我當時就讀再興小學的三出生於溫哥華的親生幼兒女至加拿大溫哥華到處躲藏後,經歷沒有正常童年生活後,致三兒女已得嚴重斯德哥爾摩症,盼至今分離近20年子女四人恢復聯絡,期進而歡相聚.祈大力幫忙,感恩不盡!



Christy Clark For BC  Christy Clark Mom. http://www.christyclark.ca/Premier of British Columbia. Working to represent the people of Westside-Kelowna. Sports fan (go Whitecaps!). I want to hear from you! 


*Tell Mayor Robertson what you think**敬致溫哥華市長**Robertson**羅品信長加拿大現況的教育失敗了**!**受我資助的兩繼子大學畢業後竟忘恩負義破壞我家庭 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/42406368

請求幫忙協尋舉發於1997年6月24日傍晚自我台灣住家誘拐我三位幼兒女藏匿國外至今20年多仍失聯的兩自稱溫哥華慈濟人實即北檢治偵張緝字第2803號犯惡意國際綁架幼童案的通緝犯Vancouver Canada Multiple Realty 1972/06/16生 Paul Chang 台灣名張書銘第2805號犯惡意國際綁架幼童案的通緝犯張雲翔 Clark Y.H. Chang(1974/05/18生)以伸張公義並盼助我父子女歡相聚 台灣主內弟兄許登昭敬上http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/61574163

舉報罪行積極,預先來台灣與不懂英文的母親及他在台灣認識的女友蔡麗自台灣新店住家拐帶我當時都在再興小學就讀的三位親生兒女到加拿大至今20年多,的台灣北檢治偵張緝字第2805號通緝案自台灣拐帶幼兒即我三位親生兒女出國藏匿的通緝犯犯惡意國際綁架幼童案的Clark chang張雲翔300 Frank W. Burr Blvd Teaneck, New Jersey 07666  Tel: 201-883-0505工作地點 台灣主內弟兄許登昭敬上 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/67292802

舉報惡意國際綁架幼童案的第2803號Vancouver Canada Multiple Realty Paul chang現改名張博欽,台灣名張書銘(888lumberking@gmail.com,Cell:00217788895306,),近聞居住地點:溫哥華加欣家庭旅館7270 Dow Ave, Burnaby, BC V5J 3X4 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/67316031

想到兒女被拐藏到加拿大,歷沒有正常童年生活, http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/86136635 至今聞知分離近20年三兒女們現出現在溫哥華加欣家庭旅館 7270 Dow Ave, Burnaby, BC V5J 3X4, 現已成年但因分離20年已嚴重斯德哥爾摩症三受害者,即兒女至今處境安危均無訊息,不由得鼓起勇氣,祈求您發慈心惠試幫忙,主內弟兄拜託!http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/19826895

台灣司法公正嗎?法律有效嗎?Taiwans北檢治偵張緝字2804通緝犯江明樺兩次找政治大學法學碩士台灣薛欽峰律師一同製造偽造我簽名及假見證我加拿大住家房地產售屋文件於: http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10927434

1996年有天早晨,我三兒女上學後,我在睡回頭覺時,江明樺AngelChiang自四樓客戶性沖沖來找我,我正應付雲雨中,卻忽然有自稱溫哥華慈濟人大繼子Paul Chang (888lumberking@gmail.com,Cell:00217788895306)張(又名博欽)書銘SU-Ming Chang(24歲),無視門口有雙人拖鞋,冒然打開我們臥房門,看他氣急敗壞狀,使我不得不猜測前一刻,自稱溫哥華慈濟人年壯氣盛的大繼子Paul Chang 張(又名博欽)書銘SU-Ming Chang(24歲)與親生母親在四樓臥室發生何事了... http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/39170828
1996年自稱溫哥華慈濟人溫哥華萬寶地產綁匪主謀張博欽Paul Chang原名張書銘執行有專業證照業務時偽造地產贈與書預備犯罪證據-
1997年溫哥華慈濟人通緝犯Vancouver Canada Multiple Realty Paul Chang(888lumberking@gmail.com,Tel:0021-604-434-1431,FaX:0021-604-434-9433,Cell:00217788895306)
Pseudo-witness  information執行有專業證照業務時偽證奪產資料 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12620687  
My house in Canada (4616 Halley Ave Burnaby B.C. Canada V5G 3E1) was sold stealthily and torn down without my own awareness in 14 Jan.1998.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12478755

1997年最特殊的母親節禮物--溫哥華慈濟人兩自稱溫哥華慈濟人繼子 張書銘,張雲翔於5月夥同母親江明樺違法奪產及犯幼童國際綁架案逃逸至今http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/7552333 

1997年自稱溫哥華慈濟人綁匪Clark Y.H. Chang於May,自UBC畢業的禮物是母親夥同綁匪multiplerealty Paul Chang張博欽幼童國際綁架罪http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/7364892

拜託台灣住加拿大溫哥華鄉親弟兄姐妹們!請求大力幫助!拜託多多協助費心籌謀,大力幫忙就近聯絡604-267-0901台加文化協會,協助請教相關人員指教有何良策,以瞭解被拐帶出國而分離20年多,失去童年正常生活,現仍被兩主謀大繼子Vancouver Canada Multiple Realty Paul Chang 1972/06/16生 (888lumberking@gmail.com,Cell:00217788895306)張博欽, 台灣名張書銘(SU-Ming Chang)綁匪次繼子張雲翔Clark Y.H. Chang  (1974/05/18生)脅迫中,現聞知三兒女們在溫哥華加欣家庭旅館 7270 Dow Ave, Burnaby, BC V5J 3X4,至今20年多仍失聯的兩自稱溫哥華慈濟人實即Taiwans北檢治偵張緝字第2803號1972/06/16生 Paul Chang 台灣名張書銘和Taiwans北檢治偵張緝字第2805號通緝犯張雲翔 Clark Y.H. Chang(1974/05/18生)以伸張公義並盼助我父子女歡相聚 -  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/61574163

To the Vancouver Police Department : 請求溫哥華市警局幫忙尋找於1997年6月24日由台灣被拐藏到溫哥華後,至今失聯二十多年的三兒女並盼通知三兒女現時處境.  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/111546188

請求溫哥華市警局分派懂中文的警官幫忙尋找由台灣被拐藏到溫哥華二十多年的三兒女並盼通知三兒女現時處境. Requested the Vancouver City Police Department to dispatch police officers who understand Chinese to help find 3 children who had been transferred from Taiwan to Vancouver for more than20yrs and hoped to inform the 3 children of the current situation.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/111562880

The latest place to know that they were hidden was in the Gasin House in Vancouver 7270 Dow Ave, Burnaby, BC V5J 3X4.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/111562880 Asked the Vancouver City Police Department to dispatch "Chinese-speaking" police officers to help find three children who were still in hiding in Vancouver from Taiwan and have been hiding for more than 20 years & inform them of their current situation.  參予拐藏兒女她們的母親江明樺據說約5年多前癌症死亡前,已被藏二十多年的我三兒女身心有受咒詛捆綁,使我三兒女至今不開口與父親聯絡.. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/111186509 本將分離二十年多至今不聯絡的三兒女交託神,但近竟夢見她們正抱怨著我為何還不快去幫忙打破圍堵他們身心的高牆.



Thank you for contacting the Vancouver Police Department.

Unfortunately, I was only able to read the English portion of the text. Based on what

I read, it appears this is in relation to a Burnaby RCMP file. Your email has been f

orwarded to the Burnaby RCMP as well

as to Constable Morton, as he appears to have been the officer who investigated

the matter.

I’ve also included the Burnaby RCMP contact information below:

Address :6355 Deer Lake Avenue Burnaby, B.C V5G 2J2

Complaints & Non-Emergency Line: (Call 911 in an emergency)

Phone: 604-646-9999 ;Fax: 604-646-9704









地址:本拿比鹿湖大道6355號,B.C V5G 2J2




Asked the Vancouver City Police Department to dispatch "Chinese-speaking" police officers to help find three children who were still in hiding in Vancouver from Taiwan and have been hiding for more than 20 years & inform them of their current situation.  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/111562880 

請求溫哥華市警局分派"懂中文"的警官幫忙尋找由台灣被拐帶仍被藏匿溫哥華到現在20年多的三兒女並盼通知她們現時處境. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/111562880

To the Vancouver Police Department : 請求溫哥華市警局幫忙尋找於1997年6月24日由台灣被拐仍被藏匿到溫哥華後,至今失聯21年多的三兒女並盼通知三兒女現時處境.  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/111546188 

本想將分離21至今不聯絡的三兒女交託神,但近夢見她們正抱怨著我為何還不快去幫忙打破圍堵他們身心的高牆. http://blog.udn.com/alpineatks/111457100


敬致台灣總統蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen大鑒:最近知她們自台灣住家被拐帶到溫哥華已21多的三兒女們被藏匿地點 7270 Dow Ave, Burnaby, BC V5J 3X4,期盼台灣政府援助 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/111932750 ,祈助瞭解三兒女安危和我父子女四人再歡團聚,必感激不盡.  http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/111599012

Request immediately arrest-CANADA Vanouver Multiple Realty自稱溫哥華慈濟人通緝犯Paul Chang is wanted abduction of 3BC Canadian children. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12225067
Request arrest-USA-new-jersey/自稱溫哥華慈濟人通緝犯clark-chang is wanted abduction of 3BC Canadian children. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12224607
RCMP Detachment Cst Travis MORTON (travis.morton@rcmp-grc.gc.ca)investigating at the request of 17JAN2013.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12227853

I asked the Canadian government to help me reunite with the 3 children who were still hiding in 21years.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/111610690

最近知道她們自台灣被拐帶到溫哥華已分離21多三兒女的被藏匿新地點是在溫哥華加欣家庭旅館 7270 Dow Ave, Burnaby, BC V5J 3X4.Asked the Vancouver Police Department : 請求溫哥華市警局分派"懂中文"的警官幫忙尋找由台灣被拐帶仍被藏匿溫哥華到現在21多的三兒女並盼通知她們現時處境. 台灣新北市 許登昭:birth date: 1956/08/30請託盼請幫忙,感激不盡. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/111546188

Asked the Vancouver City Police Department to dispatch "Chinese-speaking" police officers to help find three children who were still in hiding in Vancouver from Taiwan and have been hiding for more than 21years & inform them of their current situation.
Asked immediately arrest-CANADA Vanouver Multiple Realty自稱溫哥華慈濟人北檢治偵張緝字第2803號犯惡意國際綁架幼童案的通緝犯Paul Chang is wanted abduction of 3BC Canadian children. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12225067 
 Asked  arrest-USA-new-jersey/自稱溫哥華慈濟人北檢治偵張緝字第2805犯惡意國際綁架幼童案的通緝犯clark-chang is wanted abduction of 3BC Canadian children.
Justin Trudeau: abduction of 3BC Canadian ;Arrest Vanouver Multiple Realty Paul Chang ;  Pseudo-witness information http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/111759154   Complain about the travis.morton in RCMP 拖延偵辦跨國誘拐幼童離家案而提出投訴 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/108508238   RCMP Detachment Cst Travis MORTON (travis.morton@rcmp-grc.gc.ca)investigating at the request of 17JAN2013.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12227853   

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Asked the Vancouver City Police Department
2018/06/10 06:32
Asked the Vancouver City Police Department to dispatch "Chinese-speaking" police officers to help find three children who were still in hiding in Vancouver from Taiwan and have been hiding for more than 20 years & inform them of their current situation.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/111562880

Thank you for contacting the Vancouver Police Department.
2018/04/18 12:35


Thank you for contacting the Vancouver Police Department.

Unfortunately, I was only able to read the English portion of the text. Based on what I read, it appears this is in relation to a Burnaby RCMP file. Your email has been forwarded to the Burnaby RCMP as well as to Constable Morton, as he appears to have been the officer who investigated the matter.

I’ve also included the Burnaby RCMP contact information below:
Address :6355 Deer Lake Avenue Burnaby, B.C V5G 2J2
Complaints & Non-Emergency Line: (Call 911 in an emergency)
Phone: 604-646-9999 ;Fax: 604-646-9704


This transmission may contain confidential or privileged communications, and the sender does not waive any related rights and obligations. If you are not the intended recipient and have received this in error, you must immediately destroy it. Unauthorized copying or distribution of any information herein is strictly prohibited and may constitute a criminal offence, a breach of Provincial or Federal privacy laws, or may otherwise result in legal sanctions. We ask that you notify the Vancouver Police Department immediately of any transmission received in error, by reply email to the sender.