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感官 ● 心
2011/09/18 17:54:47瀏覽2139|回應12|推薦88

辦公室裡許多同事都經常是戴著耳機聽自己喜歡的音樂上班。三年前,一位德國女同事給了三片網路下載的音樂CD,並且強調都是合法的音樂分享,沒有盜版及版權的問題。一直擺著,直到最近才不小心聽到其中的一曲,德國團體Cultured Pearls 的 Senses。真是驚為天人!

Senses是多年以來唯一聽到的如此感性得幾乎從每一個毛細孔直穿到心臟的歌。主唱兼歌詞作者Astrid North既低沉、又高亢、時而沙啞的聲音,即使在每週超市購物時,邊購物、邊聽,都能感覺到那一股難以抗拒的感性與性感。



Group: Cultured Peals
Vocals & Lyrics:  Astrid North



Cultured Pearls - Senses

With the memory of your good morning kiss, I wake up, only to find you going.

It seems only a minute ago we lay down next to each other or was it my imagination of togetherness for I didn't lie down alone.

(Are we all satisfied people?)

We are able to see so many things in our lives.

Our eyes are like sponges soak up whatever reaches their sight, always in search for the new.

Is it because our eyes are so full of impressions that all our senses are blinded?

(Close your eyes and feel my touch) as I enchanted your body with the softness of caress (make me dream so wanting) so wanting that when I wake up I only want you.

(Close your eyes and hear my voice) as I whisper sweetness in your ear.

As soon as the time our impressions melt us down away we look for each other and because our flooded eyes we speak words of misunderstanding and sometimes they stay days until we find each other.

(Are we all satisfied people?)

All of our senses are reduced to sight, feel, smell, hear.

Unfortunately we are disallowed the ability to use these features (when we should use).

I always dwelt upon them.

(Close your eyes and feel my touch) as I enchanted your body with the softness of the caress (make me dream so wanting) so wanting that when I wake up I only want you.

(Close your eyes and hear my voice) as I whisper sweetness in your ear.

Are we all satisfied people?

Are we all satisfied people?

Our eye has made us what we all really wished for.

Are we all satisfied people?

Our senses are from heart where they need to be seen.

(Close your eyes and feel my touch) as I enchanted your body with the softness of the caress (make me dream so wanting) so wanting that when I wake up I only want you.

(Close your eyes and hear my voice) as I whisper sweetness in your ear.

( 在地生活紐澳 )
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2011/09/19 08:57



Jacaranda(achou) 於 2011-09-19 09:02 回覆:

This is soul seeking!
Never mind....

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