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加拿大鄉村樂天后[仙妮亞唐恩]──[Home Ain't where His Heart Is (Anymore)]
2020/07/07 12:45:42瀏覽459|回應0|推薦12

加拿大鄉村樂天后[仙妮亞唐恩]──鄉村流行/抒情曲──[Home Aint where His Heart Is (Anymore)/他的心已不在家]

He knew how to reach me deep inside

And he found a part of me I could not hide

And wed walk and talk and touch tenderly

Then hed lay me down and make love to me

We built a love so strong it couldnt break

There was not a road we were afraid to take

And wed kiss all the way from Arkansas to Rome

Cause in each others arms we were home sweet home

But he dont feel the same

Since our lives became

Years of bills, babies and chains

Home aint where his heart is anymore

He may hang his hat behind our bedroom door

But he dont lay his head down to love me like before

Home aint where his heart is anymore

If foundations made of stone can turn to dust

Then the hardest hearts of steel can turn to rust

If he could only find that feeling once again

If we could only change the way the story ends

And he may still come home

But I live here alone

The love that built these walls is gone

Home aint where his heart is anymore

He may hang his hat behind our bedroom door

But he dont lay his head down to love me like before

He dont lay his head down to love me like before

Home aint where his heart is anymore

No, home aint where his heart is



1995年2月 29歲半的加拿大鄉村樂歌手仙妮亞唐恩(Shania Twain)推出個人第二張大碟〔The Woman in Me〕(Mercury出版)


首支單曲[Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under]打出知名度(加拿大鄉村榜冠軍, 美國鄉村榜#11/金唱片)

接下來五首主皆成功(五首加拿大鄉村榜冠軍, 四首美國鄉村榜冠軍)

專輯也登上美/加專輯榜Top10, 美/加鄉村榜冠軍, 熱賣數白金

名列1995年加拿大年度專輯#8 副榜-鄉村專輯榜亞軍

1995年美國年度專輯#19 Billboard副榜-鄉村專輯榜亞軍


1996年2月, 30歲半的唐恩推出第七首單曲[Home Aint where His Heart Is (Anymore)/他的心已不在家]

仍舊是由夫妻──唐恩跟Robert John Mutt Lange共同創作


在柔緩的節奏間, 仙妮亞的演繹惆悵迷人

MV選在加拿大魁北克拍攝, 以黑白攝影

( If You’re Not in it for love)I’m Outta Here!]成為登上加拿大鄉村榜#7(1996年度#80)──這是她本輯首支未封后的主打

在美國 只拿到Billboard副榜-鄉村歌曲榜#28──這是她本輯首支未入Top20的主打

雖然成績差強人意, 但讓大碟繼續盤旋在排行榜 本年銷售更佳

最後名列1996年加拿大年度專輯#24 但副榜-鄉村專輯榜冠軍 至今賣出200萬張以上, 取得雙鑽石唱片

1996年美國年度專輯#6 Billboard副榜-鄉村專輯榜冠軍 至今賣出1200萬張以上, 取得鑽石唱片










(Radio Edit)



"Regis & Kathie Lee" 1996 Interview & "Home Aint Where His Heart Is"




( 休閒生活音樂 )
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