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美國鄉村樂女王[桃莉芭頓]&[史摩基羅賓森]──[I Know You By Heart/我從心認識你]
2020/05/23 00:07:11瀏覽443|回應0|推薦12

美國鄉村樂女王[桃莉芭頓]&非裔靈魂樂歌手[史摩基羅賓森]──流行抒情曲──[I Know You By Heart/我從心認識你]

Everybody wants to find a love

Somebody, somebody who will always care

We get locked up in our own worlds

With feelings and secrets were afraid to share

But all I have to do is see you smile

And maybe, just maybe if I brush your hand

Something happens, I cannot explain

And somehow, oh, somehow I can understand

I, I think youre gonna find

Gonna find you, gonna find you

Im reading your mind

I know you by heart

And youre so much a part of me

I know you by heart, yes, I do

Its no wonder I can love you the way that I do

I can finish any sentence you start

I know you, I know you by heart

I know every time youre gonna call

I pick up the phone before it ever rings

And when you need some lovin

Ill be there beside you, anticipating everything

Oh, its like I always said

Youre the one I want

All I want is you

Im inside your head

I know you by heart

Girl, youre so much a part of me

I know you by heart, yes, I do

Its no wonder I can love you the way that I do

I can finish any sentence you start

I know you, I know you by heart

Its no wonder I can love you the way that I do

I can finish any sentence you start

I know you, I know you by heart

I know you by heart

And youre so much a part of me

I know you by heart, I know you, I know you, I know you

Its no wonder I can love you the way that I do

I can finish any sentence you start

I know you, I know you by


1980年代中期 由於鄉村基本歌迷不滿其曲風過度流行 美國鄉村樂天后桃莉芭頓(Dolly Parton)唱片銷售逐漸下滑

1987年 桃莉離開合作長達近20年的RCA唱片 跳槽到哥倫比亞公司(Columbia)

3月先與琳達朗絲黛(Linda Ronstadt) 艾蜜莉哈理斯(Emmylous Harris)完成十年前約定的夢想

推出華納(艾蜜莉.哈理斯的唱片公司)發行的三人合唱大碟〔Trio〕 大為成功 登上鄉村榜冠軍  拿到白金唱片 並有兩首單曲封后 暫時振興芭頓事業



1987年11月 桃莉推出在哥倫比亞旗下的首張專輯〔Rainbow〕 由Steve "Gold-E" Goldstein製作


但樂評價不佳 加上三首單曲反應冷淡,  導致大碟只拿到流行專輯榜#153


且沒有任何單曲打入鄉村榜Top40 創下事業最低點



首支主打[The River Unbroken]並沒打入Billboard單曲榜, 只拿到副榜──Billboard鄉村歌曲榜#63,這是20年來桃莉名次最低首單

1988年2月, 42歲的芭頓推出第二單曲──與非裔靈魂樂歌手史摩基·羅賓森(Smokey Robinson)合唱的[I Know You By Heart/我從心認識你]

此曲由George Merrill&Shannon Rubicam&Dean Pitchford譜寫

被製作成一首流行抒情曲, 旋律柔美, 桃莉與史摩基的對唱浪漫多情

[I Know You By Heart]並沒打入Billboard單曲榜或鄉村榜, 只拿到副榜──成人抒情榜#22

在芭頓眾多金曲中名氣不高, 卻是首動聽的情歌佳作













( 休閒生活音樂 )
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