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美國流行女皇[瑪丹娜]的經典之作──R&B/流行抒情曲──[Take a Bow/謝幕]
2020/05/07 12:25:03瀏覽485|回應0|推薦15

美國流行女皇[瑪丹娜]的經典之作──R&B/流行抒情曲──[Take a Bow/謝幕]


Take a bow, the night is over

This masquerade is getting older

Light are low, the curtains down

Theres no one here (Theres no one here, theres no one in the crowd)

Say your lines but do you feel them

Do you mean what you say when theres no one around (No one around)

Watching you, watching me,

One lonely star (One lonely star you dont know who you are)

Ive always been in love with you (Always with you)

I guess youve always known its true (You know its true)

You took my love for granted, why oh why

The show is over, say good-bye

Say good-bye (Bye bye), say good-bye

Make them laugh, it comes so easy

When you get to the part

Where youre breaking my heart (Breaking my heart)

Hide behind your smile,

All the world loves a clown (Just make em smile the whole world loves a clown)

Wish you well, I cannot stay

You deserve an award for the role that you played (Role that you played)

No more masquerade,

Youre one lonely star (One lonely star and you dont know who you are)

Ive always been in love with you (Always with you)

I guess youve always known its true (You know its true)

You took my love for granted, why oh why

The show is over, say good-bye

Ive always been in love with you (Always with you)

I guess youve always known its true (You know its true)

You took my love for granted, why oh why

The show is over, say good-bye

Say good-bye (Bye bye), say good-bye

All the world is a stage (World is a stage)

And everyone has their part (Has their part)

But how was I to know which way the storyd go

How was I to know youd break (Youd break, youd break, youd break)

Youd break my heart

Ive always been in love with you (Ive always been in love with you)

Guess youve always known

You took my love for granted, why oh why

The show is over, say good-bye

Ive always been in love with you (Always with you)

I guess youve always known its true (You know its true)

You took my love for granted, why oh why

The show is over, say good-bye

Say good-bye (Bye bye), say good-bye

Say good-bye



1994年秋天 美國流行天后瑪丹娜(Madonna)推出第六張錄音室大碟[Bedtime Storie/枕邊故事](Maverick/Sire/Warner Bros發行)

為了讓風更主流, 邀來Dallas Austin, Babyface, Dave "Jam" Hall, and Nellee Hooper與她合作, 結果製作出一張流行/R&B曲風的專輯





首支主打[Secret/秘密]登上美國Billboard單曲榜#3 英國#5 各地反應良好

1994年12月, 瑪丹娜推出第二主打[Take a Bow/謝幕]

此曲由她與娃娃臉(Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds)合寫, 並共同製作成一首R&B/流行抒情曲

旋律悅耳, 詮釋也溫婉細膩

娜姐也在西班牙龍達(Ronda)拍攝一支以鬥牛士為主題的MV, 扮演被情人忽視的女子

[Take a Bow]推出後逛受歡迎, 登上美國Billboard單曲榜后座 成為瑪丹娜第十首冠軍 並蟬聯七週──也是娜姐事業最長

銷售逾萬張, 拿到金唱片 1995年終單曲名列#8/1990年代單曲#24



[Take a Bow]讓大碟持續盤桓在專輯榜Top20


但在英國卻是另一番風景, 只登上英國單曲榜#16(11萬張) 終結瑪丹娜連續35首Top10單曲的紀錄


義大利亞軍 芬蘭#3 瑞士#8(1995年終#37) 紐西蘭#9 挪威#13 澳大利亞#15 愛爾蘭#17 德國#18(1995年終#73) 比利時/瑞典#19 奧地利#22 法國#25 荷蘭#34


波蘭電台榜冠軍 冰島電台榜#11

1995年MTV錄影帶音樂獎, 拿到最佳女藝人MV/提名最佳錄影帶藝術指導



[Bedtime Storie/枕邊故事]登上美國Billboard專輯榜#3 是瑪丹娜自1984年[Like A Virgin]大紅後事業名次最低的錄音室大碟(其它皆是冠亞軍)

不過在前兩首強勢單曲的支撐下, 在排行榜Top20盤旋數月, 銷售超過上張亞軍專輯[Erotica/情慾](美國200萬張, 全球600萬張), 最後在美國拿到三白金(300萬張) 名列1995年終專輯#28

英國榜亞軍(1994年終#24) 白金(30萬張+)

德國榜#4(1995年終#25) 白金(50萬張+)

法國榜亞軍(1994年終#44) 白金(50萬張+)

澳洲榜冠軍(1994年終#36/1995年終#50) 2白金(50萬張+)

加拿大榜#4(1994年終#48) 2白金(20萬張+)

歐洲榜亞軍(1994年終#49/1995年終#33) 2白金(200萬張+)


無論單曲或MV  [Take a Bow]皆是瑪丹娜的經典之作




Album Version




Live American Music Awards 1995



(Wetten Dass Germany)










Silky Soul Mix


InDaSoul Mix



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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