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美國歌壇巨星[芭芭拉史翠珊]事業早期低點─流行抒情曲─[Little Tin Soldier/小錫兵]
2019/07/22 12:47:17瀏覽294|回應0|推薦6

美國歌壇巨星[芭芭拉史翠珊]事業早期低點──流行抒情曲──[Little Tin Soldier/小錫兵]


Little tin soldier they gave you an innocent gun

And then they welded your hand in place

And then they put black paint in your eyes

They made you smaller than life-size

And they threw rocks at you

And chipped your pretty coat

When they knew you had to wear that coat forever

Little tin soldier they neglected to give you a tongue

They fixed your legs so you could not run

And then they put you in boxes and sold you

None of them ever wanted to hold you

They just set fire to you

And singed your gallant plume

And they made you lie in boxes all together

And from the tiny dark glass

Of all those tiny prisons

I can hear tin soldiers singing

With the silence of their fears

Let it not rain tomorrow

So they will stay outdoors

Let it not rain tomorrow

So they will stay outdoors

I can hear tin soldiers singing

With the silence of their fears

Dont let it rain tomorrow

So they will stay outdoors

Dont let it rain tomorrow

So they will stay outdoors

Let it not rain tomorrow

So they will stay outdoors

Dont let it rain tomorrow

So they will stay outdoors.....

Songwriters: JIMMY WEBB

Little Tin Soldier lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group


1969年7月 27歲的美國歌壇巨星芭芭拉.史翠珊(Barbra Streisand)發行大碟[What About Today?](哥倫比亞唱片出版)

由Wally Gold製作 

這是她首度嘗試灌錄當代流行曲風, 可是銷售不佳





1969年7月 就在專輯發行同時, 史翠珊推出第三主打[Little Tin Soldier/小錫兵]

此曲由名詞曲家吉米韋伯(Jimmy Webb)譜寫 

Wally Gold將其製作一首流行抒情曲 Peter Matz編曲 

以鋼琴伴奏輕吟, 逐漸走向高潮

雖然歌曲動聽, 但依舊沒出現在Billboard單曲榜, 連一向支持她的副榜Easy Listening

導致大碟銷售失利, 成為史翠珊音樂事業早期的低點













( 休閒生活音樂 )
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