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美國鄉村樂天后[桃莉芭頓]──鄉村流行+House舞曲──[Peace Train/和平列車]
2019/07/04 12:44:24瀏覽403|回應0|推薦12

美國鄉村樂天后[桃莉芭頓]&英國歌手[卡特史蒂文斯]的交集──鄉村流行+House舞曲──[Peace Train/和平列車]



Now Ive been happy lately

Thinking about the good things to come

And I believe it could be

Something good has begun


Oh, Ive been smiling lately

Dreaming about the world as one

And I believe it could be

Someday its going to come


Cause out on the edge of darkness

There rides a peace train

Peace train take this country

Come take me home again


Now Ive been smiling lately

Thinking about the good things to come

And I believe it could be

Something good has begun


Peace train sounding louder

Ride on the peace train


Come on peace train

Peace train holy roller

Everyone jump on the peace train


Come on peace train


Get your bags together

Go bring all your good friends, too

Cause its getting nearer

Soon it will be with you


Now come and join the living

Its not so far from you

And its getting nearer

Soon it will all be true


Peace train sounding louder

Ride on the peace train


Come on peace train

Peace train holy roller

Everyone jump on the peace train


Come on peace train


Now Ive been crying lately

Thinking about the world as it is

Why must we go on hating

Why cant we live in bliss


Cause out on the edge of darkness

There rides a peace train

Where peace train take this country

Come take me home again


Peace train sounding louder

Ride on the peace train


Come on peace train

Peace train holy roller

Everyone jump on the peace train


Come on peace train


Peace train is sounding louder

Ride on the peace train


Come on peace train

Peace train holy roller

Jump up on the peace train

Ride - ride on the peace train




1996年9月 50歲半的美國鄉村樂波霸天后桃莉芭頓(Dolly Parton)發行第34張大碟[Treasures/寶藏](Blue Eye Rising Tide唱片出版)

由Steve Buckingham製作


樂評中等 商業反應則不佳

只拿到Billboard專輯榜#122 副榜-鄉村榜#21

單曲表現亦不佳, 首支主打[Just When I Needed You Most/正當我最需要你時]只拿到Billboard鄉村榜#62


1997年2月, 桃莉推出第二主打[Peace Train/和平列車]

此乃翻唱英國歌手卡特·史蒂文斯(Cat Stevens)譜寫, 1971年推出的暢銷曲

芭頓版則走鄉村流行樂風, 並由南非男性合唱團Ladysmith Black Mambazo合聲

桃莉細緻嗓音與豐厚合聲形成兩部合唱, 頗獲好評


MV由歌壇天后瑪丹娜的弟弟Christopher Ciccone執導

[Peace Train]打進Billboard單曲榜外的#119 這是她在1990年代除[Romeo]外, 在流行界相對較佳的一首

主因是唱片公司邀請Junior Vasquez等人製作數個混音版在舞廳宣傳, 獲得不錯反應

打進Billboard副榜──舞曲播放榜Top10 成為桃莉在這個範疇最成功的單曲







1996 Dolly Parton - Peace Train fea. Ladysmith Black Mambazo



Junior Vasquez Extended Club Mix



Holy Roller Radio Edit



Holy Roller Mix Extended




( 休閒生活音樂 )
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