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Lenka-Shock Me Into Love
2012/02/03 13:43:48瀏覽261|回應0|推薦0

Just when you think that it will never get you
It comes and throws a lightning bolt right at you
Before you know it now your pulse starts racing
And now your blood is running hot like crazy
Oh give it everything everything that you've got
Oh give it everything everything that you've got

No I never knew that I could feel this way
No I never had it running through my veins
No I never thought that it could be enough
Suddenly you you shock me into love

It's waiting for you right around the corner
It doesn't have the decency to warn ya
It comes along and taps you on the shoulder
You fall the arms that now will hold ha
Oh give it everything everything that you've got
Oh give it everything everything that you've got

No I never knew that I could feel this way
No I never had it running through my veins
No I never thought that it could be enough
Suddenly you you shock me into love

Electricity shoots from you to me

Electricity shoots from you to me

No I never knew that I could feel this way
No I never had it running through my veins
No I never thought that it could be enough
Suddenly you you shock me into love
No I never knew that I could feel this way
No I never had it running through my veins
No I never thought that it could be enough
Suddenly you you shock me into love

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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