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what kind of mill is suitable for talc powder
2020/07/01 13:36:07瀏覽50|回應0|推薦0

In fact, the selection of suitable talc powder production vertical mill, need to know in advance the grinding needs of customers, only to understand the needs can we choose the appropriate equipment.

In the production of talc powder, SBM talc vertical roller mill can be used. It integrates roll compaction, grinding, impact and other comprehensive mechanical grinding properties. It has high productivity and low energy consumption. It is innovative vertical mill with remarkable advantages.

what's the price of vertical roller mill? What about the price of talc vertical roller mill? Many customers who are familiar with the powder field know that only the tailor-made selection and configuration is more reasonable, and the price of vertical roller mill is more appropriate.

Therefore, SBM team will have in-depth discussions and communication with talc customers, understand the grinding demand, formulate reasonable selection scheme, and equip more scientific price of talc ultra-fine grinding.

Raymond mill: https://www.gravelmill.com/product/grinding/raymond-mill.html

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