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CCYA攝理三十課論~~The 30 Lessons Answered my Questions
2008/03/06 17:30:01瀏覽1495|回應0|推薦4

Written by SM   
Thursday, 17 January 2008 09:51

I remember studying the Bible since before I could even read.  My earliest memories are of my mother reading it aloud and explaining the stories to me. Later, when I learned to read for myself, I read all 700 pages of a children’s Bible from beginning to end.  

I’ve continued to study the Bible all throughout my life, never once passing up a chance to take part in a Bible study that was offered to me.  I’ve always been hungry for answers, and often sought them from people whom I perceived had a better understanding of the Bible than me. I even remember watching several documentaries about how the Bible was formed.

In my personal research I found many answers to fundamental questions about the Bible. Yet, until discovering the 30 Lessons I have to admit that none of them ever rang with a definitive truth that satisfied my spiritual thirst.

I was introduced to the 30 Lessons when I was in my early 20’s.  I had been teaching various Bible studies and giving theology study lectures to junior high school students at my church.  When I started studying the 30 Lessons I was surprised to discover that I had been reading many Bible stories on a superficial level. I have to admit also that some of them never even made real sense to me, because I hadn’t thought through them realistically.

The 30 Lessons brought my ignorance to light very quickly. Nearly every interpretation of Scripture taught in the 30 Lessons is clear and simple it perplexed me as to why I had never realized it before.  After two lessons I was determined to read the Bible from beginning to end all over again; I was inspired to turn over every stone and uncover all the hidden truths throughout the Bible.  

It was after learning less than half of the lessons that I decided in my heart that if I was one day able to teach the 30 Lessons for the remainder of my life, then I could live with contentment knowing I had lived a truly meaningful life pursuing truth.  Honestly speaking, by the end of the 30 Lessons all of my previous questions about the Bible had been answered.

I pondered the secrets of the Bible nearly constantly. In all of the high school and college classes I took I constantly made the effort to connect my studies and the stories contained in the Bible. For that reason, I believe that God gave me some very insightful realizations throughout life.  But, as I learned the 30 Lessons I saw that my own revelations accounted for only 5-10% of what the 30 Lessons had revealed to me.  Still, this gave me confidence in faith, and I felt very comfortable studying the entire 30 Lessons because I knew how to test and approve new concepts through prayer and study.

It was not until the end of the 30 Lessons that some of my long held beliefs were challenged.  At that moment I realized truly why the writers of the Old Testament as well as the New Testament ask readers not to harden their hearts.  The 30 Lessons is rock solid in that it references so many Scriptures, and cites so many occurrences in history, while using logical reasoning and science to support the major points of teaching.  What I had formerly believed in was far less biblically accurate; I came to believe as most members of Providence do: that every single word of the Bible is true, but it is man’s perspective that distorts it.  

The experience for me was one of the greatest in my life because I had already spent most of my life seeking such answers.  The 30 Lessons was truly a hidden treasure.  Since learning the 30 Lessons I have been living my life according to the principles that it teaches.  It is by putting them to action that I have seen that they are not simply theory but in actuality the laws of God, as true and inescapable as gravity.  

I have also come to understand what Jesus went through in his life much more deeply.  My heart is so much closer to the Lord, and I am so grateful to live with such an understanding. To anyone who wants to know more about the fundamentals of life and the truths of the Bible, I highly recommend that you study the 30 Lessons.

文章來源:    http://providencetrial.com/testimonies/16/74-the-30-lessons-answered-my-questions.html

好文分享:  http://blog.udn.com/iamgogo/1651752


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