I fell asleep, Methought I was asleep. With my eyes closed, I could see worlds Obscure worlds Distinctive worlds Intangible worlds Worlds Out of reach no matter how close Worlds breeding worlds Over the big red rock amongst the black and
white waves. I woke up Methought I was awake. With my eyes opened, I could see this world This world An other world Another and another World without prototype I could see it I could not see it. Something is being disjoined Something being merged Something no longer differentiated. I could not see it But no, I saw it I found it The Difference! I crossed it out And I fell asleep. When I was awake, I could fall asleep. When I was asleep, methought I was asleep. But I was Awake… And it’s time to sleep. But I should be sleeping now. The clock is clicking. The hand of hours moving further Deeper My eyes are numbed The hazy sky of yet another nervous night Trash and experimental jet No star. One weekend past, with another soon to come. It surely will come. The hand of hours pointing to another
direction Opposite direction Wrong direction. A backward clock begins to click.