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2007/02/17 11:15:01瀏覽434|回應0|推薦2

-查理斯堡 動畫組 查理斯 製  (看完影片可以繼續聽背景音樂喔)


(Woo-Gong along with his pet rabbit is cutting a big tree.)

Woo-gong: I..I'mm ggg..good at cc...cutting trees.  I..If yyou nn..need ssomeone to cc...cut your trees, cc...call me at this tt...toll free number 08003334, oh eight hundred tree tree tree fall.

(Julieet arrives at the Mars in her rocket with the Magic Ball.)

Julieet: (surprised) Aren't you Woo-gong? Aren't you supposed to be cutting trees on the moon instead of here?!

Woo-gong: Oh, JJ...Julieet.  I am the tt...true Romeo you've been lookkking for~

Julieet: Eww~ my goodness!  You are fat and ugly.  You even stttammer badly!  You are not my Prince Charming.  You are Prince Ugly to me.  Something must have gone terribly wrong with the Magic Ball...

Woo-gong: (Throws away his axe) Come on, baby.  Kiss~kiss~kiss~

Julieet: Ah.. Don't you touch me!  Somebody, help!!

(Woo-gong lifts Juileet and lived happily ever after.)

Black genie: The saying goes well "Pride goes before the fall." (takes off his mask and reveals the face of the Queen) Make sure you take the wiser's advice, or you will end up in great misery.

==以上動畫之音樂使用純屬學術性質, 無商業用途.==


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