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天主教輔仁大學大眾傳播學研究所研究生:陳俊穎 撰以經營者觀點探討石門水庫周邊
2012/07/24 23:01:16瀏覽1141|回應0|推薦1




指導教授:陳桓敦 老師








A study in proprietor' point of view of B&B types and business strategies surrounding Shimen Reservoir 

研究生:陳俊穎 撰








研 究 生 :陳俊穎













指導老師:                  開南大學觀光與餐飲旅館系副教授兼系主任







研究生  :陳俊穎



      A study in proprietor' point of view of B&B types and

  business strategies surrounding Shimen Reservoir






桃園最美麗的後花園是石門水庫,因為山區風景秀麗的緣故,也是桃園縣最重要的光觀地區,石門水庫位於大漢溪中上游,地處桃園縣大溪鎮與龍潭鄉、復興鄉、新竹縣關西鎮之間,由於溪口處有雙峰對峙狀若石門,故而得名。石門水庫周邊民宿有慈恩民宿、CountryCountry 民宿、1213民宿農莊、溪景渡假山莊 、峽湖休閒山莊、月光河谷休閒農場、東眼山農場、達觀農場、綠光森林、北橫之星渡假民宿、侑德園、馬告山莊民宿、賽德克之戀山莊、傑西民宿河岸童話森林、福緣山莊、象山農場、喜來登農莊、景仁山莊、雲自在森林咖啡民宿、石門民宿、義和農場民宿等20多家。文創產業的發展是透過地方和社區經營的特色,結合藝術文化,給予更多的附近價值,聯合民宿業者的力量,經過落實民宿經營行銷和管理方式,建立地方品牌的口碑。因此,本研究試圖以文化創意概念結合石門水庫周邊民宿的經營管理與整合性行銷,更了解石門水庫周邊民宿業者目前的發展情形、有何類型?如何結合文化創意產業進行行銷?並透過設計訪談大綱進行深度訪談及親身觀察和體驗,根據訪談內容分析整理歸納水庫周邊民宿的類型,與文化創意產業的結合和行銷手法,最後提出結果分析和建言。




Shimen Reservoir is the most beautiful garden of Taoyuan County, because of its scenery, it is also the most important scenic spot in Taoyuan. Shimen Reservoir is located near the midstream of Da-han Stream, between Taoyuan County's Dasi, Longtan, Fusing Town and Hsinchu County’s Kansai town. It is named by the two peaks faceing each other like the rock door at the estuary. There are more than 20 B&Bs around the Shimen Reservoir, like Cien, Country Country, 1213 Farm, Sheraton Farm…etc.

The development of the cultural and creative industry combines the art and culture to manage the local and community business, it could accumulate the value to establish the local brand through the marketing and management way of B&B. Therefore, this research focuses on the cultural and creative concept to combine the B&B Integrated marketing communications and management around Shimen Reservoir, and understanding the type of the present development of the surrounding B&B at Shimen Reservoir. How do they combine the cultural and creative industry to run the marketing?

I designed the survey and experienced by myself. I analysed all the information I got, then I proposed according to the result.

In 2002, Executive Yuan put the tourism and leisure industry into the one of the cultural and creative industries in the national development key plan in the year of 2008. B&B is one of the chains of the tourism and leisure industry.It can not only introduce local culture to the travelers during the accommodations, but also bring the travelers to experience the local culture deeply. Simply speaking, B&B can spread, enhance and glorify the local culture. It has the common characters as the cultural and creative industry. In the future, the B&B should ally with cultural and creative industry in order to transform in to unique, and potential ones.

There are some conclusions in this research:

1The managing situation of surrounding B&B at Shimen Reservoir has been developed maturely gradually. It is in the middle period of B&B development.Around the reservoir bed and breakfasts development in early infancy, is the passenger travel demand factors derived generally houses provides paid lodging business model; Secondly, the stages of growth in the medium term B & B, some B & B industry has been the brand name, but still only focus on providingbasic needs and mode of operation of the equipment; now, more than half of B & B industry towards a diversified business model, the business philosophy of service by the characteristics of the items is expected to create a more competitive business scope of cultural and creative B & B

2In using the natural resources,it’s better to use the forest to build the leisure farm style of B&B which can look down at the reservoir.

3The motivation of the owner of B&B can be classified into four types: following God’s will, searching for the ideal, couple management and opportunistic part-time management. There are three type of operating B&B: full-time management, family-run and run the business with relatives and friends. There are four levels of B&B: cultural and creative B&B, lower-price B&B and high-price B&B.

4The surrounding B&B at the reservoir do really combine with cultural and creative activities by themselves, because they know the cultural and creative industry very well. They used to have lots of the water sport and fishing during the summer time. And They only cooperate with the local government to hold the cultural and creative activities.

5Although the surrounding B&B use a lot of Integrated Marketing, they use the blog or website to promote their business very well, especially during low season. It’s a pity they do not use the Trivia Game, agricultural product diy activity or the cultural and creative art activities.     

 I am an owner of B&B, also a graduate student. my view is that B & B is a form of the cultural and creative industry, these two are closely related. If we develope B & B's cultural and creative well, the tourism industry will be more developed.

Keywords】:Integrated marketing communications, Characteristic B&B, Simple B&B, Quality B&B




























 陳俊穎僅誌  20125


( 在地生活桃竹苗 )
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