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‹‹  WEEK 11 — DAY 2  ›› 
Morning Nourishment

Heb. 11:7 "By faith Noah, having been divinely instructed concerning things not yet seen and being moved by pious fear, prepared an ark for the salvation of his house, through which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith."

    Faith is not something produced out from ourselves. Faith is something of God that is transfused into our being. The more we touch the throne of God and the more we look to the Lord, the more we are transfused and infused with all that He is. When He is transfused and infused into our being, His very divine element infused within us becomes our faith. When you touch the throne of grace and are transfused with God, you will believe in God spontaneously. There is no need for you to strive to believe in Him. Once God's element has been infused into you, something within you springs up to believe in Him....We do not know how to believe, and we cannot believe. However, if you simply come to the throne of grace, looking unto Him, touching Him, and finding grace, you will be infused with the believing God. He will believe in and for you. He will be your faith. (Life-study of Genesis, p. 378)

Today's Reading

     Like his great-grandfather Enoch (Gen. 5:22-24), Noah walked with God by faith (Heb. 11:7), which was God's divine element transfused and infused into him to be his believing ability (Rom. 3:22 and footnote). As a result, he became heir of God's righteousness (cf. Rom. 4:3, 9) and a herald of righteousness (2 Pet. 2:5) as a protest against the evil generation. Noah's righteousness strengthened God's standing to execute His judgment upon that ungodly generation. (Gen. 6:9, footnote 1)

     As a continuation of Enoch, Noah not only walked with God (Gen. 6:9), but went further and worked with God according to God's salvation (Gen. 6:14)....God wants to build up the ark for His testimony. He would not do it by Himself directly. He would only build up the ark through the persons who are His co-workers. The co-workers of God must be co-walkers. If you do not walk with God, you can never work with God. Are you building up the local church? That is wonderful! But you have to walk with God.

     The ark built by Noah was a type, not of a historical Christ, but of a present Christ....We are building up a practical and present Christ to be a salvation, not only to ourselves, but also to others. The local churches are building up the ark for the salvation of so many others, because we are now in a common interest with God.

     God carries out His dispensation that He might be dispensed into all His people. At least a little bit of the divine nature was dispensed into Adam. More was dispensed into Abel. Still more was dispensed into Enosh and into Enoch. A greater portion was dispensed into Noah so that he could become a co-worker of God. He could have a common interest with God. Are you not today's Noah? You have to say, Yes! Why? Because first you got fallen, and then you got redeemed. Then you got brought back to God, and today you are calling on His name. You also are walking with Him and working with Him. What is your interest today? I have the assurance that deep within you there is the conviction that your interest today is common with God. Your interest is just God's interest. This is why you would forget about so many
other things except the church life. You love the church life because God is for the church, and the church is God's interest. You are one with God, so His interest is your interest. This means you are today's Noah. Eventually Noah with his entire family entered into the ark, entered into what he had worked for God and with God (Gen. 7:7) to be kept away from the judgment of death-water. Today we should follow the same steps, not only to work with God, but to enter into what we have worked with God and for God, that we may enjoy the practical and present Christ and be kept away from the judgment of death. (The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity, pp. 21-23)

Further Reading: The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity, ch. 2; Life-study of 1 & 2 Samuel, msg. 30

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