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第一篇 神的國—神聖生命的範圍以及神聖種類的範圍 讀經:約三5~6,十八36,一12~13,彼後一4 【週 一】 壹 神的國是神聖生命的範圍—約三3,5,15~16,十八36,一12~13: 一 新約把神的生命看作『那生命』,也就是說,惟有神的生命纔真正是生命,1並且能算是生命—弗四18。 二 主耶穌來,是要叫我們得生命,為此祂捨去祂的魂生命,好將祂裏面的神聖生命釋放出來,並且在祂的復活裏,將神聖的生命分賜到神所揀選並救贖的人裏面—太十六24~26,路九24~25。 三 神的國是由神的生命所構成的生機體,作為神施行管治的範圍,在其中祂以祂的生命掌權,並在神聖生命裏彰顯祂自己這神聖的三一—約三5,十第1~8,26。 四 神的國乃是神在基督裏作生命連同其一切活動的總和—十一25,十10下,十四6。 【週 二】 五 進入神的國惟一的路,乃是接受神作生命並得着神自己;這就是重生—三5,15,約壹五11~12: 1 神的國是神聖的範圍,人必須有神聖的生命纔能進入;因此,我們要看見或進入神的國,神的要求是必須重生—約三3,5。 2 藉着重生,我們就接受神聖的生命(神的生命),所以重生是進神國的惟一入口—3,5,15節。 3 我們已經生入神的國,現今那在我們靈裏神聖的生命認識神的國—5~6節。 【週 三】 六 生命的感覺就是在我們裏面之神聖生命的感覺、知覺—羅八6,弗四18~19: 1 生命感覺的源頭是神聖的生命、生命的律、聖靈、住在我們裏面的基督、以及在我們裏面運行的神—羅八2,10~11,腓二13。 2 生命的感覺與死的感覺和生命平安的感覺都有關聯—羅八6,賽二六3。 【週 四】 3 生命的感覺使我們知道我們是活在天然的生命裏,或和活在神聖的生命裏;也使我們知道我們是活在肉體裏,或活在靈裏—羅八6。 4 我們活接枝的生命,該按照生命的原則,而不按照對錯的原則—創二 9,16~17,林後十一2~3。 5 我們若要跟隨生命的感覺,就需要過平靜、穩定、不急促的生活,在神聖三一的分賜之下過平常的日子—約十四27,十六33,帖前五23,帖後三16,賽三十15,三第17。 6 生命的感覺引導我們,支配我們,管制我們,並指引我們—路一79,羅三17,箴二一1。 【週 五】 七 信徒藉着信入子,得了神聖的生命,神聖的生命是在子裏面,而子就是生命;並且信徒藉着從神生,就從那靈而生—約三 6。 八 信徒不是在神之外,在自己裏面有生命,乃是在與主生機的聯結裏纔有生命;也就是說,他們惟有在基督裏纔有生命—十五4~5,羅八2。 九 信徒裏面神聖的生命,乃是基督身體的生命,因此這不是個人的生命,而是團體的生命,就是基督作身體的生命,在身體裏為信徒所經歷並享受—林前十二26~27,西三4。 十 信徒將經歷並享受神的生命,直到永遠—啟二二2。 十一 在神聖的生命中長大,就是神成分的加多,基督身量的增長,以及聖靈地位的開展—弗四15~16。 十二 在神聖生命中的長大,乃是人成分的減少,天然生命的破碎,以及魂的各部分被征服—彼前二2,彼後三18,西二19。 【週 六】 貳 神的國不僅是神聖生命和神聖管治的範圍,也是神聖種類的範圍,在其中有一切神聖的事物—約三3,5,十八36: 一 在約翰三章,神的國指神的種類,多過於指神的掌權。 二 神成第人,進到人的種類裏;而人在生命和性情上(但不在神格上)成為神,進到神聖的種類裏—一1,12~14,彼後一4。 三 要進入這個神聖的範圍,就是神聖種類的範圍,我們就必須從神而生,有神聖的生命和神聖的性情—約一12~13,三3,5~6,彼後一4: 1 神造人,不是照着人的類,乃是按着神的形像,照着祂的樣式造的,使人成了神的類,神的種類—創一26。 2 信徒藉嫬重生由神而生,成為祂的兒女,有祂的生命和性情,但無分於祂的神格;他們比亞當更從神類—約一12~13: a 亞當只有神外面的樣子,而沒有神裏面的實際—12~14節。 b 我們是基督裏的信徒和神的兒女,有神聖生命的實際,並且全人正被變化並模成主的形像—林後三18,羅十第2,八29。 c 我們的第二次出生,重生,使我們得進神的國,成為神的種類—約三3,5~6。 d 神所有的兒女都是在神聖種類的神聖範圍裏—一12~13,三3,5。 e 信徒是在神聖種類裏(也就是在神國裏)的神人—約壹三1上,約一12~13,三3,5。 四 在約翰福音裏,我們看見信徒活在神的國這神聖種類範圍裏的各面: 1 『從祂的豐滿裏我們都領受了,並且恩上加恩』—一16。 2 『我所賜的水,要在他裏面成為泉源,直湧入永遠的生命』—四14下。 3 『那喫我的人,也要因我活着』—六 57下。 4 『我愛你們,正如父愛我一樣;你們要住在我的愛裏』—十五9。 5 『這些事我已經對你們說了,是要叫我的喜樂可以在你們裏面,並叫你們的喜樂可以滿足』—11節。 6 『行真理的必來就光,要顯明他的行第是在神裏面行的』—三21。 7 『時候將到,如今就是了,那真正敬拜父的,要在靈和真實裏敬拜祂,因為父尋找這樣敬拜祂的人。神是靈;敬拜祂的,必須在靈和真實裏敬拜』—四23~24。 8 『你們若住在我裏面,我的話也住在你們裏面,凡你們所願意的,祈求就給你們成就』—十五7。 9 『到那日,你們就知道我在我父裏面,你們在我裏面,我也在你們裏面』—十四20。 10 『你們要彼此相愛,像我愛你們一樣』—十五12上。 Week One The Kingdom of God—the Realm of the Divine Life and of the Divine Species Scripture Reading: John 3:5-6; 18:36; 1:12-13; 2 Pet. 1:4 § Day 1 I. The kingdom of God is the realm of the divine life—John 3:3, 5, 15-16; 18:36; 1:12-13: A. The New Testament regards the life of God as the life, that is, as the only life that is truly life and that can rightly be considered as life—Eph. 4:18. B. The Lord Jesus came that we might have life, and for this He laid down His soul-life to release the divine life from within Him, and in His resurrection He imparted the divine life into Gods chosen and redeemed people— Matt. 16:24-26; Luke 9:24-25. C. The kingdom of God is an organism constituted with Gods life as the realm for His ruling, in which He reigns by His life and expresses Himself as the Divine Trinity in the divine life—John 3:5; 15:1-8, 26. D. The kingdom of God is God in Christ as the totality of life with all its activities—11:25; 10:10b; 14:6. § Day 2 E. The unique way to enter into the kingdom of God is to receive God as life and gain God Himself; this is regeneration—3:5, 16; 1 John 5:11-12: 1. The kingdom of God is a divine realm to be entered into, a realm that requires the divine life; hence, for us to see or enter into the kingdom of God, God requires regeneration—John 3:3, 5. 2. Because through regeneration we receive the divine life, the life of God, regeneration is the unique entrance into the kingdom of God—vv. 3, 5, 15. 3. We have been born into the kingdom of God, and now the divine life in our spirit knows the kingdom of God—vv. 5-6. § Day 3 F. The sense of life is the feeling, the consciousness, of the divine life within us—Rom. 8:6; Eph. 4:18-19: 1. The source of the sense of life is the divine life, the law of life, the Holy Spirit, Christ abiding in us, and God operating in us—Rom. 8:2, 10-11; Phil. 2:13. 2. The sense of life involves both the feeling of death and the feeling of life and peace— Rom. 8:6; Isa. 26:3. § Day 4 3. The sense of life makes us know whether we are living in the natural life or in the divine life and whether we are living in the flesh or in the spirit—Rom. 8:6. 4. In living a grafted life, we should live according to the principle of life, not according to the principle of right and wrong—Gen. 2:9, 16-17; 2 Cor. 11:2-3. 5. If we would follow the sense of life, we need to live in a calm, steady, and unhurried way, living an ordinary life in the divine dispensing—John 14:27; 16:33; 1 Thes. 5:23; 2 Thes. 3:16; Isa. 30:15; 32:17.6. The sense of life guides us, governs us, controls us, and directs us—Luke 1:79; Rom. 3:17; Prov. 21:1. § Day 5 G. The believers receive the divine life by believing into the Son, in whom the divine life is and who Himself is life, and by being born of God, they are born of the Spirit—John 3:6. H. The believers have life not in themselves apart from God but in the organic union with the Lord; that is, they have life only in Christ—15:4-5; Rom. 8:2. I. The divine life in the believers is the life of the Body of Christ, and thus it is not an individual life but a corporate life, Christ as the life of the Body experienced and enjoyed in the Body—1 Cor. 12:26-27; Col. 3:4. J. For eternity the believers will experience and enjoy the life of God—Rev. 22:2. K. To grow in the divine life is the increase of the element of God, the increase of the stature of Christ, and the expanding of the Holy Spirit—Eph. 4:15-16. L. The growth in the divine life is the decrease of the human element, the breaking of the natural life, and the subduing of every part of the soul—1 Pet. 2:2; 2 Pet. 3:18; Col. 2:19. § Day 6 II. The kingdom of God is not only the realm of the divine life and of the divine dominion but also the realm of the divine species, in which are all the divine things—John 3:3, 5; 18:36: A. In John 3 the kingdom of God refers more to the species of God than to the reign of God. B. God became man to enter into the human species, and man becomes God in life and nature but not in the Godhead to enter into the divine species—1:1, 12-14; 2 Pet. 1:4. C. In order to enter into the divine realm, the realm of the divine species, we need to be born of God to have the divine life and the divine nature—John 1:12-13; 3:3, 5-6; 2 Pet. 1:4: 1. God created man not according to mans kind but in His image and according to His likeness to be Gods kind, Gods species—Gen. 1:26. 2. The believers, who are born of God by regeneration to be His children in His life and nature but not in His Godhead, are more in Gods kind than Adam was—John 1:12-13: a. Adam had only the outward appearance of God without the inward reality—vv. 12-14. b. We, the believers in Christ and the children of God, have the reality of the divine life, and we are being transformed and conformed to the Lords image in our entire being— 2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 12:2; 8:29. c. Our second birth, regeneration, caused us to enter into the kingdom of God to become the species of God—John 3:3, 5-6. d. All the children of God are in the divine realm of the divine species—1:12-13; 3:3, 5. e. The believers are God-men in the divine species, that is, in the kingdom of God—1 John 3:1a; John 1:12-13; 3:3, 5. D. In the Gospel of John we see many aspects of the believers living in the kingdom of God as the realm of the divine species: 1. "Of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace"—1:16. 2. "The water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into eternal life"—4:14b. 3. "He who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me"—6:57b. 4. "As the Father has loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love"—15:9. 5. "These things I have spoken to you that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full"—v. 11. 6. "He who does the truth comes to the light, that his works may be manifested that they are wrought in God"—3:21. 7. "An hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truthfulness, for the Father also seeks such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truthfulness"—4:23-24. 8. "If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you"—15:7. 9. "In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you"— 14:20. 10. "Love one another even as I have loved you"—15:12b.
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