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約二十 22『說了這話,就向他們吹入一口氣,說,你們受聖靈。』

林前十五 45『經上也是這樣記着:「首先的人亞當成了活的魂;」末後的亞當成了賜生命的靈。』

主將聖靈吹入門徒裏面,乃是成就祂關於聖靈作保惠師的應許。這成就與行傳二章一至四節者不同,那是主成就路加二十四章四十九節所說父的應許。…在使徒行傳,爲着門徒的工作,聖靈像一陣暴風颳過,降在他們身上作能力。(一 8。)在〔約翰二十章二十二節〕這裏,爲着門徒的生命,聖靈像一口氣,吹入他們裏面作生命。主把聖靈吹入門徒裏面,藉此將自己分賜到他們裏面作生命和一切。(聖經恢復本,約二十 22 註 1。)


主是話,這話就是永遠的神。( 約一1。)在約翰福音中,話經過了漫長的過程,至終成了氣(pneuma),以進入信徒裏面。〔二十 22。〕爲着要完成神永遠的定旨,祂採取了兩個步驟:第一個步驟是成爲肉體,成了在肉體裏的人,(一 14,)作爲神的羔羊,爲人成功救贖,(29,)將神向人表明出來,(18,)並將父顯給祂的信徒看;(十四9 ~ 11;)第二個步驟是死而復活,化身成爲那靈,使祂能將自己分賜到信徒裏面,作他們的生命和一切,並使祂能產生神的眾子,就是祂的許多弟兄,爲要建造祂的身體,就是召會,神的居所,以彰顯三一神,直到永遠。因此,祂原初是永遠的話,以後藉着成爲肉體,成了在肉體裏的人,成功神的救贖,又藉着死與復活,成了那靈,要成爲一切,並作成一切,以完成神的建造。


落在地裏死了,又從地裏長出來,怎樣使一粒麥子變成另一種又新又活的形態;照樣,主的死與復活也使祂從肉體變成那靈。祂在肉體裏是末後的亞當,經過死與復活的過程,成了賜生命的靈。(林前十五 45。)祂怎樣是父的化身,那靈也照樣是祂的實化,實際。祂是那靈,就得以吹入門徒裏面。祂是那靈,就能給祂的信徒接受到裏面,並且如同活水的江河,從他們裏面湧流出來。(約七 38 ~39。)祂是那靈,就能藉着死與復活回到門徒中間,進入他們裏面作保惠師,開始住在他們裏面。(十四16 ~ 17。)祂是那靈,就能活在門徒裏面,門徒也能因祂活着,並與祂同活。(19。)祂是那靈,就能住在門徒裏面,門徒也能住在祂裏面。(20,十五 4 ~ 5。)祂是那靈,就能與父到愛祂的人那裏,同他安排住處。(十四 23。)祂是那靈,就能使祂一切的所是和所有,全被門徒實化。(十六 13 ~16。)祂是那靈,就能與祂的眾弟兄(卽召會)聚集,向他們宣告父的名,並在他們中間歌頌父。(來二 11 ~ 12。)祂是那靈,就能作他們的生命和一切,爲着祂的使命差遣他們,正如父差遣祂一樣。(約二十 21。)因此,門徒就有資格,在祂身體的交通裏,帶着祂的權柄(23)代表祂,執行祂的使命。(約翰福音生命讀經,六二四、六二八至六二九頁。)


WEEK 8 — DAY 5

Morning Nourishment

John 20:22 And when He had said this, He breathed into them and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit.

1 Cor. 15:45 So also it is written, “The first man, Adam, became a living soul”; the last Adam became a life-giving Spirit.

The Lord’s breathing of the Holy Spirit into the disciples was the fulfillment of His promise of the Holy Spirit as the Comforter. This fulfillment differs from the one in Acts 2:1-4, which was the fulfillment of the Father’s promise in Luke 24:49…In Acts 2 the Spirit as a rushing, violent wind came as power upon the disciples for their work (Acts 1:8). Here [in John 20:22] the Spirit as breath was breathed as life into the disciples for their life. By breathing the Spirit into the disciples, the Lord imparted Himself into them as life and everything. (John 20:22, footnote 1)

Today’s Reading

The Lord is the Word, and the Word is the eternal God (John 1:1). In the Gospel of John, the Word passed through a long process and eventually became the breath, the pneuma, that He might get into the believers [20:22] . For the accomplishment of God’s eternal purpose, He took two steps. First, He took the step of incarnation to become a man in the flesh (1:14), to be the Lamb of God to accomplish redemption for man (v. 29), to declare God to man (v. 18), and to manifest the Father to His believers (14:9-11). Second, He took the step of death and resurrection to be transfigured into the Spirit that He might impart Himself into His believers as their life and their everything, and that He might bring forth many sons of God, His many brothers, for the building of His Body, the church, the habitation of God, to express the Triune God for eternity. Originally, He was the eternal Word. Through His incarnation He then became flesh to accomplish God’s redemption, and through His death and resurrection He became the Spirit to be everything and to do everything for the completion of God’s building.

In John 20:22 the Spirit as the breath was breathed as life into the disciples for their life. By breathing the Spirit into the disciples, the Lord imparted Himself as life and everything into them. Thus, all that He had spoken in chapters 14 through 16 was fulfilled.

As falling into the ground to die and growing out of the ground transforms the grain of wheat into another form, one that is new and living, so the death and resurrection of the Lord transfigured Him from the flesh into the Spirit. As the last Adam in the flesh, through the process of death and resurrection, He “became a life-giving Spirit” (1 Cor. 15:45). As He is the embodiment of the Father, so the Spirit is the realization, the reality, of Him. It is as the Spirit that He was breathed into the disciples. It is as the Spirit that He is received into His believers and flows out of them as rivers of living water (John 7:38- 39). It is as the Spirit that through His death and resurrection He came back to the disciples, entered into them as their Comforter, and began to abide in them (14:16-17). It is as the Spirit that He can live in the disciples and enable them to live by and with Him (v. 19). It is as the Spirit that He can abide in the disciples and enable them to abide in Him (v. 20; 15:4-5). It is as the Spirit that He can come with the Father to His lover and make an abode with him (14:23). It is as the Spirit that He can cause all that He is and has to be fully realized by the disciples (16:13-16). It is as the Spirit that He came to meet with His brothers as the church to declare the Father’s name to them and to praise Him in their midst (Heb. 2:11-12). It is as the Spirit that He can send His disciples with His commission, with Himself as life and everything to them, in the same way that the Father sent Him (John 20:21). Hence, the disciples are qualified to represent Him with His authority in the fellowship of His Body (v. 23) for the carrying out of His commission. (Life-study of John, 2nd ed. pp. 531-532, 535-536)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1993, vol. 2, “The Spirit with Our Spirit,” ch. 3

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