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第八週■週四 晨興餧養 約七 37 ~ 39『…耶穌站着高聲說,人若渴了,可以到我這裏來喝。信入我的人,就如經上所說,從他腹中要流出活水的江河來。耶穌這話是指着信入祂的人將要受的那靈說的;那時還沒有那靈,因爲耶穌尚未得着榮耀。』 復活是爲着那人耶穌從祂人性的殼子裏出來,並釋放神聖的生命;這復活稱爲得榮。在基督這樣得着榮耀之前,還沒有那靈。約翰說,『還沒有那靈,』〔約七 39,〕他的意思是說,還沒有那靈從信徒的腹中,如同活水的江河流出來。〔38。〕…基督這位末後的亞當,藉着復活並在復活裏成了賜生命的靈,以進入信祂的人裏面,如同活水的江河流出來。(林前十五 45 下,啓二一 6,二二 17 下。)神是靈,三一神的第二者在肉體裏成了賜生命的靈。在基督復活之前神就是靈,但不是賜生命的靈。在基督的死與復活之前,神無法進到人裏面作人的生命。在人與神之間有許多消極的事物成爲障礙。按照我們在創世記所看見的豫表,通往神這生命樹的道路,因着神榮耀、聖別和公義的要求,而被封閉了。(創三 24,見創世記生命讀經第二十一篇。)在基督的死滿足這些要求之前,墮落、犯罪、不潔的人完全不能取用生命樹,接受神作生命。(李常受文集一九九三年第二册,一七五至一七七頁。) 信息選讀 希伯來十章啓示,基督的死開了一條又新又活的路,使我們能進入至聖所,有分於神作生命樹。(19 ~ 20。)在祂的死裏,祂滿足了神榮耀、聖別和公義的一切要求;然後在復活裏,祂改變形狀成了賜生命的靈。這完全是爲着神與人之間生機的聯結——在祂的復活裏將神帶進人裏面,並將人帶進神裏面。今天我們能喫生命樹並飲生命水,使三一神能從我們最深處如同活水的江河湧流出來。 那靈從創世記一章二節開始流動。當神來創造之後,那靈立卽開始行動;那是流經聖經全部六十六卷書之流的開始。這流終極完成於啓示錄二十二章十七節,那裏說到『那靈』。因此,那靈的流開始於創世記一章二節,並要終極完成於啓示錄二十二章十七節。在聖經的這兩端之間,有一道很長的流。…神在人中間並在人裏面的歷史,乃是一道那靈的流。那靈的定義包括神在人中間並在人裏面之行動的整部歷史。我們若看見這個,就會對聖經有內在的領會,並了解聖經的真實意義。 那靈如今成了賜生命的靈。這賜生命的靈是奇妙的一位,藉着兩個『成了』而產生。第一個成了是神成了人。(約一 14。)祂成了末後的亞當,名叫『耶穌』。然後這人成了賜生命的靈。(林前十五45 下。)這是在人類歷史中和神歷史中的兩件大事。在整個宇宙的歷史中,沒有一件事比神成爲肉體這事更大。那是神成了一個人。然後在三十三年半之後,這人又再有一個成了。祂是神,祂成了人,而這人又成了賜生命的靈。…三一神已經終極完成於賜生命的靈,耶穌的靈,基督的靈,耶穌基督的靈,以及主靈。所以今天這靈乃是三一神的終極完成。(李常受文集一九九三年第二册,一七七、一八二至一八三、一八六頁。) 參讀:那靈同我們的靈,第二章。 WEEK 8 — DAY 4 Morning Nourishment John 7:37-39 …Jesus stood and cried out, saying, If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes into Me, as the Scripture said, out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water. But this He said concerning the Spirit, whom those who believed into Him were about to receive; for the Spirit was not yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified. Resurrection was for the man Jesus to get out of His human shell and to release the divine life, and this resurrection is called glorification. Before Christ was thus glorified, the Spirit was not yet. When John said “the Spirit was not yet” [John 7:39], he meant that the Spirit was not yet to flow out of the believers as rivers of living water [v. 38]…Through and in His resurrection Christ as the last Adam became the life-giving Spirit to enter into His believers to flow out as rivers of living water (1 Cor. 15:45b; Rev. 21:6; 22:17c). God is a Spirit, and the second of the Triune God in the flesh became a life-giving Spirit. Prior to Christ’s resurrection God was a Spirit but not a life-giving Spirit. Before Christ’s death and resurrection God had no way to enter into man to be man’s life. Between man and God there were a number of negative things as obstacles. According to the typology seen in Genesis, the way to God as the tree of life was closed by the requirements of God’s glory, God’s holiness, and God’s righteousness (Gen. 3:24; see Life- study of Genesis, msg. 21). A fallen, sinful, unclean man was altogether unable to take the tree of life, to take God in as life, until Christ’s death fulfilled these requirements. (CWWL, 1993, vol. 2, “The Spirit with Our Today’s Reading Hebrews 10 reveals that the death of Christ opened the way, a new and living way, so that we can go into the Holy of Holies to partake of God as the tree of life (vv. 19-20). In His death He fulfilled all the requirements of God’s glory, holiness, and righteousness; then in resurrection He changed in form to be the life-giving Spirit. This was absolutely for the organic union between God and man—to bring God into man and to bring man into God in His resurrection. Today we can take the tree of life and drink the water of life so that the Triune God can flow out from our innermost being as rivers of living water. The Spirit began to flow from Genesis 1:2. Right after God came to create, the Spirit began to move. That is the beginning of the very current of the Bible through its entire sixty-six books. This current is consummated in Revelation 22:17, which speaks of “the Spirit.” Thus, the flow of the Spirit began in Genesis 1:2 and will consummate in Revelation 22:17. In between these two ends of the Bible is a long current…The history of God among man and within man is a current of the flow of the Spirit. The definition of the Spirit includes the entire history of God’s move among man and within man. If we see this, we will understand the Bible intrinsically and get the real significance of the Bible. Now the Spirit has become the life-giving Spirit. This life-giving Spirit is a wonderful One who came into being through two “becomings.” The first becoming was God becoming a man (John 1:14). He became the last Adam and was called by the name Jesus. Then this man became the life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45b). These are two big events in human history and also in God’s history. In the history of the entire universe, nothing could be bigger than God’s incarnation. That was God becoming a man. Then after thirty- three and a half years this man became something else. He was God, He became a man, and this man became a life-giving Spirit. The Triune God has been consummated in the life-giving Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, and the Lord Spirit. So this Spirit today is the consummation of the Triune God. (CWWL, 1993, vol. 2, “The Spirit with Our Spirit,” pp. 131, 136-137, 139) Further Reading: CWWL, 1993, vol. 2, “The Spirit with Our Spirit,” ch. 2 |
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