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第八週■週二 晨興餧養 來十一 9 ~ 10『〔亞伯拉罕〕因着信,在應許之地作客,好像在異地,與承受同樣應許的以撒、雅各一同居住在帳棚裏;因爲他等候那座有根基的城,其設計者並建築者乃是神。』 〔希伯來十一章十節的『城』〕就是活神的城,屬天的耶路撒冷,(十二 22,)在上的耶路撒冷,(加四 26,)聖城新耶路撒冷,(啓二一 2,三 12,)是神爲祂子民所豫備的;(來十一 16;)也是神的帳幕,神要在其中與人同住,直到永遠。(啓二一3。)列祖怎樣等候這座城,我們也照樣尋求她。(來十三 14。)(聖經恢復本,來十一 10 註 1。) 信息選讀 住棚節題醒我們,今天人仍然在曠野裏,需要進入新耶路撒冷這個永遠的帳幕裏,得享安息。(啓二一 2 ~ 3。)新耶路撒冷雖然是用金、珍珠和寶石極其堅固的建造成的,卻稱爲帳幕。新耶路撒冷是一座帳幕,爲着記念得勝者如何在國度時代,新耶路撒冷終極完成之前,仍然住在帳棚裏;他們那時還未定居下來。當他們進入新天新地裏的新耶路撒冷時,他們就不再住在帳棚裏,但他們仍然稱他們永遠的居所爲帳幕,爲的是記念他們所曾經歷的。…住棚節的實際乃是一個記念而享受的時候,記念我們如何經歷神,以及神如何與我們同住。我們住在帳棚裏,神也住在帳幕裏。至終,我們的住棚節將是在新天新地裏對新耶路撒冷的享受。那將是我們對神經歷之一切收成的真正總結。 住棚節,就是神爲祂的子民所設立之一切節期中的最後一個節期,(利二三 34,39 ~ 43,)乃是爲使以色列 人在收割的時候,享受美地豐富的出產,作他們的滿足。 基督是我們的美地,以及其上一切的出產,作我們的享受和滿足。…住棚節只是基督的豫表,基督纔是實際。那個節期並不能滿足他們,所以主在節期的末日高聲說,凡是乾渴不滿足的,都當到祂那裏去喝,好得着真正的滿足。…這指明那些守住棚節的人並不滿足;真正的滿足乃是接受基督並且飲於祂,使他們不僅得着滿足,也滿溢出活水的江河來。豐富的這種滿溢,乃是彰顯出來的豐富,也就是豐滿。所有的豐富原都包含在神裏面,但如今這些豐富成了我們的享受,到一個地步,這些豐富甚至滿溢出來,將我們對神之享受的豐富彰顯出來。 新耶路撒冷稱爲帳幕,〔啓二一 3,〕指明凡有分於新耶路撒冷的人,都是真正守住棚節的人,有完滿的享受和滿足,直到永遠。…住棚節這名稱裏的『棚』含示記念的思想,也就是說,守住棚節的以色列人,該記念他們的先祖在曠野飄流時住在帳棚(帳幕)裏。…同樣的,甚至新耶路撒冷也稱爲神的帳幕,(2 ~ 3,)爲着記念在國度時代新耶路撒冷第一階段裏的得勝者;他們也曾住在帳棚裏。 新耶路撒冷先要終極完成爲在千年國裏的初熟果子,作爲給得勝者的賞賜,最後要終極完成在新天新地裏,作爲所有得成全之信徒對神完全救恩的完滿享受。這將是真正的住棚節。(李常受文集一九九四至一九九七年第四册,四九四至四九七頁。) 參讀:倪柝聲文集第二輯第十七册,第十六篇。 WEEK 8 — DAY 2 Morning Nourishment Heb. 11:9-10 By faith he dwelt as a foreigner in the land of promise as in a foreign land, making his home in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the fellow heirs of the same promise; for he eagerly waited for the city which has the foundations, whose Architect and Builder is God. This is the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem (12:22), the Jerusalem above (Gal. 4:26), the holy city, New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2; 3:12), which God has prepared for His people (Heb. 11:16), and the tabernacle of God, in which God will dwell with men for eternity (Rev. 21:3). As the patriarchs waited for this city, so we also seek it (Heb. 13:14). (Heb. 11:10, footnote 1) Today’s Reading This Feast [of Tabernacles] is a reminder that today people are still in the wilderness and need to enter into the rest of the New Jerusalem, which is the eternal tabernacle (Rev. 21:2-3). Although the New Jerusalem will be solidly built with gold, pearls, and precious stones, it will be called a tabernacle. The New Jerusalem is the tabernacle for the remembrance of how the overcomers, before the consummation of the New Jerusalem in the kingdom age, were still living in tents; they were not settled yet. When they enter into the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new earth, they will no longer be living in tents, but they will still call their eternal dwelling place the tabernacle in remembrance of what they experienced…The reality of the Feast of Tabernacles is a time of enjoyment in remembrance of how we experienced God and of how God lived with us. We lived in tents, and He lived in a tabernacle. Eventually, our Feast of Tabernacles will be the enjoyment of the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new earth. That will be the real consummation of all the harvest of our experience of God. The Feast of Tabernacles, which was the last feast of all the feasts ordained by God for His people (Lev. 23:34, 39-43), was for Israel’s enjoyment of the rich produce of the good land at its harvest time for their satisfaction. Christ is our good land with all its produce for our enjoyment and satisfaction…The Feast of Tabernacles was just a type of Christ as the reality. That feast did not satisfy them, so on the last day the Lord cried out that whoever is thirsty, unsatisfied, should come to Him to drink for their real satisfaction. This indicates that the people who held the Feast of Tabernacles were not satisfied; the real satisfaction was to receive Christ and drink of Him so that they would be not only satisfied but also overflowing with rivers of living water. This overflow of the riches is the expressed riches, the fullness. Originally, all the riches were contained in God, but now they become our The New Jerusalem is called the tabernacle [Rev. 21:3], indicating that those who participate in the New Jerusalem are the real keepers of the Feast of Tabernacles for eternity with full enjoyment and satisfaction. The word Tabernacles in the title of the Feast of Tabernacles implies the thought of remembrance, that is, the Israelite keepers of the Feast of Tabernacles should remember that their forefathers dwelt in tents (tabernacles) in their wandering in the wilderness. Similarly, even the New Jerusalem is called the tabernacle of God (vv. 2-3) for the remembrance of the overcomers, who dwelt also in tents, in the first stage of the New Jerusalem in the kingdom age. The New Jerusalem will be consummated first to be the firstfruits in the millennial kingdom as a reward to the overcomers and then consummated finally to be in the new heaven and new earth as the full enjoyment of God’s full salvation to all the perfected believers. This will be the real Feast of Tabernacles. (CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 4, “Crystallization-study of the Gospel of John,” pp. 389-391) Further Reading: Watchman Nee, The Life of the Altar and the Tent (booklet) |
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