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第四週 · 週二



太六10 願你的國來臨,願你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。

十二28 我若靠着神的靈趕鬼,這就是神的國臨到你們了。

可三27 沒有人能進壯者家裏,洗劫他的傢俱,除非先捆綁那壯者,纔能洗劫他的家。









WEEK 4 — DAY 2

Morning Nourishment

Matt. 6:10 Your kingdom come; Your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth.

      12:28 But if I, by the Spirit of God, cast out the demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.

Mark 3:27 But no one can enter into the house of the strong man and thoroughly plunder his goods unless he first binds the strong man, and then he will thoroughly plunder his house.

We may say that a kingdom is a sphere, or a realm, where a person accomplishes something. Sometimes we say that a certain person has his own kingdom. This means that he has a realm, a sphere, where he can work to reach his goal or fulfill his plan. Hence, a kingdom is a realm where a person does what he wants to do. According to the Old Testament, there is a realm called the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is a sphere, a realm, for God to work out His eternal purpose and accomplish His goal. (Life-study of Mark, 2nd ed., p. 114)

Today’s Reading

After creating the heavens, the earth, and billions of items, God created man. According to the book of Genesis, God created man for a twofold purpose. On the positive side, God created man in His image so that man may express Him. On the negative side, God gave man His dominion over all created things. Dominion means “authority in a particular realm or sphere.” Dominion, therefore, is related to God’s kingdom…God’s image is for His expression, and God’s dominion is for His kingdom.

Not being able to fulfill His purpose through the first Adam and his descendants, God came through incarnation as the last Adam. As God incarnate, the Lord Jesus came to establish the kingdom of God, to establish a realm in which God can carry out His purpose through the exercise of His authority. This was the reason the Lord taught His disciples to pray for the coming of the kingdom (Matt. 6:10). This was also the reason the Lord Jesus in His preaching of the gospel told people to repent for the kingdom of God…Those who repent because the kingdom of God has drawn near will be able to participate in the accomplishment of God’s eternal purpose.

Satan’s kingdom is against God’s kingdom, and Satan’s house is against God’s house. In Mark 3:26 the Lord pointed out that if “Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he is not able to stand but has come to an end.”… The “goods” [in verse 27] are sinners kept in Satan’s house for his kingdom. The Slave-Savior bound Satan, the strong man, and entered into his house to plunder his goods so that the sinners might be brought into the house of God (Eph. 2:19) for the kingdom of God (John 3:5). While the Slave-Savior was doing the gospel service, He was binding the strong man, Satan [Mark 3:27]. The gospel service is a warfare to destroy Satan and his kingdom of darkness.

[While preaching, the Lord] was binding the strong man in order to destroy his kingdom by plundering his house. [His] preaching was a plundering. Satan has captured all sinners and has placed them into his house, which is a prison. Hence, all sinners have become Satan’s captives. But the Lord Jesus, who has the power of the Spirit, has come to preach the gospel. He has come to plunder Satan’s house and to release his captives.

As He was preaching the gospel, the Lord was destroying the kingdom of Satan by the power of the Holy Spirit…The Lord would not do anything by His own power, strength, or energy. On the contrary, He did everything by the Holy Spirit. In particular, by the Holy Spirit He preached the gospel in order to plunder Satan’s house and destroy his kingdom. Matthew 12:28 indicates that when the Lord Jesus was destroying Satan’s kingdom by preaching the gospel, He was bringing in the kingdom of God…Where the Spirit of God is in power, there the kingdom of God is, and there the demons have no ground. (Life-study of Mark, 2nd ed., pp. 114-115, 107-108)

Further Reading: CWWN, vol. 59, pp. 98-99, 106, 139, 149, 181, 190, 206, 218-219, 222

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