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第三篇 藉着將萬民浸入父、子、聖靈的名裏,使他們作主的門徒 讀經:太二八16~20 【週 一】 壹 『天上地上所有的權柄,都賜給我了』—太二八18: 一 神是至高的權柄,並且祂有一切的權柄—羅九20~21: 1 權柄是出自於神自己的所是—啟二二1。 2 所有的權柄—行政的、地位的和屬靈的—都是來自於神—創九6,羅十三1~7,約十九10~11,林後十8,十三10。 二 屬靈的權柄有兩面: 1 積極一面是服事聖徒,牧養他們,供應他們,並將他們建造起來—太二十25~28,二6,二四45,林後十8。 2 消極一面是對付仇敵以及與仇敵有關的事物。 三 主在神性裏為神的獨生子,已經有管理萬有的權柄—太二八18。 四 然而,祂在人性裏為人子,作屬天之國的王,天上地上的權柄是在祂復活之後賜給祂的。 【週 二】 貳 『所以你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,將他們浸入父、子、聖靈的名裏』—19節: 一 因為所有的權柄都已經賜給屬天的王了(18),祂就差遣門徒去,使萬民作祂的門徒。 二 他們是帶着祂的權柄去的。 三 使萬民作門徒是使外邦人成為國度的子民,好在這地上,就在今天,建立祂的國,就是召會。 【週三、四】 四 施浸乃是帶悔改的人脫離老舊的光景,進入新的境地;這是藉着了結他們老舊的生命,並以基督的新生命重生他們,使他們成為國度的子民。 五 『入』指明聯合,如在羅馬六章三節和加拉太三章二十七節者: 1 原文同字用於行傳八章十六節、十九章五節以及林前一章十三和十五節。 2 將人浸入三一神的名裏,就是將人帶進與三一神屬靈、奧秘的聯合裏。 六 神聖三一的名是單數的: 1 這名乃是那神聖者的總稱,等於祂的人位。 2 將人浸入三一神的名裏,就是將人浸入三一神一切的所是裏。 【週 五】 七 馬太福音,為着國度的構成,以父、子、靈三者的一個名,揭示了神聖三一的實際: 1 在馬太福音頭一章,聖靈(18)、子基督(18)和父神(23),為着產生那人耶穌(21),都在現場;祂這位耶和華救主,神與我們同在,乃是三一神的具體化身。 2 在三章,馬太給我們一幅圖畫,子站在受浸的水中,天開了,那靈仿佛鴿子降在子身上,並且父從天上對子說話—16~17節。 3 在十二章,子以人的身位憑着那靈趕鬼,帶進父神的國—28節。 4 在十六章,為着建造召會,就是國度的命脈,父將子啟示給門徒—16~19節。 5 在十七章,為着展示國度實現的小影(十六28),子變化形像(十七2),並有父喜悅的話(5)來印證。 6 最終,在馬太福音結束的一章,基督這末後的亞當,經過釘十字架的過程,進入復活的境地,成了賜生命的靈;以後祂回到門徒中間,在復活的氣氛和實際裏,吩咐他們去,將外邦人浸入神聖三一的名,就是祂的人位,也就是祂的實際裏,使他們成為國度的子民。 7 根據馬太福音,這樣浸入父、子、靈的實際裏,乃是為着構成諸天的國。 8 屬天的國不能用屬血肉的人(參林前十五50)組成,像屬地的團體一樣,只能用一班浸入與三一神的聯合裏,且因作到他們裏面的三一神,而得建立並被建造的人來構成。 【週 六】 叁 『凡我所吩咐你們的,無論是甚麼,都教訓他們遵守;看哪,我天天與你們同在,直到這世代的終結』—太二八20: 一 教訓信徒遵守主所吩咐的,乃是為着使萬民作主的門徒—19節。 二 屬天的王是以馬內利,神與我們同在—一23。 三 因此,無論在那裏,只要我們被聚集到祂的名裏,祂就在我們中間—十八20。 四 既是這樣,祂就絕不能,也絕不會離開祂的信徒。 五 馬太福音證明主這以馬內利是屬天的王,乃是一直與祂的子民同在,直到祂回來。 六 『這世代的終結』就是這世代的末了,那將是主的巴路西亞(主的來臨)的時候: 1『終結』一辭的意思是有一個過程,要達到完成或實現。 2 在馬太二十八章二十節,『這世代的終結』指現今時代(召會時代)的結束。 3 這世代的終結將是大災難的三年半—但十二4、6~7、9。 4 馬太二十四章六節所說的『末期』就是這世代的終結,也就是大災難的三年半(第七十個七的後半)。 5 這世代的終結不是指世界末日,而是指召會時代(恩典時代)的完結;這個時代很快就要完結。 6 主應許要在祂的復活裏,帶着所有的權柄,天天與我們同在,直到這世代的終結,就是直到這世代的末了。 Week Three Discipling All the Nations by Baptizing Them into the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit Scripture Reading: Matt. 28:16-20 § Day 1 I. "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth"— Matt. 28:18: A. God is the supreme authority, and He has all authority—Rom. 9:20-21: 1. Authority issues from Gods own being—Rev. 22:1. 2. All authority—governmental, positional, and spiritual—derives from God— Gen. 9:6; Rom. 13:1-7; John 19:10-11; 2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10. B. There are two aspects of spiritual authority: 1. The positive aspect is to serve the saints, to shepherd them, to supply them, and to build them up—Matt. 20:25-28; 2:6; 24:45; 2 Cor. 10:8. 2. The negative aspect is to deal with the enemy and the things related to him. C. In His divinity, as the only begotten Son of God, the Lord had authority over all—Matt. 28:18. D. However, in His humanity, as the Son of Man and the King of the heavenly ingdom, authority in heaven and on earth was given to Him after His resurrection. § Day 2 II. "Go therefore and disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"—v. 19: A. Because all authority was given to Him (v. 18), the heavenly King sent His disciples to disciple all the nations. B. They go with His authority. C. To disciple the nations is to make the heathen the kingdom people for the establishing of His kingdom, which is the church, even today, on the earth. § Day 3 & Day 4 D. Baptism brings the repentant people out of their old state into a new one by terminating their old life and germinating them with the new life of Christ that they may become the kingdom people. E. Into indicates union, as in Romans 6:3 and Galatians 3:27: 1. The same Greek word is used in Acts 8:16; 19:5; and 1 Corinthians 1:13, 15. 2. To baptize people into the name of the Triune God is to bring them into a spiritual and mystical union with Him. F. There is one name for the Divine Trinity: 1. The name is the sum total of the Divine Being, equivalent to His person. 2. To baptize someone into the name of the Triune God is to immerse him into all that the Triune God is. § Day 5 G. For the constituting of the kingdom, Matthew discloses the reality of the Divine Trinity by giving one name for all three—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit: 1. In the opening chapter of Matthew, the Holy Spirit (1:18), Christ the Son (v. 18), and God the Father (v. 23) are present for the producing of the man Jesus (v. 21), who, as Jehovah the Savior and God with us, is the very embodiment of the Triune God. 2. In chapter 3 Matthew presents a scene in which the Son was standing in the water of baptism under the opened heaven, the Spirit like a dove descended upon the Son, and the Father spoke out of the heavens to the Son—vv. 16-17. 3. In chapter 12 the Son, in the person of man, cast out demons by the Spirit to bring in the kingdom of God the Father—v. 28. 4. In chapter 16 the Father revealed the Son to the disciples for the building of the church, which is the life pulse of the kingdom—vv. 16-19. 5. In chapter 17 the Son entered into transfiguration (v. 2) and was confirmed by the Fathers word of delight (v. 5), bringing about a miniature display of the manifestation of the kingdom (16:28). 6. Eventually, in the closing chapter of Matthew, after Christ as the last Adam had passed through the process of crucifixion, entered into the realm of resurrection, and become the life-giving Spirit, He came back to His disciples in the atmosphere and reality of His resurrection to charge them to make the heathen the kingdom people by baptizing them into the name, the person, the reality, of the Divine Trinity. 7. According to Matthew, being baptized into the reality of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit is for the constituting of the kingdom of the heavens. 8. Unlike an earthly society, the heavenly kingdom cannot be formed with human beings of flesh and blood (cf. 1 Cor. 15:50); it can be constituted only with people who have been immersed into the union with the Triune God and who have been established and built up with the Triune God, who has been wrought into them. § Day 6 III. "Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you all the days until the consummation of the age"—Matt. 28:20: A. Teaching the believers to observe all that the Lord has commanded is for the discipling of all the nations—v. 19. B. The heavenly King is Emmanuel, God with us—1:23. C. Hence, wherever we are gathered into His name, He is in our midst—18:20. D. As such, He can never and would never leave His believers. E. Matthew proves that the Lord, as Emmanuel, is the heavenly King who is with His people continuously until He comes back. F. The consummation of the age is the end of this age, which is the time of the Lords parousia, the Lords coming: 1. The word consummation means that there is a process that will be brought to completion or fulfillment. 2. In Matthew 28:20 the consummation of the age indicates the end of this present age, the church age. 3. The consummation of the age will be the three and a half years of the great tribulation—Dan. 12:4, 6-7, 9. 4. The end spoken of in Matthew 24:6 is the consummation of the age, which will be the three and a half years (the last half of the seventieth week) of the great tribulation. 5. The consummation of the age is not the end of the world but the completion of the church age, the age of grace; this age is very close to completion. 6. The Lord promised that in His resurrection He will be with us all the days, with all authority, until the consummation of the age, that is, until the end of this age. |
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