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第二篇 基督作為那行為受屬天管治者、我們的牧人、我們的安息以及那撒種者 讀經:太九20~22、36,十一28~30,十三3、18~23 【週 一】 壹 基督被啟示為那行為受屬天管治者—祂的衣服穗子—太九20~22: 一 基督的衣服象徵祂的義行,穗子象徵屬天的管治:『你要告訴以色列人,叫他們世世代代在衣服邊上作穗子,又在衣邊的穗子上釘一根藍細帶子。這穗子是要叫你們一看見,就紀念並遵行耶和華一切的命令,…成為聖別,歸與你們的神』—民十五38~40: 1 帶子象徵約束,藍色象徵屬天。 2 因此,藍細帶子象徵我們是神的兒女,行為舉止該是美好的,也該在屬天行政、限制和規範的管理、管治並約束之下。 二 衣服象徵人行為的美德;主的衣服象徵祂在人性裏的完美行為,就是祂人性美德的完全。 三 在主耶穌人性的美德裏,有醫治的能力;因此,當那有病的女人摸祂的衣服穗子,祂美德的能力就出來臨到她,她便得了醫治。 四 基督受屬天管治的行為所生出的美德,成了醫治的能力—太十四36。 五 摸主的衣服,事實上就是摸那在祂人性裏的主自己,而神是具體化在祂的人性裏(西二9);藉着這樣一摸,祂神聖的能力就藉着祂人性的完全,傳輸到摸的人裏面,成為她的醫治(路八45~48,來十二2上)。 六 那住在不能靠近之光中的神,在奴僕救主裏,藉着祂的人性成了可摸的,叫那女人得救並給她享受。 七 擁擠的羣眾從奴僕救主一無所得,但摸祂的人卻有所得(見詩歌四一二首第二節與副歌)。 【週 二】 貳 主耶穌是我們的牧人,我們是祂的羊—太九36,賽四十11,五三6,結三四1~5、11~15: 一 祂在起初階段牧養我們,使我們享受基督作青草地,並那靈作可安歇的水—詩二三1~2,提前一4,腓一19下,約二一15,帖前二7,林前十二13下。 二 祂在第二階段牧養我們,使我們在義路上得復興和變化—詩二三3,羅十二2,約七38,羅八4。 【週 三】 三 祂在第三階段牧養我們,使我們行過死蔭的幽谷時,經歷那復活、是靈之基督的同在—詩二三4,提後四22,林後十二7~10。 四 祂在第四階段牧養我們,使我們更深、更高的享受復活的基督—詩二三5: 1 主在我們敵人面前為我們擺設筵席—5節上,參撒下四4,九7、13,創十四18~20,尼四17。 2 主用油膏了我們的頭,使我們的福杯滿溢—詩二三5下,來一9,林前十16上、21。 3 在詩篇二十三篇五節我們有三一神—子是筵席,那靈是膏油,父是祝福的源頭。 五 祂在第五階段牧養我們,使我們在耶和華殿中一生享受神聖的恩惠和慈愛—6節: 1 在是靈的基督生機的牧養下,我們一生一世必有恩惠慈愛隨着我們,並且我們要住在耶和華的殿中,直到永遠—6節: a 『恩惠』指基督的恩,『慈愛』指父的愛,『隨着』含示那靈的交通;因此,子的恩、父的愛和那靈的交通與我們同在—林後十三14。 b 對經過過程並終極完成之三一神的享受,將我們引到神的殿(基督、召會、我們的靈與新耶路撒冷—約一14,二21,提前三15~16,弗二22,啟二一2~3、22)中對神的享受;我們要住在神的殿中,直到永遠(今世、來世和永世)。 2 我們需要尋求一生一世住在神的殿中—詩二七4~8: a 瞻仰神的榮美(可愛,可悅,可喜)—4節上,8節,林後三18。 b 求問神,與祂核對我們日常生活中的每件事—詩二七4下,參書九14。 c 被隱藏在神的遮蔽處,並將自己藏匿在神帳幕的隱密處—詩二七5上,三一20。 d 被神高舉,並因神得以昂首—二七5下~6上。 e 獻歡呼的祭,並唱詩歌頌神,使神得榮耀—6節下,來十三15,腓二11。 【週 四】 叁 主耶穌是我們的安息—太十一28~30: 一 『凡勞苦擔重擔的,可以到我這裏來,我必使你們得安息』—28節: 1 這裏所題到的勞苦,不僅是指為了遵守律法誠命和宗教規條而努力的勞苦,也是指為了工作成功而奮鬥的勞苦;凡這樣勞苦的,總是擔重擔的。 2 安息不僅是指從律法與宗教,或工作與責任的勞苦並重擔中得着釋放,也是指完全的平安和完滿的滿足。 二 『我心裏柔和謙卑,因此你們要負我的軛,且要跟我學,你們魂裏就必得安息;因為我的軛是容易的,我的擔子是輕省的』—29~30節: 1 負主的軛就是接受父的旨意;這不是受任何工作的規律或支配,乃是受父旨意的約束。 2 主過這樣的生活,並不在意別的,只在意祂父的旨意(約四34,五30,六38);祂將自己完全降服于父的旨意(太二六39、42);因此,祂要我們跟祂學。 3 跟祂學,不是外面模仿祂,乃是在我們的靈裏藉着負祂的軛—神的旨意—來翻印祂;神的旨意必須成為我們的軛,我們也必須將自己的頸項放在這軛內,好成為祂的複製—彼前二21。 4 負主的軛、跟主學,就叫我們的魂得安息;這是裏面的安息,不是任何僅僅在本質上是外面的事物。 5 主的軛是父的旨意,祂的擔子是將父旨意實行出來的工作;這樣的軛是容易(美好、親切、柔和、溫良、愉快,與艱難、嚴酷、尖銳、痛苦相對)的;這樣的擔子是輕省的,不是沉重的。 【週 五】 肆 那撒種者乃是主耶穌這奇妙的人位;所撒的種子也是主自己這三一神的具體化身—太十三3、18~23: 一 我們需要看見基督這撒種者的異象,祂將自己當作生命的種子撒在人裏面;這異象正是主恢復的心臟,因為這聯於主心頭的願望。 二 祂渴望進到我們這些祂所揀選的人裏面,用調和的方式作我們的生命,為了使祂自己成為我們的元素,並使我們成為祂的彰顯。 三 在基督裏得了重生,有神生命的信徒,乃是神所耕種的田地,神新造裏的農場,生長基督,好為着神的建造,產生寶貴的材料—林前三9、12上。 四 按照聖經,長大等於建造;這建造是藉着我們裏面神聖生命的種子長大而進行的—約壹三9,西二19,弗四15~16。 【週 六】 五 以弗所三章十七節啟示,三一神已經進到我們裏面,以祂自己作元素,並以一些出於我們的東西作材料,來作建造的工作;馬太十三章撒種者的比喻說明了這事: 1 主將自己當作生命的種子,撒在人的心這土壤裏,使祂能生長並活在他們裏面,且從他們裏面彰顯出來—3節。 2 種子撒到土裏,是憑土壤裏的養分而長大;結果,種子的出產乃是由種子和土壤的元素所組成—23節。 3 在我們裏面有一些養分是神所造的,預備讓祂進到我們裏面,在我們裏面長大;為着神聖的種子,神造了人的靈,有屬人的養分,連同人的心作為土壤—彼前三4。 4 我們在生命裏長大的速度,不在於神聖的種子,乃在於我們供應這種子多少的養分;我們供應的養分越多,種子就長得越快,並且越茂盛—太五3、8。 5 我們若留在魂裏,留在天然的人裏,就沒有任何養分為着神聖種子的長大;但我們若得加強到裏面的人裏,並且注意我們的靈,操練我們的靈,就能彀供應養分;這樣基督就能安家在我們心裏—弗三16~17,羅八6,提前四7,參猶19。 6 我們若要讓主這生命的種子在我們裏面長大,成為我們完滿的享受,就必須向主完全敞開,並與祂合作,徹底對付我們的心—太十三3~9、18~23。 7 一面,神用祂自己作元素加強我們;另一面,我們提供養分;藉着這二者,神在基督裏就在我們的全人裏完成祂內在的建造,就是建造祂的家。 Week Two Christ as the One with the Heavenly-ruled Deeds, Our Shepherd, Our Rest, and the Sower Scripture Reading: Matt. 9:20-22, 36; 11:28-30; 13:3, 18-23 § Day 1 I. Christ is revealed as the One with the heavenly-ruled deeds— the fringe of His garment—Matt. 9:20-22: A. Christs garment signifies His righteous deeds, and the fringe signifies the heavenly ruling: "Speak to the children of Israel and tell them to make for themselves fringes on the borders of their garments throughout their generations and to put on the fringe of each border a cord of blue. And it shall be a fringe for you, so that when you see it you will remember all the commandments of Jehovah and do them…and be holy to your God"—Num. 15:38-40: 1. A cord signifies binding, and blue signifies heavenly. 2. Hence, a cord of blue signifies that, as children of God, our conduct and behavior should be beautiful and should be under the ruling, governing, and binding of the heavenly government, limitation, and regulation. B. Garments signify virtue in human behavior; the Lords garments signify His perfect behavior in His humanity, His human virtuous perfection. C. In the human virtue of the Lord Jesus, there was healing power; therefore, when the sick woman touched the fringe of His garment, the power of His virtue went out to her, and she was healed. D. Out of Christs heavenly-ruled deeds issues the virtue that becomes the healing power—Matt. 14:36. E. To touch the Lords garments was actually to touch Him in His humanity, in which God was embodied (Col. 2:9); by such a touch, His divine power was transfused, through the perfection of His humanity, into the one who had touched Him, and it became her healing (Luke 8:45-48; Heb. 12:2a). F. The God who dwells in unapproachable light became touchable in the Slave-Savior through His humanity for her salvation and enjoyment. G. The pressing crowd did not receive anything from the Slave-Savior, but the one who touched Him did (see Hymns, #559, stanza 2 and chorus). § Day 2 II. The Lord Jesus is our Shepherd, and we are His sheep— Matt. 9:36; Isa. 40:11; 53:6; Ezek. 34:1-5, 11-15: A. He shepherds us in the initial stage of the enjoyment of Christ as the green pastures and of the Spirit as the waters of rest—Psa. 23:1-2; 1 Tim. 1:4; Phil. 1:19b; John 21:15; 1 Thes. 2:7; 1 Cor. 12:13b. B. He shepherds us in the second stage of the revival and transformation on the paths of righteousness—Psa. 23:3; Rom. 12:2; John 7:38; Rom. 8:4. § Day 3 C. He shepherds us in the third stage of the experience of the presence of the resurrected pneumatic Christ while walking through the valley of the shadow of death—Psa. 23:4; 2 Tim. 4:22; 2 Cor. 12:7-10. D. He shepherds us in the fourth stage of the deeper and higher enjoyment of the resurrected Christ—Psa. 23:5: 1. The Lord spreads a table before us in the presence of our adversaries—v. 5a; cf. 2 Sam. 4:4; 9:7, 13; Gen. 14:18-20; Neh. 4:17. 2. The Lord anoints our head with oil, and our cup runs over—Psa. 23:5b; Heb. 1:9; 1 Cor. 10:16a, 21. 3. In Psalm 23:5 we have the Triune God—the Son as the feast, the Spirit as the anointing oil, and the Father as the source of blessing. E. He shepherds us in the fifth stage of the lifelong enjoyment of the divine goodness and lovingkindness in the house of Jehovah—v. 6: 1. Under the organic shepherding of the pneumatic Christ, goodness and lovingkindness will follow us all the days of our life, and we will dwell in the house of Jehovah for the length of our days—v. 6: a. Goodness refers to the grace of Christ, lovingkindness refers to the love of the Father, and follow implies the fellowship of the Spirit; thus, the grace of the Son, the love of the Father, and the fellowship of the Spirit are with us—2 Cor. 13:14. b. The enjoyment of the processed and consummated Triune God ushers us into the enjoyment of God in the house of God (Christ, the church, our spirit, and the New Jerusalem—John 1:14; 2:21; 1 Tim. 3:15-16; Eph. 2:22; Rev. 21:2-3, 22) where we will dwell for the length of our days (in the present age, in the coming age, and in eternity). 2. We need to seek to dwell in the house of God all the days of our life—Psa. 27:4-8: a. To behold the beauty (loveliness, pleasantness, delightfulness) of God—vv. 4a, 8; 2 Cor. 3:18. b. To inquire of God, checking with Him about everything in our daily life—Psa. 27:4b; cf. Josh. 9:14. c. To be concealed in Gods shelter and to hide ourselves in the hiding place of Gods tent—Psa. 27:5a; 31:20. d. To be raised up and have our head lifted up by God—27:5b-6a. e. To offer sacrifices of shouts of joy with singing and psalming to God for the glory of God—v. 6b; Heb. 13:15; Phil. 2:11. § Day 4 III. The Lord Jesus is our rest—Matt. 11:28-30: A. "Come to Me all who toil and are burdened, and I will give you rest"—v. 28: 1. The toil mentioned here refers not only to the toil of striving to keep the commandments of the law and religious regulations but also to the toil of struggling 2. Rest refers not only to being set free from the toil and burden under the law or religion or under any work or responsibility, but also to perfect peace and full satisfaction. B. "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light"—vv. 29-30: 1. To take the Lords yoke is to take the will of the Father; it is not to be regulated or controlled by any work, but to be constrained by the will of the Father. 2. The Lord lived such a life, caring for nothing but the will of His Father (John 4:34; 5:30; 6:38); He submitted Himself fully to the Fathers will (Matt. 26:39, 42); hence, He asks us to learn from Him. 3. To learn from Him is not to imitate Him outwardly but to copy the Lord in our spirit by taking His yoke—Gods will; Gods will has to yoke us, and we have to put our neck into this yoke to become His duplication—1 Pet. 2:21. 4. The rest that we find by taking the Lords yoke and learning from Him is for our souls; it is an inward rest and not anything merely outward in nature. 5. The Lords yoke is the Fathers will, and His burden is the work of carrying out the Fathers will; such a yoke is easy (good, kind, mild, gentle, pleasant— in contrast to hard, harsh, sharp, bitter), and such a burden is light, not heavy. § Day 5 IV. The Sower is the wonderful person of the Lord Jesus, and the seed sown is also the Lord Himself as the embodiment of the Triune God—Matt. 13:3, 18-23: A. We need to see the vision of Christ, the Sower, sowing Himself as the seed of life into human beings; this vision is the very heart of the Lords recovery, for it is related to the desire of the Lords heart. B. He desires to come into us, His chosen people, to be our life in the way of mingling in order to make Himself our element and to make us His expression. C. The believers, who have been regenerated in Christ with Gods life, are Gods cultivated land, a farm in Gods new creation to grow Christ so that precious materials may be produced for Gods building—1 Cor. 3:9, 12a. D. According to the Bible, growth equals building; this takes place by the growth of the divine seed of life within us—1 John 3:9; Col. 2:19; Eph. 4:15-16. § Day 6 E. Ephesians 3:17 reveals that the Triune God has come into us to do a building work with Himself as the element and also with something from us as the material; this is illustrated by the parable of the sower in Matthew 13: 1. The Lord sows Himself as the seed of life into mens hearts, the soil, that He might grow and live in them and be expressed from within them—v. 3. 2. The seed is sown into the soil to grow with the nutrients of the soil; as a result, the produce is a composition of elements from both the seed and the soil—v. 23. 3. We have within us certain nutrients created by God as a preparation for His coming into us to grow in us; God has created the human spirit with the human nutrients along with the human heart as the soil for the divine seed— 1 Pet. 3:4. 4. The rate at which we grow in life depends not on the divine seed but on how many nutrients we afford this seed; the more nutrients we supply, the faster the seed will grow and the more it will flourish—Matt. 5:3, 8. 5. If we remain in our soul, in our natural man, there will not be any nutrients for the growth of the divine seed, but if we are strengthened into our inner man and if we pay attention to our spirit and exercise our spirit, the nutrients will be supplied and Christ will make His home in our hearts—Eph. 3:16-17; Rom. 8:6; 1 Tim. 4:7; cf. Jude 19. 6. If we are going to have the Lord as the seed of life grow within us to be our full enjoyment, we have to open to the Lord absolutely and cooperate with Him to deal thoroughly with our heart—Matt. 13:3-9, 18-23. 7. On the one hand, God strengthens us with Himself as the element, and on the other hand, we afford the nutrients; through these two, God in Christ carries out His intrinsic building—the building of His home—in our entire being. |
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