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2024/07/05 10:19:06瀏覽1025|回應0|推薦0

第三週 週四



出三十26  要用這膏油抹會幕和見證的櫃。

   30  要膏亞倫和他的兒子們,使他們分別為聖,可以作祭司事奉我。

羅十五16  …作基督耶穌的僕役,作神福音勤奮的祭司,叫所獻上的外邦人,在聖靈裏得以聖別,可蒙悅納。













Morning Nourishment

Exo. 30:26 And with it you shall anoint the Tent of Meeting and the Ark of the Testimony.

           30 And you shall anoint Aaron and his sons and sanctify them that they may serve Me as priests.

Rom. 15:16 …A minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles, a laboring priest of the gospel of God, in order that the offering of the Gentiles might be acceptable, having been sanctified in the Holy Spirit.

The compound ointment in Exodus 30 was used to anoint the tabernacle, all the utensils of the tabernacle, and the serving priests to make all these things holy, separated, sanctified, unto God for God’s divine purpose (vv. 26-30)…The compound Spirit typified by the compound ointment is for the anointing of the things related to the worship and service of God and His serving ones (1 John 2:20, 27). When we are under the anointing of the Spirit, we can fulfill our duty to bear responsibility for the Lord’s interest.

We have to walk, act, work, and have our being according to this anointing. This anointing is the working and the moving of the Spirit. Thus, Romans 8:4 says that we should walk according to the spirit. Then in Galatians 5 we are told to live and walk by the Spirit (vv. 16, 25). (CWWL, 1991-1992, vol. 2, “The Christian Life,” p. 430)

Today’s Reading

The New Testament reveals clearly and emphasizes very strongly that such a consummated Spirit is right in our spirit. Romans 8:16 says that the Spirit witnesses with our spirit that we are children of God. Second Timothy 4:22 reveals that the Lord as the Spirit is with our spirit. If we are going to live the Christian life, we must return to our spirit and remain there.

It is by this compound Spirit that the death of Christ is applied to us. It is… by this Spirit that the resurrection of Christ is applied to us. The more we walk, live, move, act, and speak according to the spirit, the more we are in the Christian life.

Day after day and moment after moment this ointment is working, moving, acting, and speaking within us. This moving of the ointment, this anointing, teaches us concerning all things. The anointing is the working, moving, acting, and speaking of the ointment, and the ointment is the consummation of our Triune God. We can see now that this type of the compound ointment in Exodus 30 is marvelous.

The Christian life is the acting, moving, working, and speaking of the consummated God who is typified by the compound ointment. In this life both God and man are applied to us. We are a poor man, a low man, but we have an uplifted man, a man of the divine standard, in this anointing. In this anointing we also have Christ’s death and His death’s effectiveness, which is so sweet. We have been forgiven, justified, and reconciled to God through His death so that we could be regenerated to be sons of God. How sweet is the effectiveness of His death as typified by the cinnamon!

Then in this anointing we have Christ’s resurrection applied to us. Christ’s resurrection is so powerful, especially in the sense of resisting and repelling the enemy and all the negative things. This is typified by cassia, which was used in ancient times to repel insects and snakes. Christ’s resurrection resists all the opposition and attacks from the enemy, and it repels all the evil “insects” and “snakes.” Christ’s resurrection is repelling all the demons, evil spirits, and especially their leading one, the snake, the old serpent, the devil.

The Christian life is not the living out of our natural human virtues. These good things, along with the evil things, belong to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Only the Christian life that is revealed in the Scriptures as the moving and working of the indwelling compound Spirit belongs to the tree of life. (CWWL, 1991-1992, vol. 2, “The Christian Life,” pp. 430-432)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1991-1992, vol. 2, “The Christian Life,” ch. 8

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