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林後十 3 ~ 5『因爲我們雖然在肉體中行事,卻不照着肉體爭戰。我們爭戰的兵器,本不是屬肉體的,乃是在神面前有能力,可以攻倒堅固的營壘,將理論和各樣阻擋人認識神而立起的高寨,都攻倒了,又將各樣的思想擄來,使它順從基督。』

爲着神國的利益,抵擋撒但及其黑暗的國度,我們信徒要打那美好的仗(提後四 7)。保羅也囑咐我們要爲信仰打那美好的仗,就是爲那照着神新約經綸之完全福音的內容而打仗(提前六 12)。在這件事上,我們也需要經歷神聖三一的分賜(真理課程四級卷三,四三頁)。









WEEK 1 — DAY 5


Morning Nourishment

2 Cor. 10:3-5 For though we walk in flesh, we do not war according to flesh; for the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly but powerful before God for the overthrowing of strongholds, as we overthrow reasonings and every high thing rising up against the knowledge of God, and take captive every thought unto the obedience of Christ.

For the interest of God’s kingdom, the believers have to fight the good fight against Satan and his kingdom of darkness. Hence, in 2 Timothy 4:7 Paul says that he had “fought the good fight.” In 1 Timothy 6:12 he charges the believers to “fight the good fight of the faith,” that is, to fight for the contents of the complete gospel according to God’s New Testament economy. In this matter we need to experience the dispensing of the Divine Trinity. (Truth Lessons—Level Four, vol. 3, p. 38)

Today’s Reading

We should be God’s soldiers, fighting the good fight, overthrowing the devil’s strongholds and taking captive man’s thought unto the obedience of Christ…We must be strong warriors in prayer, so that the myriads of evil spirits will not be able to have their way and we will be able to walk and work with Christ, overcoming in this age and reigning in the coming age. (CWWN, vol. 1, “The Christian Life and Warfare,” pp. 120-121)

In 1 John 1:6 John speaks of walking in darkness. To walk habitually in the darkness is to live, behave, and have one’s being in the nature of Satan’s evil works. To walk in the divine light is not merely to dwell in this light; it is to live, move, act, do things, and have our being in the divine light, the light that is actually God Himself [v. 5]. When we dwell, live, and have our being in God, we walk in the divine light, which is the expression of God.

When the divine light shines, we see all the different truths, and these truths are realities. But when we do not have the divine light but are rather in darkness, we have the sense that everything is vanity and emptiness. I would ask you to consider your experience. When you are in the divine light, you can see the truth, the reality. For example, when you are in the light, God is a reality to you, and the divine life is also a reality…When we walk in the light, we see one reality after another. However, when we are in darkness, nothing is real to us…When we are in darkness, we do not have any reality because we do not see anything. Instead of the sense of reality, we have the sense of emptiness and vanity.

When we dwell in God, we are in the fellowship. When we are in this fellowship, we are in light. Then as we walk in the light, Christ, the Spirit, the church, the Body, and the members of the Body are all real to us.

However, suppose a sister is offended by an elder. Although the elder had no intention of offending her, nonetheless something he said offended her because she is sensitive. Perhaps the elder said that all the sisters, no matter what their background may be, are fragile…Because she is offended, the “switch” is turned off, and immediately she is in darkness. As a result, instead of enjoying the church life, she begins to be unhappy with the church. The church is no longer real to her, and she no longer cares about the church ground. She may say, “What is the church anyway? And what is the church ground? I don’t care about the ground of the church.” If she stays in darkness, she will eventually find that Christ, the Spirit, and the divine life are no longer real to her in her experience.

Suppose after a period of time the sister who has been offended and is in darkness repents. The Lord is merciful and for no apparent reason, she turns to the Lord and says, “O Lord, forgive me.” Immediately, the “switch” is turned on, and the light begins to shine again. Then this sister will experience the cleansing of the Lord’s precious blood, and the divine things will become real once more. (Life-study of 1 John, 2nd ed., pp. 59-61)

Further Reading: Life-study of 1 John, msgs. 5, 7; The Conclusion of the New Testament, msgs. 7-8, 10

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