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弗二21 ~ 22『在祂裏面,全房聯結一起,長成在主裏的聖殿;你們也在祂裏面同被建造,成爲神在靈裏的居所。』

聖地,豫表基督是神分給信徒的分;…聖城,表徵在基督裏神的國;(詩四八1 ~ 2;)聖殿,表徵神在地上的家,召會。(弗二21,提前三15。)這是關乎神經綸的三件緊要的事。(聖經恢復本,王上八48 註1。)








WEEK 12 — DAY 6


Morning Nourishment

Eph. 2:21-22 In whom all the building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in spirit.

The Holy Land typifies Christ as the portion allotted by God to the believers…; the holy city signifies…the kingdom of God in Christ (Psa. 48:1- 2); and the holy temple signifies…God’s house, the church, on the earth (Eph. 2:21; 1 Tim. 3:15). These are the three crucial things regarding God’s economy. (1 Kings 8:48, footnote 1)

Today’s Reading

When we enjoy Christ in a corporate way to a certain extent, God, in a certain and real sense, will be localized. He will have a definite address on this earth…The home of God is the very place where “Christ Incorporated” is…First Corinthians 14 tells us that when Christians come together in the proper way, people will come in and bow down, acknowledging that God is truly among them. In other words, they will confess that it is the habitation of God…This habitation, this home of God, …is built of Christ
mingled and blended with so many believers…He is the all-inclusive and to them. Christ is what they eat, Christ is what they drink—Christ is everything to them.

A Christian is something of Christ. This morning he eats a little of Christ, and this evening he eats a little of Christ. Day by day he eats Christ and drinks Christ. Christ is gradually digested by him and mingled with him so that he and Christ become one. Then when he comes together with other Christians who have done the same thing, he brings Christ and they too bring Christ…Wherever they go, they cannot help but bring Christ. When they meet together, they offer Christ to God, they enjoy Christ together, and they exhibit Christ. Whenever they speak, Christ comes out. Everything is Christ. This is the habitation of God; this is the home of God…The habitation of God
is the temple of God. And if we have the temple of God, we have the presence
of God and the service of God.

But this temple of God needs enlargement…It is enlarged by Christ as the authority of God…This is exceedingly real. When you and I enjoy Christ together in the way that we have shown, the reality of the authority of Christ is among us. In such an enjoyment and out of such an enjoyment, we will be very submissive to God and to one another. We will be full of submission. Can you believe that after enjoying Christ in such a way we could quarrel with each other? Can you believe that in such an enjoyment we could hate one another? It is impossible. Is it possible for us to be formed as an army to fight the enemy and yet within the army to be fighting with each other?…Without submission there is no army…If there is submission among us, the authority of Christ is among us. It is the authority of Christ that enlarges the habitation of God, the temple of God.

The land is Christ Himself, and the temple and the city are the fullness of Christ. Christ is the Head, and the fullness of Christ is the Body, the church… This is what God is seeking today. May we be faithful to Him and learn by His grace how to enjoy Christ, how to experience Christ, and how to apply Christ to our daily lives. Then we will continually grow in our experience and enjoyment of Him until that time when with the saints we enter the good land, labor upon it, and the temple and the city come into being. (The Allinclusive Christ, pp. 191-194)

The way to be incorporated into this unique incorporation is to enjoy Christ, to eat Him, to partake of Him. This is why the New Testament stresses the matter of eating. The Lord said, “I am the bread of life…He who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me” (John 6:48, 57). When we eat Him, we live by Him in this great incorporation, which today is the corporate Body of Christ and which eventually consummates the New Jerusalem. (CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 5, “The Issue of Christ Being Glorified by the Father with the Divine Glory,” p. 347)

Further Reading: The All-inclusive Christ, ch. 16; CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 5, “The Issue of Christ Being Glorified by the Father with the Divine Glory,” chs. 3-5

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