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第十二週•週五 晨興餧養 申十二5 ~ 7『但耶和華你們的神…所選擇出來立祂名的地方,就是祂的居所,那是你們當尋求的,你們要往那裏去,將你們的燔祭和別的祭,十分取一之物,…都奉到那裏;在那裏,耶和華你們神的面前,你們和你們的家屬都可以喫,並且因你手所辦的一切事蒙耶和華你的神賜福,就都歡樂。』 以色列人不可在他們所選擇的地方敬拜神,享受他們獻給神的供物。(申十二8,13,17。)他們要到神所選擇立祂名的地方,就是到祂的居所和祂的祭壇那裏敬拜神,(5 ~ 6,)將他們的十分取一之物、供物、和祭物帶到那裏給神。…要履行這些要求,就要有獨一的敬拜中心,如後來的耶路撒冷,(代下六5 ~6,約四20,)以保守神百姓中間的一,避免因着人的偏好而造成分裂。(聖經恢復本,申十二5 註1。) 信息選讀 新約中關於敬拜神這事的啓示,至少在四方面與申命記十二章的啓示相符:首先,神的子民總該是一,他們中間不該有分裂。(詩一三三,約十七11,21 ~ 23,林前一10,弗四3。)第二,神的子民該聚集到獨一的名裏,這名就是主耶穌基督的名,(太十八20,林前一12 與註,)其實際乃是那靈。(十二3。)用任何別的名稱,乃是宗派的、分裂的;這是屬靈的淫亂。(見啓三8 註3。)第三,在新約裏神的住處,神的居所,乃是特別設在我們的靈裏,也就是在我們調和的靈裏,在我們蒙重生、由神聖的靈所內住之人的靈裏。(約三6 下,羅八16,提後四22,弗二22。)我們在敬拜神的聚會裏,必須操練我們的靈,並在我們的靈裏作一切事。(約四24,林前十四15。)第四,我們敬拜神時,必須真實的應用祭壇所表徵之基督的十字架,拒絕肉體、己和天然生命,並單單憑基督來敬拜神。(太十六24,加二20。)因此,神子民敬拜神的聚會,該在主耶穌基督的名裏,在作神居所之調和的靈裏,在十字架所在之處,並且享受基督作爲十分取一之物、供物和祭物的實際。(見約四24 註4。)這是神子民的一,這是敬拜神正確的立場。(聖經恢復本,申十二5 註1。) 在詩篇七十三篇十七至二十八節,我們看見詩人在神的聖所裏得着了〔他對於惡人興旺之問題的〕解答。『等我進了神的聖所,我纔看清他們的結局。』〔17。〕…我們要進入神的聖所,就需要轉向我們的靈,並參加召會的聚會。我們一在聖所裏,…就會對惡人的情形有另一種看法,有特別的領會。(詩篇生命讀經,四三五頁。) 當我們進入那地,就是包羅萬有的基督,我們就不能再隨自己眼中所看爲正的去作。我們不能在自己所選擇的地方,和神的兒女聚集,有團體的敬拜。我們必須去神所選擇的地方,去那一個中心,那一個合一的立場。 在今日的基督教裏,每一個人的舉動都好像他有權利可以照着自己的喜歡來選擇。有一句話是很流行的:『去參加你所看爲好的會。』我願意聲嘶力竭的向所有神的兒女喊叫說,『你沒有選擇的餘地!』從一方面來說,你有完全的自由,無論你在何處,都可以自己享受基督;但是當你和神的兒女聚集敬拜神的時候,你就失去了你的自由。神的兒女聚集的地方,必須是神自己所指定的地方。(李常受文集一九六一至一九六二年第四册,四七一至四七二頁。) 參讀:詩篇生命讀經,第三十篇;神聖奧祕的範圍,第六章;申命記生命讀經,第十至十一篇。 WEEK 12 — DAY 5
Morning Nourishment Deut. 12:5-7 But to the place which Jehovah your God will choose… to put His name, to His habitation, shall you seek, and there shall you go. And there you shall bring your burnt offerings and your sacrifices and your tithes…; and there you shall eat before Jehovah your God, and you and your households shall rejoice in all your undertakings, in which Jehovah your God has blessed you. The children of Israel were not allowed to worship God and enjoy the offerings they presented to God in the place of their choice (Deut. 12:8, 13, 17). They were to worship God in the place of His choice, the place where His name, His habitation, and His altar were (vv. 5-6), by bringing their tithes, offerings, and sacrifices to Him there…To fulfill these requirements was to have a unique center of worship, as Jerusalem would be later (2 Chron. 6:5-6; John 4:20), for the keeping of the oneness among God’s people, thus avoiding the division caused by man’s preferences. (Deut. 12:5, footnote 1) Today’s Reading The revelation in the New Testament concerning the worship of God corresponds to the revelation in Deuteronomy 12 in at least four ways: First, the people of God should always be one; there should be no divisions among them (Psa. 133; John 17:11, 21-23…). Second, the unique name into which God’s people should gather is the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18:20; 1 Cor. 1:12 and footnotes), the reality of which name is the Spirit (v. 3). To be designated by any other name is to be denominated, divided; this is spiritual fornication (see footnote 3 on Rev. 3:8). Third, in the New Testament God’s habitation, His dwelling place, is particularly located in our spirit, that is, in our mingled spirit, our human spirit regenerated and indwelt by the divine Spirit (John 3:6b; Rom. 8:16; 2 Tim. 4:22; Eph. 2:22). In our meeting for the worship of God, we must exercise our spirit and do everything in our spirit (John 4:24; 1 Cor. 14:15). Fourth, in our worship of God we must have the genuine application of the cross of Christ, signified by the altar, by rejecting the flesh, the self, and the natural life and worshipping God with Christ and Christ alone (Matt. 16:24; Gal. 2:20). Hence, the meeting of God’s people for the worship of God should be in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the mingled spirit as the place of God’s habitation, in the place where the cross is, and with the enjoyment of Christ as the reality of the tithes, the offerings, and the sacrifices (see footnote 4 on John 4:24). This is the oneness of God’s people, and this is the proper ground for the worship of God. (Deut. 12:5, footnote 1) In Psalm 73:17 through 28 we see that the psalmist obtained the solution [to his question concerning the prosperity of the wicked] in the sanctuary of God. “Until I went into the sanctuary of God; / Then I perceived their end.”… To go into the sanctuary of God, we need to turn to our spirit and then go to the meetings of the church. Once we are in the sanctuary,…we will have another view, a particular perception, of the situation concerning the wicked. (Life-study of the Psalms, p. 354) When we come into that land which is the all-inclusive Christ, we can no longer do what is right in our own eyes. We cannot meet with the Lord’s children for corporate worship in the places we choose. We must go to the place which the Lord has chosen, to that one center, that one ground of unity. In Christianity today everyone acts as if he has the right to choose according to his own desire. The saying is popular and current, “Attend the church of your choice.” I would like to shout at the top of my voice to all the Lord’s children,” You have no choice!” On one hand, you have full liberty to enjoy Christ by yourself wherever you are, but when you gather with the Lord’s children to worship Him you have lost your liberty. The place where the Lord’s children gather must be the very place appointed by the Lord Himself. (The All-inclusive Christ, p. 181) Further Reading: Life-study of the Psalms, msg. 30; CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 4, “The Divine and Mystical Realm,” ch. 6; Life-study of Deuteronomy, msgs. 10-11 |
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