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第十一週•週四 晨興餧養 西一12『感謝父,叫你們彀資格在光中同得所分給眾聖徒的分。』 林前十四26『弟兄們,這卻怎麼樣?每逢你們聚在一起的時候,各人或有詩歌,或有教訓,或有啓示,或有方言,或有繙出來的話,凡事都當爲建造。』 弗三21『願在召會中,並在基督耶穌裏,榮耀歸與祂,直到世世代代,永永遠遠…。』 我們…真實的享受基督,就不會只有知識而已,而是有對基督之經歷的富餘可以帶到召會中。我們對基督有足彀的經歷,就可得此餧養並靠此爲生;我們也有富餘,那十分之一,就是我們對基督的經歷中上好的部分,可以分別出來,在我們一同聚集時獻上給神。我們向神獻上我們所經歷的基督,也彼此分享這位基督。在我們都帶着對基督之經歷的富餘來到聚會中,聚會就展覽基督的豐富。(李常受文集一九六六年第一册,一六二至一六三頁。) 信息選讀 以色列人敬拜神時,他們將美地的富餘帶來集中,有牲畜、酒、奶、蜜、新鮮小麥。…他們這樣聚在一起,就是展覽美地豐富的出產。這豫表:每當我們這些享受基督的人聚在一起時,帶着對基督的一分經歷,我們的聚集就展覽基督。…我們若有這樣的聚集,我們享受基督豐富的結果,就會成爲基督的豐滿。我們聚集展覽基督,就因着所供應出來的基督而得着造就和滿足。我們的乾渴解除了,我們的難處解決了,我們也得着建造,成爲召會、身體。召會…是由對基督真實經歷的富餘所形成並組成的。我們若沒有真實的經歷基督,就不可能有召會的實際。如果我們只是客觀的擁有基督的豐富,卻沒有個人、主觀的享受這些豐富,我們就沒有富餘;沒有富餘,就沒有豐滿。 我們需要藉着經歷基督、享受基督而變得豐富。爲此,我們強調我們需要藉着操練靈來接觸、享受、經歷並有分於基督。…倘若我們沒有天天實行這事,就不可能有召會生活。我們眾人都必須天天勞苦經營我們的美地基督,耕地、撒種、澆灌、施肥、接受日光照耀;這意思是說,我們必須與主來往,並讓祂對付我們。此外,我們也需要信靠祂並講說福音。一段時間之後,我們會從主有所得着,作爲收成。有些東西會成熟,作爲富餘,我們在靈裏會有那一分,可以豐富的帶到聚會中。我們帶着基督的豐富來聚會,將其獻上給神,使祂滿足;也與人分享,使人滿足。藉着這樣的聚集、服事、盡職、擺上,召會就會帶着基督素質和實際的豐滿而產生出來。…我們相信在這末後的日子,主要恢復對基督真實的經歷,好在聚會中展覽祂豐富的富餘,爲要產生召會生活的素質和實際。 我們必須學習在早晨、下午、晚上都接觸基督。我們操練靈不能一週一次、或一天一次,而是需要不斷操練,好接觸這位活的基督,就是賜生命的靈,並在祂身上勞苦。這樣,我們就會有收成、富餘。…我們屬靈的手中會有出於基督的東西可以獻上給神,使祂滿足,也能與人分享,使眾人滿足。如此,我們就會過實際的召會生活。這樣的召會生活是基督的豐滿,出於我們對基督之豐富的享受。(李常受文集一九六六年第一册,一六三至一六五頁。) 參讀:李常受文集一九六六年第一册,一五九至一六五頁;李常受文集一九六三年第四册,二九六至三○六頁。 WEEK 11 — DAY 4
Morning Nourishment Col. 1:12 Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you for a share of the allotted portion of the saints in the light. 1 Cor. 14:26 What then, brothers? Whenever you come together, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up. Eph. 3:21 To Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus unto all the generations forever and ever… When we truly enjoy Christ…, we spontaneously have not mere knowledge but a surplus of the experience of Christ to bring to the church. We have the adequate experience of Christ to feed on and live by, and we also have a surplus, the tithe, the best portion of our experience of Christ set aside to offer to God when we come together. We offer to God the very Christ whom we have experienced, and we share this Christ with one another. When we all bring the surplus of our experience of Christ to the meetings, the meetings become an exhibition of the riches of Christ. (CWWL, 1966, vol. 1, p. 121) Today’s Reading When the people of Israel worshipped God, they brought together the surplus of the good land, such as flocks, wine, milk, honey, and fresh wheat… Their coming together was an exhibition of the rich produce of the good land. This typifies that whenever we who enjoy Christ meet together by bringing a portion of our experience of Christ, our meetings are the exhibition of Christ… If we have this kind of meeting, the outcome of our enjoyment of the riches of Christ will be the fullness of Christ. When we meet to exhibit Christ, we are edified and satisfied with the Christ who is ministered. Our thirst is quenched, our problems are solved, and we are built up. In this way we become the church, the Body. The church is…formed by and composed of the surplus of the genuine experience of Christ. If we do not have the real experience of Christ, it is not possible to have the reality of the church. If we have only the riches of Christ objectively without our personal, subjective enjoyment of them, we have no surplus, and without the surplus there is no fullness. We need to be enriched by the experience and enjoyment of Christ. This is why we stress our need to contact, enjoy, experience, and partake of Christ by exercising our spirit…If we do not practice this day by day, it is impossible to have the church life. We all must daily labor on Christ as our land by tilling the ground, sowing the seed, watering it, nourishing it, and letting the sun shine on it. This means that we must deal with the Lord and be dealt with by Him. Moreover, we need to trust in Him and speak the gospel. After a certain amount of time, we will have something of the Lord as a harvest. Something will become ripe as a surplus, and we will have a portion in our spirit to bring to the meetings in a rich way. We will come to the meetings with the riches of Christ to offer to God for His satisfaction and to share with others for their satisfaction also. By means of this kind of meeting, service, ministry, and contribution, the church will come forth with the fullness of the reality and essence of Christ…We believe that in these last days the Lord will recover the genuine experience of Christ for a surplus of His riches in the meetings in order to produce the essence and reality of the church life. We must learn to contact Christ in the morning, afternoon, and evening. We need to exercise our spirit, not only once a week or once a day but continually, to contact and labor on the living Christ who is the life-giving Spirit. Then we will have a harvest, a surplus…We will have something of Christ in our spiritual hands to offer to God for His satisfaction and to share with others for their satisfaction. In this way we will have the church life in reality. This kind of church life is the fullness of Christ, which comes Further Reading: CWWL, 1966, vol. 1, pp. 119-123; CWWL, 1963, vol. 4, pp. 227-234 |
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