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第十一週•週二 晨興餧養 弗三8『這恩典賜給了我這比眾聖徒中最小者還小的,叫我將基督那追測不盡的豐富,當作福音傳給外邦人。』 10『爲要藉着召會,使諸天界裏執政的、掌權的,現今得知神萬般的智慧。』 今天…有許許多多的展覽會。人們要從…全世界,將他們的產品帶來展覽。當我們來在一起敬拜神的時候,我們也是這樣作。我們聚集一起來展覽基督,不只是展覽神所給我們的基督,乃是展覽我們所出產的基督,我們所經營、所經歷的基督。…我們一切的聚會都應該是這樣,是個展覽會,在其中陳列基督的各種出產。(李常受文集一九六一至一九六二年第四册,四六七頁。) 信息選讀 在住棚節的時候,有那麼多〔以色列〕人從那地〔迦南〕各處來聚集在他們的中心—耶路撒冷。大家都帶着他們的出產而來,有果子,有植物產品,有牛羊,並其他許多東西。若是我們當時能在那裏,親眼看見那個節期,我們對於那地的豐富將感到何等的驚奇!…這一切都擺在一起,在耶和華的同在裏共同享受,連神也享受祂自己的那一分。 召會生活就是這樣。所有的聖徒在神面前享受基督,並與神同享。他們享受他們所出產的基督。他們天天在基督身上作工,他們天天出產基督,然後在神所指定的某一個日子,他們就來在一起。…他們因着豐收而歡喜,他們因着從他們所居住那『美地』收割的一切豐富而喜樂。他們來的時候並不是空手而來,滿臉皺紋而毫無笑容。他們不是坐在教堂長凳上睡覺,讓一位可憐的牧師包辦講臺。…神子民的敬拜乃是每一個人都充滿了基督,照射出基督,並展覽基督,就是他們所經營、所出產的基督。有一位弟兄能說,『這是我今日所經營、所出產的基督。祂在這一方面、在那一方面對我是多麼豐富!』有一位姊妹能見證說,『讚美主,我在我那個爲難的家庭處境中,經歷了基督自己的忍耐和恩慈。祂在這一方面對於我是多麼甘甜、真實!』…每一個人都展覽他們所收割的基督。這對神是何等的敬拜!對聖徒是何等的造就!對仇敵是何等的羞辱!這一種的聚會使那些空中執政掌權的無地自容。邪惡的勢力看到基督是這樣的一位基督,就大大蒙羞。 我怕今日仇敵正在發笑,空中邪惡的勢力也正在嗤笑我們基督徒的聚會。但是我們藉着享受包羅萬有的基督,藉着天天殷勤在祂身上經營,並藉着把我們對祂豐富的出產帶來與神共享,也與所有的聖徒共享,就能轉敗爲勝。 這就是得着美地以後的生活。這是一個在基督身上作工,出產基督,享受基督,與別人分享基督,並且把基督獻上給神,使神能與我們同享基督的生活。這樣的享受並分享基督,就是對整個宇宙展覽基督。這對神是敬拜,對仇敵是羞辱。…在這樣一個聚會結束的時候,所有的弟兄姊妹都豐豐富富得着餧養。他們帶着富餘而來,又帶着更多的富餘離去。在那地上的生活,一切全是基督,但祂是一位與我們有關的基督。…這是我們所經營的基督,是我們所出產的基督,是我們所享受的基督,是我們與別人所分享並獻上給神的基督。(李常受文集一九六一至一九六二年第四册,四六七至四六九頁。) 參讀:包羅萬有的基督,第十五章;喫主,第四篇。 WEEK 11 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment Eph. 3:8 To me, less than the least of all saints, was this grace given to announce to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ as the gospel. 10 In order that now to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenlies the multifarious wisdom of God might be made known through the church. At certain times people from all over certain areas and districts and sometimes from throughout the entire world bring their products together for exhibition. This is just what we are doing when we come together to worship God. We are meeting together to have an exhibition of Christ, not just the Christ whom God gave us but the Christ we have produced, the Christ upon whom we have labored and whom we have experienced…This is what all our meetings should be—an exhibition, a fair, in which all sorts of the produce of Christ are displayed. (CWWL, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The All-inclusive Christ,” pp. 346-347) Today’s Reading At the time of the Feast of Tabernacles so many from all over the land came together to their center, Jerusalem. All brought with them some of their produce—some fruit, some vegetables, some cattle, and many other things. If we could be there at that time and witness the occasion, we would marvel at the riches of the land…Everything was put together and mutually enjoyed in the presence of Jehovah, God too having His own portion. The church life is simply this. It is all the saints enjoying Christ before God and mutually with God. They are enjoying the Christ they produce. Day by day they are working on Christ; day by day they are producing Christ. Then on a certain day appointed by the Lord they come together…They are rejoicing in the abundance of their harvest and in all the riches they have reaped from that “good land” in which they are living. They are not coming empty-handed with wrinkled and smileless faces. They are not sleeping in the pews while a poor minister occupies the platform…The worship of His people is when everyone is full of Christ, radiant with Christ, and exhibiting the Christ upon whom they have labored and whom they have produced. I fear that the enemy today is laughing, and the wicked forces in the heavenlies are mocking our Christian meetings. But we can turn the tables on them by enjoying the all-inclusive Christ, by laboring diligently on Him day after day, and by bringing our abundant produce of Him together to share with God and with all the saints. This is the life after the possession of the good land. It is a life of working on Christ, producing Christ, enjoying Christ, sharing Christ with others, and offering Christ to God that He may enjoy Him with us. This kind of enjoyment and sharing is an exhibition of Christ to the entire universe. It is a worship to God and a shame to the enemy…At the conclusion of such a meeting all the brothers and sisters will be richly and abundantly nourished. They came with a surplus, and they leave with a greater surplus. Everything of the life in the land is Christ, but it is a Christ related to us…It is a Christ who is labored on by us, a Christ who is produced by us, a Christ who is enjoyed by us, a Christ who is shared with others and offered to God by us. (CWWL, 1961- 1962, vol. 4, “The All-inclusive Christ,” pp. 347-348) Further Reading: CWWL, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The All-inclusive Christ,” ch. 15; CWWL, 1972, vol. 1, “Eating the Lord,” ch. 4 |
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