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第十週•週四 晨興餧養 林前十二12『就如身體是一個,卻有許多肢體,而且身體上一切的肢體雖多,仍是一個身體,基督也是這樣。』 西二6 ~ 7『你們旣然接受了基督,就是主耶穌,…就要在祂裏面行事爲人。』 〔林前十二章十二節的『基督』,〕指團體的基督,由基督自己作頭,召會作祂的身體,連同所有信徒作肢體所組成的。所有基督的信徒,都與祂有生機的聯結,並都是用祂的生命和元素所構成的,成爲祂的身體這個生機體,以彰顯祂。因此,祂不僅是頭,也是身體。就如我們物質的身體雖有許多肢體,仍是一個身體,基督也是這樣。(聖經恢復本,林前十二12 註2。) 〔在歌羅西二章七節,〕我們需要在其中行事爲人的這一位,乃是合併的神。接受基督就是接受身體基督,因爲今天的基督是團體的身體。(林前十二12。)我們需要接受這位基督。(李常受文集一九七三至一九七四年第一册,六七二頁。) 信息選讀 可惜的是,今天許多基督徒會說,他們只在意基督,不在意召會。…我們若關心基督和召會二者,就能得着更多基督的豐富。因此,我們需要禱告:『主耶穌,我在意你,我也關心你的身體,因爲我認識你是頭,召會是身體。我不能只有頭卻沒有身體。』我們應該禱告:『主耶穌,我知道你今天不再只是個人的基督,而是團體的基督,是頭同着身體。你是身體基督。因此,主耶穌,我接受你,也接受你的身體。我接受身體基督,我渴望在這位基督裏行事爲人。』 我們若在團體的基督裏行事爲人,我們的基督徒生活就會大大不同。今天大多數基督徒裏面基督的豐富都已被奪走了。大部分的人在屬靈上是貧窮、輭弱的,因爲他們只在意基督,不在意召會。…在主的恢復裏,我們許多人可以見證,自從我們進到召會,開始關切召會的那一天起,我們的屬靈生命就有了極大的不同。我們裏面感覺到,我們是豐富的。每一位在召會中的人,在屬靈上都是億萬富翁;我們都是富有的。 我們旣看見我們已經浸入身體裏,就需要看見這身體是甚麼。林前十二章十二節…並不像我們所豫期的,結束於『召會也是這樣』,而是結束於『基督〔直譯,那基督〕也是這樣』。本節末了的『那基督』,就是身體基督,也就是作爲身體的基督。十二節清楚啓示一個事實:基督是一個有許多肢體的身體。這就是身體基督,也就是合併的神。 因爲我們在身體裏,且是身體的一部分,所以我們正在享受身體基督。有些信徒可能覺得,無須爲着享受基督而參加聚會。他們若是單獨一人,也許可以享受一小部分個人的基督,但他們絕對無法享受身體基督的豐富。在召會的聚會中,身體上的每一個肢體都有一分基督。爲這緣故,我們每一個人都需要開口,釋放我們裏面基督的豐富。倘若我們沒有來聚會,沒有開口釋放基督的豐富,我們就只有個人的一分基督。我們都需要分享自己的一分基督,並享受別人的分。…眾肢體在身體裏彼此分享基督,好比我們物質身體的血液循環。…一個肢體越向身體的其他部分送出血液,就會有越多的血液流進它裏面。我們越開口釋放基督,基督就越進到我們裏面。因此,我們都需要在聚會中釋放我們的一分基督。(李常受文集一九七三至一九七四年第一册,六七二至六七三、六六五至六六六頁。) 參讀:團體基督的異象與經歷,第三章。 WEEK 10 — DAY 4
Morning Nourishment 1 Cor. 12:12 For even as the body is one and has many members, yet all the members of the body, being many, are one body, so also is the Christ. Col. 2:6 As therefore you have received the Christ, Jesus the Lord, walk in Him. [“The Christ” in 1 Corinthians 12:12 refers] to the corporate Christ, composed of Christ Himself as the Head and the church as His Body with all the believers as members. All the believers of Christ are organically united with Him and constituted with His life and element and have thus become His Body, an organism, to express Him. Hence, He is not only the Head but also the Body. As our physical body has many members yet is one, so is this Christ. (1 Cor. 12:12, footnote 2) [In Colossians 2:6] the One in whom we need to walk is the incorporated God. To receive Christ is to receive the Body-Christ, because Christ today is a corporate Body (1 Cor. 12:12). We need to receive this Christ. (CWWL, 1973-1974, vol. 1, “The Vision and Experience of the Corporate Christ,” p. 496) Today’s Reading Regrettably,…many Christians today would say that they care only for Christ and not for the church…We can gain much more of the riches of Christ when we care for both Christ and the church. Thus, we need to pray, “Lord Jesus, I care for You, and I care also for Your Body, because I know that You are the Head and that the church is the Body. I cannot have the Head without the Body.” We should pray, “Lord Jesus, I know that today You are no longer only the individual Christ but also the corporate Christ, the Head with the Body. You are the Body-Christ. Therefore, Lord Jesus, I receive You as well as Your Body. I receive the Body-Christ, and I desire to walk in this Christ.” makes a great difference in our Christian life to walk in the corporate Christ. Most Christians today have been robbed of the riches of Christ. Most are spiritually poor and weak simply because they care only for Christ and not for the church. Many of us in the Lord’s recovery can testify that since the day we came into the church and began to care for the church, there has been a great difference in our spiritual life. We have the inner sense that we are rich. Everyone in the church is a spiritual We have been baptized into the Body, [so now] we need to see what the Body is. First Corinthians 12:12…does not end, as we might expect, by saying, “So also is the church.” It ends with the words so also is the Christ. “The Christ” at the end of this verse is the Body-Christ, Christ as the Body. First Corinthians 12:12 clearly reveals the fact that Christ is a Body with many members. This is the Body-Christ, the incorporated God. Because we are in the Body and are part of the Body, we are enjoying the Body-Christ. Some believers may feel that there is no need to go to a meeting in order to enjoy Christ. If they stay by themselves, they may enjoy a small portion of the individual Christ, but they will never enjoy the riches of the Body-Christ. In the meetings of the church every member of the Body has a portion of Christ. For this reason, we each need to open our mouth to release the riches of Christ within us. If we do not come to the meetings and open up our mouth to release the riches of Christ, we will have only our individual portion of Christ. We all need to share our portion of Christ and enjoy the portion of others. This mutual sharing of Christ by all the members in the Body can be compared to the circulation of blood in our physical Further Reading: CWWL, 1973-1974, vol. 1, “The Vision and Experience of the Corporate Christ,” chs. 3-4 |
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