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第十週•週二 晨興餧養 林前六17『但與主聯合的,便是與主成爲一靈。』 啓二二17『那靈和新婦說,來!聽見的人也該說,來!口渴的人也當來;願意的都可以白白取生命的水喝。』 〔『與主聯合』,〕指信徒藉着信入主,(約三15 ~ 16,)與祂有生機的聯結。這聯結可用枝子與葡萄樹的聯結(十五4 ~ 5)說明。這不僅是生命的事,也是在生命(神的生命)裏的事。這樣與復活之主的聯結,只能在我們的靈裏。(聖經恢復本,林前六17 註1。) 〔『成爲一靈』,〕指明是靈的主與我們的靈調和。我們的靈已經由神的靈所重生,(約三6,)這靈現今在我們裏面,(林前六19,)並與我們的靈是一。(羅八16。)(林前六17 註2。) 信息選讀 在啓示錄二、三章裏,是那靈向眾召會說話;到本書末了,〔二十二章十七節這裏,〕是那靈和新婦(召會)如同一人說話。這指明召會對那靈的經歷已經進步到與那靈,就是三一神終極的表現,成爲一了。 聖經整體的啓示,乃是給我們看見一對宇宙夫婦愛的故事,就是那創造宇宙和萬有的主宰,經過成爲肉體、歷盡人生、釘死十架、從死復活、升上高天種種過程的父、子、靈三一神,終極成爲那賜生命之靈者,與經過創造、救贖、重生、變化、得榮的靈、魂、體三部分人,終極構成彰顯神之召會者,成爲婚配,在那無盡的永世裏,以那神 聖、永遠、榮耀無比的生命,過那神人調爲一靈, 〔在啓示錄二十二章十七節,〕『來』…乃是對主來的渴望。凡聽見這響應的,也該說『來』,以 那靈和新婦一面渴望主來,一面盼望口渴的罪人也來取生命的水喝,以得滿足。當我們誠心渴望主來時,也熱誠關切罪人的得救。(啓二二17註3。) 『神要迎娶團體新婦』這個觀念,不是屬人的觀念,而是〔聖經這〕神聖之書的啓示。創世記一章到啓示錄二十二章啓示,『單身』的神要迎娶一位女子,這女子是一座城,由神所有的贖民組成。因此在永世裏,神有妻子,祂是『已婚』的神。在豫表上,丈夫與妻子總是一。創世記二章二十四節說,『二人成爲一體。』林前六章十七節說,『與主聯合的,便是與主成爲一靈。』主和我們不再是二者;我們真正是一。…一個完整的人是由兩個一半合成。未婚的弟兄只是一半。當他找到一位與他相配的姊妹,並且結婚時,他就完整了。一個完整的瓜需要兩半合起來。我們若沒有配偶,就像是半個瓜。召會作爲基督的新婦,與基督真正是一。基督是頭一半,我們是另一半。這就是爲甚麼『阿利路亞』乃是一直到啓示錄末了纔有。當羔羊婚娶的時候來到,就有『阿利路亞』。今天的召會生活就是那婚娶之日的豫嘗。我們很喜樂,因爲我們正在享受那婚娶之日的豫嘗。(李常受文集一九七三至一九七四年第一册,六三六至六三七頁。) 參讀:團體基督的異象與經歷,第二章。 WEEK 10 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment 1 Cor. 6:17 But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. Rev. 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come! And let him who hears say, Come! And let him who is thirsty come; let him who wills take the water of life freely. [“Joined to the Lord”] refers to the believers’ organic union with the Lord through believing into Him (John 3:15-16). This union is illustrated by that of the branches with the vine (John 15:4-5). It is a matter not only of life but in life (the divine life). Such a union with the resurrected Lord can only be in our spirit. (1 Cor. 6:17, footnote 1) [“One spirit”] indicates the mingling of the Lord as the Spirit with our spirit. Our spirit has been regenerated by the Spirit of God (John 3:6), who is now in us (1 Cor. 6:19) and is one with our spirit (Rom. 8:16). (1 Cor. 6:17, footnote 2) Today’s Reading In Revelation 2 and 3 it was the Spirit speaking to the churches; here [in 22:17], at the end of the book, it is the Spirit and the bride, the church, speaking together as one. This indicates that the church’s experience of the Spirit has improved to the extent that she has become one with the Spirit, who is the ultimate consummation of the Triune God. The entire revelation of the Bible shows us the love story of a universal couple. That is, the sovereign Lord, who created the universe and all things, the Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—who went through the processes of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, and who ultimately became the life-giving Spirit, is joined in marriage to the created, redeemed, regenerated, transformed, and glorified tripartite man—composed of spirit, soul, and body—who ultimately constitutes the church, the expression of God. In the eternity that is without end, by the divine, eternal, and surpassingly glorious life, they will live a life “Come!” [in Revelation 22:17]…expresses the desire for the Lord’s coming. Whoever hears this response also should say, “Come!” thus expressing a joint desire for the Lord’s coming. (Rev. 22:17, footnote 2) The Spirit and the bride, on one hand, desire that the Lord will come, and, on the other hand, yearn that the thirsty sinner also will come to take the water of life for his satisfaction. When we have a sincere desire for the Lord’s coming, we also have an earnest concern for the sinner’s salvation. (Rev. 22:17, footnote 3) The thought of God marrying a corporate bride is not a human concept but the revelation of [the Bible], the divine book. Genesis 1 through Revelation 22 reveals that the “bachelor” God marries a city-lady composed of all His redeemed people. Thus, for eternity God has a wife; He is the married God. In type, a husband and wife are always one. Genesis 2:24 says, “They shall become one flesh.” First Corinthians 6:17 says, “He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit.” The Lord and we are no longer two; we are truly one…A complete person is two halves. An unmarried brother is only a half. When he finds a sister who matches him and they are married, he becomes Further Reading: CWWL, 1973-1974, vol. 1, “The Vision and Experience of the Corporate Christ,” ch. 2 |
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