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西二6 ~ 7『你們旣然接受了基督,就是主耶穌,…就要在祂裏面行事爲人。』


〔在歌羅西二章七節,〕行事爲人就是生活、行動、舉止、爲人。我們該在基督裏行事爲人,生活行動,使我們能享受祂的豐富,就如以色列人住在美地,享受其上一切豐富的出產。今天的美地就是基督那包羅萬有的靈,(加三14,)祂住在我們的靈裏,(提後四22,羅八16,)作我們的享受。照着這靈而行,(4,加五16,)乃是新約的中心和關鍵。(聖經恢復本,西二7 註3。)


肉體是墮落之三部分人極點的表現,( 創六3,)那靈是經過過程之三一神終極的實化。(約七39。)因着基督的救贖與那靈重生的工作,我們已經接受神分賜的人,就能不憑着肉體,不憑着我們墮落的人而行,乃憑着那靈,憑着經過過程的三一神而行。保羅寫加拉太書,不僅在消極一面拯救被岔開的加拉太信徒脫離律法,更在積極一面使他們認識,在信徒的靈裏有包羅萬有賜生命的靈,叫他們可以在這靈裏生活行動。(加五16 註1。)


〔律法義的要求〕不是有意識的,靠我們外面的努力來遵守,乃是自然且不知不覺的,靠生命之靈內裏的運行而成就。生命的靈,就是基督的靈,基督是與神的律法一致的。當我們照着這靈而行,我們裏面的這靈,自然就藉着我們成就律法一切義的要求。(聖經恢復本,羅八4 註1。)

〔羅馬八章四節的『行』,〕原文指我們在生活中一般的行事。…生命之靈的律,已經裝置在我們裏面;要讓這律運行,我們必須履行以下的條件:㈠照着靈而行;(4;)㈡思念那靈的事—將心思置於靈;(5 ~ 6;)㈢靠着那靈治死身體的行爲;(13;)㈣作神的兒子,被神的靈引導;(14;)㈤在兒子名分的靈裏呼叫父;(15;)㈥見證我們是神的兒女;(16;)㈦爲着完滿的兒子名分,就是我們的身體得贖而歎息。(23。)(羅八4 註3。)

〔提摩太後書〕有力的強調我們的靈。本書一開始就強調能力、愛、並清明自守的靈已經賜給我們,藉此我們能將神的恩賜,如火挑旺起來,並且按神的能力以及主分賜生命的恩典,與福音同受苦難。(一6 ~10。)到了結語,本書強調主與我們的靈同在,且以此祝福我們,使我們享受祂作恩典,以站住抵擋召會敗落中那下坡的流,並藉着祂內住的靈(一14)和裝備的話,(三16 ~ 17,)完成神的經綸。(提後四22 註1。)

在召會墮落加劇的艱難日子裏,所需要的乃是神永遠的恩典,這恩典是在永遠裏所賜給我們的,(提後一9,)也是在今世供我們取用的。這在不能毀壞之生命裏的恩典,一點不差就是那位是神生命的具體化身,且居住並活在我們靈裏之神的兒子基督。我們必須運用我們的靈,以享受這位基督的豐富(弗三8)作彀用的恩典。(林後十二9。)這樣,我們就可以活祂作我們的敬虔,(提前四7 ~ 8,)好建造召會作祂的見證,照着神的經綸擔負一切神聖的實際—真理。(提後四22 註2。)


WEEK 10 — DAY 1


Morning Nourishment

Col. 2:6 As therefore you have received the Christ, Jesus the Lord, walk in Him.

Gal. 5:16 But I say, Walk by the Spirit and you shall by no means fulfill the lust of the flesh.

In Colossians 2:6 to walk is to live, to act, to behave, and to have our being. We should walk, live, and act in Christ that we may enjoy His riches, just as the children of Israel lived in the good land, enjoying all its rich produce. The good land today is Christ as the all-inclusive Spirit (Gal. 3:14), who dwells in our spirit (2 Tim. 4:22; Rom. 8:16) to be our enjoyment. To walk according to this Spirit (Rom. 8:4; Gal. 5:16) is the central and crucial point in the New Testament. (Col. 2:6, footnote 2)

According to the context [of Galatians 5], the Spirit [v. 16] must be the Holy Spirit, who dwells in and mingles with our regenerated spirit. To walk by the Spirit is to have our walk regulated by the Holy Spirit from within our spirit, … in contrast to having our walk regulated by the law in the realm of our flesh.

The flesh is the uttermost expression of the fallen tripartite man (Gen. 6:3), and the Spirit is the ultimate realization of the processed Triune God (John 7:39). Because of Christ’s redemption and the Spirit’s work of regeneration, we who have received God’s dispensing can walk by the Spirit, by the processed Triune God, instead of by the flesh, by our fallen being. Paul wrote this book not only to rescue the distracted Galatian believers from the law, on the negative side, but also, on the positive side, to bring them into the realization that the believers have the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit in their spirit that they may live, walk, and have their being in this Spirit. (Gal. 5:16, footnote 2)

Today’s Reading

[The righteous requirement of the law is] not consciously kept by us through our outward endeavoring but spontaneously and unconsciously fulfilled in us by the inward working of the Spirit of life. The Spirit of life is the Spirit of Christ, and Christ corresponds with the law of God. This Spirit within us spontaneously fulfills all the righteous requirements of the law through us when we walk according to Him. (Rom. 8:4, footnote 1)

The Greek word [for walk] denotes the general walk in our living…The requirements that we must fulfill in order that the law of the Spirit of life (which has already been installed in us) may work are (1) to walk according to the spirit (v. 4); (2) to mind the things of the Spirit—to set the mind on the spirit (vv. 5-6); (3) to put to death by the Spirit the practices of the body (v. 13); (4) to be led by the Spirit as sons of God (v. 14); (5) to cry to the Father in the spirit of sonship (v. 15); (6) to witness that we are the children of God (v. 16); and (7) to groan for the full sonship, the redemption of our body (v. 23). (Rom. 8:4, footnote 2)

Second Timothy strongly stresses our spirit. In the beginning it emphasizes that a strong, loving, and sound spirit was given to us, a spirit by which we can fan the gift of God into flame and suffer evil with the gospel according to the power of God and the Lord’s life-imparting grace (1:6-10). In the conclusion it blesses us by emphasizing the Lord’s being with our spirit that we may enjoy Him as grace in order to stand against the downward current of the church’s decline and carry out God’s economy through His indwelling Spirit (1:14) and equipping word (3:16-17). (2 Tim. 4:22, footnote 1)

In the grievous days of the worsening of the church’s degradation, what is needed is the eternal grace of God, which was given to us in eternity (2 Tim. 1:9) and is to be appropriated by us in this age. This grace, which is in the indestructible life, is nothing less than Christ, the Son of God, who is the very embodiment of the divine life, dwelling and living in our spirit. We need to exercise our spirit to enjoy the riches of this Christ (Eph. 3:8) as the sufficient grace (2 Cor. 12:9). Thus we may live Him as our godliness (1 Tim. 4:7-8) for the building up of the church as His testimony, bearing all the divine realities (truths) according to God’s economy. (2 Tim. 4:22, footnote 2)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1973-1974, vol. 1, “The Vision and Experience of the Corporate Christ,” ch. 1

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