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第七週•週六 晨興餧養 弗二6『祂又叫我們在基督耶穌裏一同復活,一同坐在諸天界裏。』 西一27『神願意叫他們知道,這奧祕的榮耀在外邦人中是何等的豐富,就是基督在你們裏面成了榮耀的盼望。』 這天上的職事乃是主在祂升天裏的工作。…『升天』一辭包括從主升到天上,到祂爲着第二次來而降下的這段期間。…今天基督在那裏?…說祂在諸天裏,這是太膚淺了。我們必須學習說,『主今天是在祂的升天裏。』…整個恩典時代乃是主升天的時期。祂在諸天之上作了許多事,但今天的基督徒沒有充分注意基督這一部分的職事。今天祂在諸天之上,坐在神的右邊,(羅八34,)祂也在我們裏面。(10。)這是非常奧祕的。祂在升天裏是在諸天之上,而祂在升天裏也在我們裏面與我們同在。今天我們乃是在升天裏。我們不是屬地的人,乃是屬天的人。腓立比三章二十節說,我們的國籍,或公民權,是在諸天之上。我們是天上的公民,所以我們都在升天裏。(弗二6 下。)(李常受文集一九九三年第一册,五九四、五九六頁。) 信息選讀 基督在升天裏是在天上,也在我們裏面;祂天上的職事是在諸天之上,同時也在我們裏面作工、進行。基督作我們的大祭司,爲我們禱告。(來七25。)祂在諸天之上,同時也在我們裏面爲我們代求。今天祂在諸天之上,也在我們裏面,總是同時間作同樣的事。…基督在天上工作,同時祂也…在我們裏面工作。這是神在基督的升天裏,在人裏的行動,所以這也是神的歷史。 在整個宇宙中,有這樣一個景象,是基督已進入其中的。祂在成爲肉體裏從諸天下來,然後祂進到升天裏。祂在升天裏,在諸天界裏,乃是祂大能救恩的一大部分。祂經過成爲肉體、爲人生活、釘十字架,然後達到復活。祂旣是復活,就進入升天裏。這些步驟乃是祂在人裏的行動,以完成祂大能的救恩。今天神仍然在祂的升天裏行動。祂是在祂的升天裏生活、居住、住留、盡職、事奉、作工、行動並行事。 祂在我們裏面,乃是在祂的升天裏。這就是爲甚麼保羅告訴我們,我們是與基督一同坐在祂的升天裏,就是保羅所說的『諸天界』裏。…在我們全人裏,有一個東西相當不平凡。這不平凡的東西乃是一個人位,就是升天的基督。祂在祂的升天裏進入我們裏面。主今天乃是在祂的升天裏而在我們靈裏。在這升天裏,三一神在我們裏面行動,這行動成了祂的歷史。這行動也成了我們的歷史,因爲如今我們與祂,祂與我們,調和爲一。我們二者有了相同的歷史。 一個男人與一個女人結婚之前,他們有兩個歷史,但他們一結了婚,就在婚姻生活中成爲配偶,有同一個歷史。今天我們與我們的神—三一神—是一,所以祂與我們有同一個歷史。否則,聖經怎能說,我們活基督,(腓一21 上,)我們是基督的豐滿,(弗一23,)我們是基督配偶的肢體(部分)?(五25,30。)…我們旣是基督身體的肢體,我們就是基督,而這位基督乃是在升天裏。基督是三一神的具體化身,而我們是這具體化身在祂升天裏的各部分。每當我們聚集到祂的名裏,基督就與所有祂在升天裏的肢體同在,這就是神在人裏的行動。這是祂歷史的一部分。我們是否能向與我們同作信徒的人陳明這篇信息,在於我們是否有所看見。我們的看見會在裏面改變我們,這就是變化。(李常受文集一九九三年第一册,五九六、六一○至六一一頁。) 參讀:神在人裏的行動,第八章。 WEEK 7 — DAY 6
Morning Nourishment Eph. 2:6 And raised us up together with Him and seated us together with Him in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus. Col. 1:27 To whom God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. [The] heavenly ministry is the Lord’s work in His ascension…The term ascension covers the span from the ascending of the Lord to His descending for His second coming…Where is Christ today?…To say that He is in the heavens is too shallow. We have to learn to say, “The Lord today is in His ascension.” The entire age of grace is the time of the Lord’s ascension. He is in the heavens doing a lot, but today’s Christians do not pay adequate attention to this part of Christ’s ministry. Today He is both in the heavens seated at the right hand of God (Rom. 8:34) and in us (v. 10). This is very mysterious. He is in the heavens in ascension, and His presence within us Today’s Reading Christ is in ascension both in the heavens and in us, and His heavenly ministry is working, is going on, at the same time in the heavens and in us. Christ as our High Priest is praying for us (Heb. 7:25). He is interceding for us both in the heavens and in us. Today He is always doing the same thing at the same time both in the heavens and in us…Christ is working in the heavens, and at the same time He is working in us…This is God’s move in man in the ascension of Christ, so it is also God’s history. In the whole universe there is such a scene into which Christ entered. He came down from the heavens in incarnation, and then He entered into His ascension. His being in ascension, in the heavenlies, is a great part of His dynamic salvation. He passed through incarnation, human living, and crucifixion, and then He reached resurrection. As the resurrection, He entered into His ascension. These steps were His move in man to carry out His dynamic salvation. Today God is still moving in His ascension. He is living, dwelling, staying, ministering, serving, working, moving, and acting in His ascension. He is in His ascension within us. This is why Paul tells us that we are seated together with Christ in His ascension, which Paul calls “the heavenlies.”…Within our being, there is something quite extraordinary. This extraordinary thing is a person, the ascended Christ. He came into us in His ascension. The Lord today is in our spirit in His ascension. In this ascension the Triune God moves in us, and this move becomes His history. It also becomes our history because we and He, He and we, are now mingled as one. We two have the same history. Before a man and woman are married, they have two histories, but once they are married, they become a couple in a marriage life with one history. Today we and our God, the Triune God, are one, so He and we have one history. Otherwise, how could the Bible say that we live Christ (Phil. 1:21a), that we are the fullness of Christ (Eph. 1:23), and that we are the members, parts, of the counterpart of Christ? (5:25, 30)…As the members of Christ’s Body, we are Christ, and this Christ is in ascension. Christ is the embodiment of the Triune God, and we are parts of this embodiment in His ascension. Whenever we are gathered together into His name, Christ is there with all Further Reading: CWWL, 1993, vol. 1, “The Move of God in Man,” ch. 8 |
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