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第七週•週四 晨興餧養 西一18『祂也是召會身體的頭;祂是元始,是從死人中復活的首生者,使祂可以在萬有中居首位。』 弗三19『…認識基督那超越知識的愛,使你們被充滿,成爲神一切的豐滿。』 我們不該說,『基督的升天這件事離我很遠。我無法領會,並且我看不見神聖的傳輸。』你也看不見使行星繞着太陽運轉的能力,但你仍然相信。我們需要相信在神聖、屬靈的範圍裏,有一種能力,將基督在祂的升天裏所達到、所得着的一切,傳輸給我們。…凡祂所達到、所得着的,現今正傳輸到召會裏。只要我們是潔淨的容器,並且願意敞開自己,這傳輸就會不斷的進行。(路加福音生命讀經,七六五頁。) 信息選讀 我們不僅應當相信神聖的傳輸,我們更需要天天經歷這傳輸。我能作見證,因着我經歷這傳輸,沒有甚麼能勝過我、阻撓我、或壓制我。因着這神聖的傳輸,光、生命的供應、以及維持的能力,就不斷的臨到我。 召會應當在高舉並升天之基督的傳輸裏。基督已經從死人中復活,坐在諸天裏神的右邊。萬有都已經服在祂腳下,祂也得着全宇宙的元首權柄。現今在神對祂採取的四個步驟裏,凡祂所達到、所得着的,正傳輸到召會裏。這傳輸由以弗所一章十九節『向着我們這信的人』,以及二十二節『向着召會』這兩個片語所指明。在這傳輸裏,召會與基督同享祂所達到的一切:從死人中的復活、在超越裏的坐下、萬有的服在腳下、以及萬有的元首權柄。 不僅基督在我們裏面,祂的復活與升天也在我們裏面。基督這經過過程、包羅萬有、內住的靈,現今帶同祂的人性、神性、爲人生活、死、復活以及升天,就住在我們裏面。這一切正傳輸到我們裏面。…許多基督徒從來沒有聽說關於基督升天的事,特別對神聖的傳輸沒有概念。…我懇請你們倒空自己,好從聖經中神聖的啓示接受更新、更深的事物。 新約啓示,我們的基督是在復活並升天裏。凡祂在復活並升天裏所得着、所達到的,現今正藉着包羅萬有、賜生命的靈,傳輸到我們裏面。我們只需要敞開自己,說,『主,我在這裏。我愛你,我將自己給你。主,我爲着你倒空我的全人。』你如果這樣禱告,就會經歷並享受這神聖的傳輸。 基督在祂的升天裏作了祂身體召會的頭,在祂的豐滿裏彰顯神。…基督藉着住在我們裏面,將祂追測不盡的豐富分賜到我們裏面,至終叫我們被充滿,成爲神一切的豐滿。這使我們成爲神的彰顯,就是召會所該是的。 以弗所三章十九節說到我們被充滿,成爲神一切的豐滿;一章二十三節說,召會,祂的身體,是那在萬有中充滿萬有者的豐滿。…藉着享受基督的豐富,我們成爲祂的豐滿來彰顯祂。…享受基督的結果乃是豐滿,這豐滿就是正當的召會生活。在召會生活,就是基督的豐滿裏,召會彰顯基督。基督在召會裏的彰顯,乃是在神聖的性情和神聖的範圍裏。(路加福音生命讀經,七六五至七六七、七七一至七七二、七七四頁。) 參讀:生命的經歷,第十六篇。 WEEK 7 — DAY 4
Morning Nourishment Col. 1:18 And He is the Head of the Body, the church; He is the beginning, the Firstborn from the dead, that He Himself might have the first place in all things. Eph. 3:19 …Know the knowledge-surpassing love of Christ, that you may be filled unto all the fullness of God. We should not say, “Christ’s ascension is something far away from me. I can’t understand it, and I can’t see the divine transmission.” Neither can you see the power that keeps the planets revolving around the sun, but you still believe it. We need to believe that in the divine, spiritual realm there is a power that transmits to us all that Christ has attained and obtained in His ascension…Whatever He has attained and obtained is now being transmitted into the church. As long as we are clean receptacles and are willing to open ourselves, this transmission will take place continually. (Life-study of Luke, second edition, pp. 650-651) Today’s Reading We should not only believe in the divine transmission; we need to experience it day by day. I can testify that because I experience this transmission, nothing can defeat me, frustrate me, or hold me down. Light, life supply, and sustaining power come to me continually because of this divine transmission. The church should be in the transmission of the exalted and ascended Christ. Christ has been raised from the dead and seated at God’s right hand in the heavens. All things have been subjected under His feet, and He has been given the headship over the entire universe. Now whatever He has attained and obtained in these four steps taken by God concerning Him is being transmitted into the church. This transmission is indicated by the phrase toward us who believe in Ephesians 1:19 and the phrase to the church in verse 22. In this transmission the church shares with Christ in all His attainments: the resurrection from the dead, being seated in His transcendency, the Not only is Christ in us; His resurrection and ascension are also in us. As the processed, all-inclusive, indwelling Spirit, Christ dwells in us today with His humanity, divinity, human living, death, resurrection, and ascension. All of this is being transmitted into us. Many Christians have never heard of the things concerning Christ’s ascension. In particular, they have no concept regarding divine transmission…I urge you to empty yourselves in order to receive something newer and deeper from the divine revelation in the Scriptures. The New Testament reveals that our Christ is in resurrection and ascension. Whatever He has obtained and attained in His resurrection and ascension is now being transmitted into us by the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit. We simply need to open ourselves and say, “Lord, I am here. I love You, and I give myself to You. Lord, I empty my whole being for You.” If you pray like this, you will experience and enjoy this divine transmission. In His ascension Christ was made the Head of the church, His Body, to express God in His fullness…Through His dwelling in us, Christ imparts His unsearchable riches into our being so that eventually we will be filled unto all the fullness of God. This makes us the expression of God, which is what the church should be. Ephesians 3:19 speaks of our being filled unto all the fullness of God, and 1:23 says that the church, His Body, is the fullness of the One who fills all in all…Through the enjoyment of Christ’s riches, we become His fullness to express Him…The result of enjoying Christ is the fullness, and this fullness is the proper church life. In the church life, which is the fullness of Christ, the church expresses Christ. This expression of Christ in the church is in the divine nature and the divine sphere. (Life-study of Luke, second edition, pp. 651-652, 655, 657) Further Reading: CWWL, 1953, vol. 3, “The Experience of Life,” ch. 16 |
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