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第七週•週二 晨興餧養 徒二36『…你們釘在十字架上的這位耶穌,神已經立祂爲主爲基督了。』 來一9『你愛公義,恨惡不法;所以神,就是你的神,用歡樂的油膏你,勝過膏你的同夥。』 在升天裏,基督是萬人的主。(徒二36,十36。)就着是神來說,基督一直是主。(路一43,約十一21,二十28。)但就着是人來說,基督是在復活裏將祂的人性帶進神裏面以後,纔在升天裏被立爲主。在升天裏,基督被立爲萬有的主,要得着萬有。在行傳十章三十六節,彼得說到基督是『萬人的主』。『萬人』在這裏是指一切的人。基督在祂的升天裏不僅是猶太人的主,也是外邦人的主。祂是地上所有不同種族和人民的主。 祂在升天以前就是主,但祂那時還沒有正式就職進入這職任。舊約指神的一個名稱是主(希伯來文是Adonai,阿多乃),意思是主人。舊約裏的基督是阿多乃。然後祂成了人,就是被藐視的拿撒勒人。這一位甚至在地上的時候就是主。但直到祂升天的時候,祂纔就職爲主。基督在祂的升天裏就職爲萬有的主,不僅是一切人的主,也是萬有的主。(新約總論第二册,一三四至一三五頁。) 信息選讀 基督是主,如今得着全宇宙、神的選民、和一切正面的人事物。基督不僅是神選民的主,也是天使以及一切要在千年國和新天新地之人的主。因此,祂是諸天、地、以及祂所救贖一切人事物的主。在升天裏,祂是萬有的主,要得着萬有。 在升天裏,基督也是爲着天上職事的基督。行傳二章三十六節啓示,在升天裏,基督不僅被立爲主,也被立爲基督,就是神的受膏者。(來一9。)…在升天裏,祂被立爲基督,要藉着祂天上的職事完成神的使命。 直到基督升天的時候,祂纔正式就職爲基督。…(徒二36。)在永遠裏,基督已經是基督。不僅如此,作爲在祂的人性裏爲神所差並所膏的一位,祂生下來就是基督。(路二11,太一16,約一41,太十六16。)然後,祂在受浸時,爲神用祂的靈所膏。(路四18。)然而,直到祂升天的時候,祂纔正式就職爲基督。基督不僅爲神所選、所立、所膏,也是神使祂就職進入祂的職任。祂經過了死與復活,如今在升天裏,在諸天之上登寶座作了基督。在升天裏,爲着祂天上的職事,祂正式被立爲神的基督。(新約總論第二册,一三五至一三六頁。) 權柄是藉着就職而來。一個人一旦就職擔任一項職務,他就有那項職任的權柄。我們需要看見,我們信徒有一位活在我們裏面,祂不僅有復活裏的生命與能力,也有升天裏的權柄。在復活和升天裏的基督,活在我們裏面,也停留在我們身上。祂活在我們裏面作生命,也停留在我們身上作權柄。因此,我們現今與這位在復活和升天裏的基督是一。結果,我們有復活裏的生命和能力,也有升天裏的權柄。 我們接觸人救主時,如果對祂有這樣的體認,我們與祂的接觸就會不一樣。…這可用我們與人的接觸爲例。如果你不知道一個人的身分和資格,這會影響你接觸他的方式。…我們知道別人的身分、資格、地位以及職任,往往使我們在接觸他們的時候方式不一樣。照樣,如果我們認識人救主的身分和職任,這會影響我們與祂的接觸。(路加福音生命讀經,七五一至七五二、七五四頁。) 參讀:新約總論,第三十一篇。 WEEK 7 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment Acts 2:36 …God has made Him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you have crucified. Heb. 1:9 You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness; therefore God, Your God, has anointed You with the oil of exultant joy above Your partners. In ascension Christ is Lord of all (Acts 2:36; 10:36). As God, Christ was the Lord all the time (Luke 1:43; John 11:21; 20:28). But as man, He was made the Lord in His ascension after He brought His humanity into God in His resurrection. In ascension Christ was made the Lord of all to possess all. In Acts 10:36 Peter speaks of Christ as the One who is “Lord of all.” All refers here to all men, all peoples. Christ in His ascension is the Lord not only of the Jews but also of the Gentiles. He is the Lord of all the different races and peoples on earth. He was Lord before His ascension, but He was not officially inaugurated into this office. One of the Old Testament names for God is Lord (Heb., Adonai), meaning “master.” Christ in the Old Testament was Adonai. Then He became a man, a despised Nazarene. This very One was Lord even when He was on earth. But it was not until His ascension that He was inaugurated into His lordship. Christ in His ascension was inaugurated as Lord of all not only of all men but also of all things. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 339) Today’s Reading As the Lord, Christ now possesses the whole universe, God’s chosen people, and all positive things, matters, and persons. Christ is the Lord not only of God’s chosen people but also of the angels and of all those who will be in the millennium and in the new heaven and the new earth. Therefore, He is the Lord of the heavens, the earth, and everything and everyone He has redeemed. In ascension He is the Lord of all to possess all. Christ in His ascension is also the Christ for His heavenly ministry. Acts 2:36 reveals that in His ascension Christ was made not only the Lord but also the Christ, God’s anointed (Heb. 1:9)…In His ascension He was made the Christ to carry out God’s commission through His heavenly ministry. Not until His ascension was Christ officially inaugurated as the Christ [Acts 2:36]…In eternity Christ was already Christ. Furthermore, as God’s sent and anointed One in His humanity, He was Christ from the time He was born (Luke 2:11; Matt. 1:16; John 1:41; Matt. 16:16). Then at His baptism He was anointed by God with His Spirit (Luke 4:18). However, He was not officially inaugurated as the Christ until His ascension. Christ has been not only chosen, appointed, and anointed by God but also inaugurated by God into His office. He has passed through death and resurrection and in ascension is now enthroned in the heavens as the Christ. In ascension He was officially made the Christ of God for His heavenly ministry. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 339-340) Authority comes through inauguration. Once a person has been inaugurated into a certain post, he has the authority of that office. We need to see that, as believers, we have One living in us who has not only life and power in resurrection but also authority in ascension. The very Christ in resurrection and ascension lives in us and dwells upon us. He lives in us as life, and He dwells upon us as authority. Therefore, we are now one with this Christ in His resurrection and ascension. As a result, we have life and power in resurrection and also authority in ascension. If we have this realization of the Man-Savior as we contact Him, our contact with Him will be different…This can be illustrated by our contact with people. If you do not know a person’s status and qualifications, this will influence the way you contact him…It always makes a difference in contacting others when we know their status, qualifications, position, and office. In like manner, if we know the Man-Savior’s status and office, this will affect our contact with Him. (Life-study of Luke, second edition, pp. 638, 640) Further Reading: The Conclusion of the New Testament, msg. 31 |
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