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第五週•週五 晨興餧養 創三五14『雅各便在神與他說話的地方立了一根石柱,在柱上澆了奠祭,並且澆上油。』 太九17『也沒有人把新酒裝在舊皮袋裏;不然,皮袋脹裂,酒瀉出來,皮袋也就壞了。人乃是把新酒裝在新皮袋裏,兩樣就都得保全。』 雅各兩次在伯特利豎立柱子。〔創二八18,三五14。〕第一次他沒有在柱子上澆奠祭,他不過在其上澆油。雅各第一次…在柱子上澆油,並沒有奠酒,原因是在聖經中,油不需要我們這一面很多的經歷,但酒是在於我們的經歷。雅各初次到伯特利的時候,…他不過是一個年輕的抓奪者,他沒有酒可以澆奠給主。因此在創世記二十八章他無法澆奠祭。但二十年以後,在他已經被主摸着,多少有了一些變化以後,他回到伯特利。因着他有了一些經歷,他就有酒澆在柱子上作奠祭獻給主。 〔一個人藉着經歷基督作各種祭的實際,〕至終他要成爲被基督充滿並浸透的人。這位浸透他的基督,要成爲他的酒。他要被這酒浸透,並且實際的與這酒成爲一。(創世記生命讀經,一三五八至一三六○頁。) 信息選讀 我們若天天經歷基督,至終我們所經歷的基督,就要在我們裏面成爲酒。我們越經歷基督,就越『發瘋』。…你曾否在一種光景中,快樂到無法自制,甚至快樂到癲狂?…我們與主在一起越這樣『發瘋』越好。不僅青年人,甚至年長的弟兄姊妹,也該與主在內室這樣的『發瘋』。…你若天天經歷基督作贖罪祭,並其他基本的祭,作這些祭的基督就要成爲酒,使你極其歡喜快樂。…這樣,凡是我們對基督的經歷,都要成爲我們的新酒。〔太九17。〕 最終,我們對基督的經歷,就成爲我們裏面的元素,振奮我們,使我們極其快樂。當我們繼續在這種享受中,我們甚至與酒成爲一。 醉酒的人,就是與所喝的酒成爲一的人。酒浸透了他的全人,他甚至有酒的樣子和氣味。我們可以說,這人就是酒。我們基督徒,就像醉酒的人被酒浸透一樣,必須被基督浸透,直到我們成爲酒。…當我們喝醉了基督,我們就成爲使神滿足的酒,我們就有資格並豫備好成爲奠祭。奠祭不僅是基督自己,乃是基督把我們浸透,直到基督與我們,我們與基督成爲一。 奠祭不僅僅是基督自己,乃是基督浸透了我們,直到基督這酒成了我們。馬太九章十七節的酒只是基督,但保羅說,『我現在被澆奠。』(提後四6。)提後四章六節的酒,乃是馬太九章十七節的基督浸透了保羅,使保羅成了酒。原先這酒只是基督;但現在這酒成了我們,使我們能作奠祭被澆奠。這澆奠在於我們對基督的經歷。在伯特利,神的家這裏,我們必須作奠祭被澆奠。 奠祭不是出自酒醡的酒,乃是出自我們飲酒的經歷。…只有一班人享受基督作酒到一個地步,喝醉了基督,並且自己成了酒,這樣的人纔能完全使神滿足。這酒不是直接從酒醡來的,乃是間接從喝基督作酒的人來的。(創世記生命讀經,一三六二至一三六六頁。) 參讀:創世記生命讀經,第八十九篇。 WEEK 5 — DAY 5
Morning Nourishment Gen. 35:14 …Jacob set up a pillar in the place where He had spoken with him, a pillar of stone; and he poured out a drink offering on it and poured oil on it. Matt. 9:17 Neither do they put new wine into old wineskins; otherwise, the wineskins burst, and the wine pours out, and the wineskins are ruined; but they put new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved. Jacob twice set up a pillar in Bethel [Gen. 28:18; 35:14]. The first time he did not pour a drink offering upon the pillar; he simply poured oil upon it. The reason Jacob poured oil but not wine upon the pillar the first time was that in the Bible oil does not require very much experience on our part, but wine depends upon our experience. At the time of Jacob’s first visit to Bethel,…he was a young supplanter and had no wine to pour out to the Lord. Thus, in chapter 28 he could not pour out the drink offering. But twenty years later, after he had been touched by the Lord and had been somewhat transformed, he returned to Bethel. Because he had had some experience, he had wine to pour out upon the pillar as a drink offering to the Lord. By experiencing Christ [as the reality of the offerings someone]…will eventually become a person filled and saturated with Christ. The very Christ who saturates him will be his wine, and…[he] will be saturated with this wine and actually become one with the wine. (Life-study of Genesis, pp. 1141-1143) Today’s Reading If we experience Christ day after day, eventually the Christ we experience will become wine in us. The more we experience Christ, the “crazier” we will become…Have you ever been in a state where you were so happy that you were not able to control yourself, even beside yourself with joy?…The more we are “crazy” like this with the Lord, the better. Not only the young people, but even the older brothers and sisters should be “crazy” in their inner chamber with the Lord…If you experience Christ as the sin offering and as the other basic offerings daily, Christ as all these offerings will become wine and cause you to be exceedingly happy and joyful…Thus, whatever we experience of Christ will become our new wine [Matt. 9:17]. Ultimately, our experience of Christ becomes the element within us stirring us up to be ecstatically happy. As we continue in this enjoyment, we shall even become one with the wine. A drunkard…has become one with the wine he drinks. Wine has saturated his whole being, and he even has the appearance and aroma of wine. We may say that this man is just wine. We Christians, like a drunkard saturated with wine, must be saturated with Christ until we become wine…When we become drunk of Christ and with Christ, we become wine to satisfy God, and we are qualified and ready to be a drink offering. The drink offering is not merely Christ Himself; it is the Christ who saturates us until Christ and we, we and Christ, become one. The drink offering is not just Christ Himself; it is the Christ who has saturated us until the wine has become us. Although the wine in Matthew 9:17 was only Christ, Paul said, “I am already being poured out as a drink offering” (2 Tim. 4:6, Gk.). The wine in 2 Timothy 4:6 was the Christ of Matthew 9:17 who had saturated Paul and who had made him wine. Formerly, this wine was only Christ; but now it becomes us that we may be poured out as a drink offering. This pouring out depends upon our experience of Christ. Here in Bethel, in God’s house, we must be poured out as a drink offering. The drink offering does not come from wine out of the winepress; it comes from our experience of drinking the wine…God…will be fully satisfied [only] with those who have enjoyed Christ as wine to such an extent that they have become drunk with Christ and have themselves become the wine to satisfy God. This wine is not the direct wine from the winepress; it is the indirect wine from those who drink Christ as the wine. (Life-study of Genesis, pp. 1144-1147) Further Reading: Life-study of Genesis, msg. 89 |
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