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第四週•週五 晨興餧養 賽十二3 ~ 6『…你們必從救恩之泉歡然取水,…當稱謝耶和華,呼求祂的名!將祂所行的傳揚在萬民中,題說祂的名已被尊崇。你們要向耶和華歌頌,因祂所行的甚是超絕!…錫安的居民哪,當揚聲歡呼,因爲以色列的聖者在你們中間乃爲至大。』 我們要來看以賽亞十二章裏的救恩之泉,…〔就〕需要認識『源』和『泉』的不同。申命記八章七節的美地,是『有川,有泉,有源,從谷中和山上流出水來』之地。源是源頭,泉是源頭的流出,河(川)是流。約但河的源頭是在黑門山。…『泉』的動詞意思是泉湧、湧上。出埃及十五章說到以色列人在曠野的路上到了以琳。在以琳那裏有十二股水泉,七十棵棕樹。(27。) 以賽亞十二章所用的『泉』字,在原文不是單數的,乃是複數的。三節說,『所以你們必從救恩之泉歡然取水。』『救恩之泉』這辭含示救恩乃是源頭。救恩之泉的源頭是源,而那源就是救恩。源頭、源和救恩,都是同義辭。在十二章,誰是源頭、源、救恩?二節說,『神是我的拯救;我要信靠祂,並不懼怕;因爲主耶和華是我的力量,是我的詩歌,祂也成了我的拯救。』(以賽亞書生命讀經,三四九至三五○頁。) 信息選讀 從救恩之源湧出水泉來。這救恩乃是主耶和華。在新約裏,主耶和華就是耶穌,那成爲肉體的神。耶穌的意思乃是:耶和華的救恩。這救恩是一切水泉的源頭。在約翰七章三十八節,主耶穌說,從我們的腹中要流出活水的江河來。不只是一道河,乃是許多江河從我們裏面流出來。…這裏的江河是多數的,卻是指一位靈。…啓示錄說到的七靈。(一4,四5,五6。)神的一靈已經加強了七倍。 在約翰四章,主耶穌給撒瑪利亞的婦人看見,活水要在她裏面成爲泉源,直湧入永遠的生命。(14。)在啓示錄二十一章六節主說,『我要將生命泉的水白白賜給那口渴的人喝。』新舊約聖經都給我們看見,活水乃是神實際的救恩。這實際的救恩就是經過過程的三一神自己。 在飲於主的同時,我們也需要把主呼吸進來。按照屬靈的實際,呼吸就是飲入。和受恩姊妹在她的一首詩歌裏說,『只要呼吸耶穌這名,就是飲於你生命。』(詩歌六十五首第二節。)呼吸耶穌的名,就是飲於生命水。藉着呼喊:『哦,主耶穌,』我們就呼吸;藉着呼吸,我們就飲入。 以賽亞十二章說到取水。(3。)毫無疑問的,這是爲着飲。…四節說,『在那日,你們要說,當稱謝耶和華,呼求祂的名!』這裏把稱謝耶和華和呼求祂的名擺在一起,如同一件事。每逢我們呼求主的名,就含示稱謝。當我們說『哦,主耶穌』時,那不僅是呼求,也是稱謝、讚美。當我們說,『哦,主耶穌,我愛你,』這就是讚美和呼吸。 現在我們要來看,從神聖救恩的眾泉取水之路。首先,我們必須是悔改的人,使神的怒氣轉消,並得着神赦免的安慰。(1。)我們也必須是稱謝耶和華的人,呼求祂的名。(4 上。)不僅如此,爲了要從救恩的眾泉取水,我們應當將神拯救的作爲傳揚在萬民中,並在他們中間尊崇祂的名。(4 下。)我們必須向祂歌頌,因祂所行的甚是超絕,我們也必須使這事傳遍全地。(5。)(以賽亞書生命讀經,三五○至三五一、三五三、三五六頁。) 參讀:以賽亞書生命讀經,第十一、四十篇。 WEEK 4 — DAY 5
Morning Nourishment Isa. 12:3-6 …You will draw water with rejoicing from the springs of salvation…Give thanks to Jehovah; call upon His name! Make His deeds known among the peoples; remind them that His name is exalted. Sing psalms to Jehovah, for He has done something majestic!…Cry out and give a ringing shout, O inhabitant of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel. [In considering] the springs of salvation in Isaiah 12…we need to know the difference between the words fountain and springs. Deuteronomy 8:7 speaks of the good land as “a land of waterbrooks, of springs and of fountains, flowing forth in valleys and in mountains.” The fountain is the source, the spring is the issue of the source, and the waterbrook, or the river, is the flow. The source of the Jordan River is in Mount Hermon…In its verbal form spring means to gush out or gush up. Exodus 15 speaks of the children of Israel arriving at Elim on their journey in the wilderness. At Elim there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees (v. 27). Isaiah 12 does not use the word spring in the singular but the word springs in plural. Verse 3 says, “Therefore you will draw water with rejoicing / From the springs of salvation.” The term the springs of salvation implies that salvation is the source. The source of the springs of salvation is a fountain, and that fountain is salvation. The source, the fountain, and salvation are synonyms. Who is the source, the fountain, the salvation, in Isaiah 12? Verse 2 says, “God is now my salvation; / I will trust and not dread; / For Jah Jehovah is my strength and song, / And He has become my Today’s Reading Out of the fountain of salvation come the springs. This salvation is Jah Jehovah. In the New Testament, Jah Jehovah is Jesus, the incarnated God. Jesus means the salvation of Jehovah. This salvation is the source of all the springs. In John 7:38 the Lord Jesus said that out of our innermost being would flow rivers of living water. Not just a river, but rivers flow out of us…The rivers, which are plural, refer to the one Spirit…Revelation speaks of the seven Spirits (1:4; 4:5; 5:6). God’s one Spirit has been intensified sevenfold. In John 4 the Lord Jesus showed the Samaritan woman that the very living water would become in her a spring of water welling up into eternal life (v. 14). In Revelation 21:6 the Lord says, “I will give to him who thirsts from the spring of the water of life freely.” Both the Old and New Testaments show that the living water is God’s practical salvation. This practical salvation is the processed Triune God Himself. Along with drinking the Lord, we also need to breathe Him in. According to the spiritual reality, breathing is drinking. M. E. Barber said in one of her hymns, “Just to breathe the Name of Jesus / Is to drink of Life indeed” (Hymns, #73, stanza 2). To breathe the name of Jesus is to drink the water of life. By calling “O Lord Jesus” we breathe, and by breathing we drink. Isaiah 12 speaks of drawing water (v. 3). No doubt, this is for drinking… Verse 4 says, “And in that day shall ye say, Praise the LORD, call upon His name” (KJV). Praising Jehovah and calling upon His name are put together as one. Whenever we call on the name of the Lord, that implies praising. When we say “O Lord Jesus,” that is not only calling but also praising. When we say, “O Lord Jesus, I love You,” this is praising and breathing… Now we want to consider the way to draw water from the springs of the divine salvation. First, we need to be those who are repenting to turn God’s anger and receive God’s consolation of forgiveness (v. 1). We also need to be those who are praising Jehovah, calling upon His name (v. 4a). Furthermore, in order to draw water from the springs of salvation, we should make God’s saving deeds known among the peoples and exalt His name among them (v. 4b). We also need to sing to Him for He has done something majestic, and we must let this be made known in all the earth (v. 5). (Life-study of Isaiah, pp. 278-280, 282) Further Reading: Life-study of Isaiah, msgs. 11, 40 |
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