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第二週•週二 晨興餧養 民十四9『只是你們不可背叛耶和華,也不要怕那地的民;因爲他們是我們的食物…。』 林後四13『並且照經上所記:「我信,所以我說話;」我們旣有這同樣信心的靈,也就信,所以也就說話。』 我們彀剛強了—不是在我們自己裏面,乃是在祂裏面;不是在肉體裏面,乃是在聖靈裏面。…不要以爲你太年輕。昨天你是太年輕,但今天你並不年輕!要用滿有確據的信心來相信。基督是在你裏面,你已經和全能的神聯結一起,一天過一天神的靈要將神的一切所是和神的一切所有傳輸到你裏面。你只要維持與祂的交通,你就能進入那地。 有一些仗是要打的,但是那些仗是對着仇敵的;對於你卻是安息。那個爭戰對於他是失敗,對於你是食物。〔民十四9。〕…有每日的嗎哪還是不彀;…仇敵要成爲我們的食物,而把他吞食下去乃是我們的飽足。…你我必須有活的信心往前去,爭戰而吞食仇敵。…被打敗的仇敵是最好的食物,最好喫的食物。(李常受文集一九六一至一九六二年第四册,四四○至四四一頁。) 信息選讀 你每一次碰着難處,每一次碰着沒有辦法的事,你就得問說,我這一次要餓呢,或者是要喫呢?你在那一件事上,如果靠着基督的能力得勝,讓基督得勝的生命顯出來,你就多得一次滋養,你的力量又加增一次,你又喫了一頓。…我們的食物,不只是神的話,不只是遵行神的旨意,我們的食物也是亞衲人—我們所遇見的難處。許多人喫了神的話,許多人把實行神的旨意當作他們的食物,但是許多人沒有喫亞衲人…。越多喫亞衲人,你就越剛強。迦勒是一個好例子,因爲他喫亞衲人,所以…他在四十歲的時候力量是如何,到了八十五歲還是如何。…在屬靈的事情上,都是如此。許多弟兄姊妹,在他們的生活中難處頂少,但是你能很明顯的看見,在他們的生活中輭弱卻是不少。他們在神的面前沒有力量,因爲亞衲人喫得太少了。…撒但所給我們的每一個難處和試探,都是我們的食物。這就是神所給我們的長進的辦法。沒有信心的人,一看見難處,就說不得了了。但是一個有信心的人,就要說這是我的食物。感謝讚美神,沒有一個放在我們面前的難處是不能喫的,沒有一個難處喫了之後是不能叫我們長進的。你多得一次的難處,你就多得一次的滋養。 我們要得着神的拯救,我們要得着神的保守,就必須有一個專一的信心來相信神的應許。…你要信神保守的能力。你每天早晨起來的時候,就要對神說,『神,我感謝你,你昨天保守了我,今天你還是照舊保守着。今天我也不知道臨到我身上的要有多少試探,我也不知道我怎樣能得勝,我自己沒有辦法,但是我相信神要保守我。』 我們如果真是交託了,猶大書二十四節的應許就要應驗在我們身上:『保守你們不失腳,並使你們無瑕無疵…。』失腳就是滑了一下;失腳就是在不知不覺之間碰到一件東西,就顛了一顛。感謝神!祂不只保守我們不跌倒,並且保守我們連滑一滑都不會。…只要你相信祂的應許,你把自己完全交在祂的手裏就好了。主要保守你,從今天一直到祂來的日子。祂要保守你到完全無可指摘的地步。感謝神,今天我們有了一個靠得住的救恩,有了一個經得起試煉的救恩。(倪柝聲文集第二輯第十七册,二一至二四頁。) 參讀:包羅萬有的基督,第十三章;倪柝聲文集第二輯第十七册,第三篇。 WEEK 2 — DAY 2 Morning Nourishment Num. 14:9 Only do not rebel against Jehovah, nor should you fear the people of the land, for they are our bread… 2 Cor. 4:13 And having the same spirit of faith according to that which is written, “I believed, therefore I spoke,” we also believe, therefore we also speak. We are strong enough—not in ourselves but in Him; not in the flesh but in the Spirit. We will make it in the Spirit…Never think that you are too young. Yesterday you were too young, but not today. Believe with full assurance of faith. Christ is in you. You have been united with the almighty God. Day by day His Spirit transmits into you all that God is and all that God has. He will make it for you. As long as you maintain your fellowship with Him, you will be able to enter the land. There will be some battles to be fought. But the battle is for the enemy; to you it will be a rest. The battle is a defeat to him but bread to you [Num. 14:9]…Daily manna is not good enough…The enemy will be our food, and to swallow him will be our satisfaction…You and I must have living faith to go on, to take up the battle, and to swallow the enemy…The defeated enemy is the best bread, the most tasteful bread. (CWWL, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The Allinclusive Christ,” p. 329) Today’s Reading Every time you meet a difficulty, every time you find yourself in an impossible situation, ask yourself this question: Am I going to starve here, or am I going to eat? If you are relying on the Lord for victory and allow His overcoming life to be manifested in you, you will find fresh nourishment and increased vitality, and you will be fed once again…Our bread is not only the word of God, our meat is not only to do His will, our bread is also the Anakim—the difficulties that are in our way. Many people take the word of God as their bread and the doing of His will as their meat, but they have not eaten the Anakim…The more we eat the Anakim, the stronger we will become. Caleb is a grand illustration of this. Because he accepted the Anakim as “bread,”…his strength was the same at eighty-five as it was at forty…This is also true in the spiritual realm. Some brothers and sisters have met few difficulties, but it is obvious that there are many weaknesses in their lives. They are weak before the Lord because they have not consumed enough Anakim…Every difficulty and every temptation Satan puts in our way is food for us. This is a God-appointed means of spiritual progress. The sight of any trouble strikes terror into the heart of those who do not have faith, but those who trust Him say, “Here comes my food!” Praise and thank the Lord, all our trials, without exception, are bread for us. Every trial brings in growth after we have eaten of it. In order to experience His salvation, and in order to have His keeping power, we must believe wholeheartedly in His promises…We must believe in God’s keeping power. Every morning when we rise we should say to Him, “God, I thank You for keeping me yesterday, and today You will still keep me. I do not know what temptations may befall me, and I do not know how I can overcome. I cannot do anything; but I believe You will keep me.” If your life is truly in His hands, then the promise of Jude 24—”to guard you from stumbling and to set you before His glory without blemish in exultation”—will be fulfilled in you. To stumble is to slip and strike against something when we are unconscious of any obstruction in the way. Praise God, He will preserve us not only from falling but also from the slightest slippage…If we trust in His promises and commit ourselves utterly to Him, we will be kept from this day to the day of His return, and we will be kept without blemish. Thank God, we have a salvation which is worthy of our trust and which will withstand every trial. (Watchman Nee, God’s Keeping Power, pp. 6-8, 10-11) Further Reading: CWWL, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The All-inclusive Christ,” ch. 13; Watchman Nee, God’s Keeping Power (booklet) |
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