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第一週•週一 晨興餧養 弗二2『那時,你們在其中行事爲人,隨着這世界的世代,順着空中掌權者的首領,就是那現今在悖逆之子裏面運行之靈的首領。』 六12『因我們並不是與血肉之人摔跤,乃是與那些執政的、掌權的、管轄這黑暗世界的、以及諸天界裏那邪惡的屬靈勢力摔跤。』 你若仔細讀聖經,就會看見一個非常嚴肅和重大的活動在進行着。…撒但…盡所能的破壞人對基督這地的享受。…當初神創造了天地,爲要將地給人享受;不久之後,撒但就有所作爲來阻撓祂。因着撒但的背叛,神必須審判這個宇宙;而因着那次的審判,地就被淹埋在深水之下了。這就使神的計畫一時受到妨礙。然後神進來作工,…祂從深水中恢復了地。在這被恢復的地上,產生了豐盛的生命,而後一個有神形像並受託有神權柄的生命出現了。(李常受文集一九六一至一九六二年第四册,二六一頁。) 信息選讀 但是我們都知道,過不多久仇敵又進來了。他誘惑了人,將神擺在一個地位上,不能不再一次來審判地。被恢復的地又一次被擺在深水之下,洪水來了,把全地淹蓋。按豫表來說,人就從地(就是基督)的享受中被隔開了。…與地隔開,按豫表來說,就是與基督隔開了。〔弗二12。〕但是藉着方舟的救贖,挪亞和他的全家又取得權利可得着那地,並享受其上一切的豐富。方舟把他們帶回到地的享受中。…但是再過不久,仇敵又有所作爲來破壞人對地的享受。因此,從撒但所誘使的背叛族類中,神呼召了一個人,就是亞伯拉罕,告訴他要帶他到一地去。現在你能領會,神的工作一直就是要恢復地。而仇敵的工作一直是阻撓、破壞、妨礙,使地陷於混亂。現在主再一次把祂所揀選的人帶到那地。但是,…沒有過太久,連這個被揀選的人也漸漸的飄流到埃及地去了。是的,主又一次把他帶回到這一塊地上。而後他的子孫全都離開這地,下到埃及。然後過了一段很長的時間,主再一次把祂所有的子民從埃及地帶上來,回到這一塊地。又過了一段時間,仇敵又採取行動,差遣迦勒底人,就是巴比倫的軍隊,來破壞那地,把百姓擄掠去了。又過了七十年,主再一次把他們帶回到這一塊地上。 這就是舊約的歷史。到底主有幾次恢復地呢?至少五次或六次。主創造了地,但是仇敵把它破壞了;主進來恢復,但仇敵又以別的來反抗;…這裏就是爭執!…這裏就是爭戰! 請你們想想,舊約裏所記載的這些爭戰,到底是甚麼目的?…你必須看見,這些爭戰都是集中在這塊地上。…在舊約裏所有的爭戰都是關係到這一塊地。 這一塊地是甚麼呢?千萬不可忘記,這地就是包羅萬有的基督。不只是基督,乃是包羅萬有的基督。假使我問你有沒有基督,你會回答說,『讚美主,我有祂,我有基督!』但是我要問你,到底你是有怎樣的一位基督?恐怕在你的經歷中,你只有一位小小的基督,一位貧窮的基督,而不是一位包羅萬有的基督。(李常受文集一九六一至一九六二年第四册,二六一至二六三頁。) 參讀:包羅萬有的基督,第二、十二章。 WEEK 1 — DAY 1
Morning Nourishment Eph. 2:2 In which you once walked according to the age of this world, according to the ruler of the authority of the air, of the spirit which is now operating in the sons of disobedience. 6:12 For our wrestling is not against blood and flesh but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies. If you read the Scriptures carefully, you will see a very grim and serious activity being carried on…[Satan] will do whatever he can to spoil the enjoyment of Christ as the land…Not long after God created the heavens and the earth with the intention of giving the earth to mankind as an enjoyment, Satan did something to frustrate Him. Because of Satan’s rebellion, God had to judge the universe, and due to that judgment the earth was buried beneath the waters of the deep. This hindered God’s plan for some time. Then God came in to work…He recovered the land from the waters of the deep. Upon this recovered land, an abundance of life came into being. And then a life with the image of God and committed with the authority of God came forth. (CWWL, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The All-inclusive Christ,” p. 199) Today’s Reading However, we know that it was not long after this before the enemy came in again. He deceived man and put God in a position where judgment upon the earth was again imperative. The recovered earth was once more put under the waters of the deep: the flood came and covered the whole earth, and typically speaking, man was separated from the enjoyment of the land, which is Christ…To be separated from the earth, figuratively speaking, is to be separated from Christ [Eph. 2:12]. But through the redemption of the ark, Noah and his family obtained the right to possess the land and enjoy all its riches. The ark brought them back to the enjoyment of the land…But again, it was not long before the enemy did something more to spoil the enjoyment of the earth. So, out of that race made rebellious by Satan, God called one man, Abraham, and told him that He would bring him to a certain land. Now you realize that God’s work is always to recover the land. The enemy’s work is always to frustrate, to spoil, to hinder, to do something to put the land in chaos. Now the Lord once more brought His chosen one to the land. But then…it was not long before even this chosen one gradually drifted away from the land into Egypt. Yes, and the Lord brought him back once more to this piece of land. And then his sons, the people of Israel, all left this land and went down into Egypt. Then after a long period, the Lord once more brought all the people up from Egypt and back to this very piece of land. Again, after a period of time, the enemy moved and sent the Chaldeans, the army from Babylon, to spoil the land and capture the people from it. And again, after seventy years, the Lord brought them back once more to this piece of land. This is the history of the Old Testament. How many times did the Lord recover this land? At least five or six times. The Lord created it, but the enemy spoiled it. The Lord came in to recover, but the enemy countered with something else…Here is the struggle…Here is the battle. I would ask you to consider the purpose of these battles recorded in the Old Testament…You must see that they were all focused upon the land…All the battles in the Old Testament were concerned with this piece of land. What is this piece of land? Never forget that this land is the all-inclusive Christ. It is not just Christ but the all-inclusive Christ. If I were to ask you if you have Christ, you would answer, “Praise the Lord, I have Him; I have Christ.” But I would ask you what kind of Christ you have. I am afraid that in your experience you have just a little Christ, a poor Christ, not an allinclusive Christ. (CWWL, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The All-inclusive Christ,” pp. 199-200) Further Reading: CWWL, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The All-inclusive Christ,” chs. 1, 12 |
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