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弗二21 ~ 22『在祂裏面,全房聯結一起,長成在主裏的聖殿;你們也在祂裏面同被建造,成爲神在靈裏的居所。』

〔啓示錄十九章七節的〕『新婦』,直譯,祂的妻子,指召會,(弗五24 ~ 25,31 ~ 32,)就是基督的新婦。(約三29。)然而,按照啓示錄十九章八至九節,這裏的妻子(基督的新婦)只包含千年國中得勝的信徒;而二十一章二節的新婦,乃是由所有得救的聖徒所組成,從千年國以後直到永遠。十九章中羔羊的妻子是從亞伯直到主回來所有得勝聖徒的集大成。所有舊約和新約得勝者的集大成,就是七節的妻子,他們要爲基督的婚娶豫備好;新婦的豫備是在於得勝者生命的成熟。再者,得勝者不是分開的個人,乃是團體的新婦。爲着這一面,就需要建造。他們不僅在生命上成熟,更是同被建造,成爲一個新婦。基督不是要娶一位個別的信徒;反之,祂是要娶由祂得勝信徒所組成的團體新婦。當我們被三一神完全浸透,三一神從我們身上流露出來,我們就被建造完成,聯絡得合式,成爲榮耀的召會,就是主耶穌心愛的新婦。(新約總論第十四册,二四四至二四五頁。)






WEEK 6 — DAY 3


Morning Nourishment

Rev. 19:7 Let us rejoice and exult, and let us give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.

Eph. 2:21-22 In whom all the building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in spirit.

[In Revelation 19:7] His wife refers to the church (Eph. 5:24-25, 31-32), the bride of Christ (John 3:29). However, according to Revelation 19:8-9, the wife, the bride of Christ, consists only of the overcoming believers during the millennium, whereas the bride in 21:2 is composed of all the saved saints after the millennium for eternity. The wife of the Lamb in Revelation 19 is the aggregate of all the overcoming saints from Abel until the Lord’s return. The aggregate of all the Old Testament and New Testament overcomers is the wife in Revelation 19:7 who will be ready for Christ’s wedding. The readiness of the bride depends on the maturity in life of the overcomers. Furthermore, the overcomers are not separate individuals but a corporate bride. For this aspect, building is needed. The overcomers are not only mature in life but also built together as one bride. Christ will not marry each believer individually; instead, He will marry His corporate bride composed of His overcoming believers. When we have been fully saturated with the Triune God so that He flows out of us, we will be completely built and fitted together to become the glorious church, the beloved bride of the Lord Jesus. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 4320-4321)

Today’s Reading

We also need to see that only the church as the golden lampstand can be the bride of Christ (Rev. 1:20). This indicates that we need to live out the life of Christ. Although this goes against our human concept, we should not focus on caring for the goodness or wickedness that comes out of us. Instead, we need to care for the tree of life, the Triune God, and Christ as the all-inclusive Spirit. Whether we are at home with our family or in the church meetings with the brothers and sisters, we all need to live out Christ. If we live by Christ, what we live out is God, who is Spirit, signified by the pure gold that shines forth the light; then we will become the bride of Christ who satisfies His desire. We must be the bride for Christ. When we are eager to be the bride, Christ will receive His satisfaction. Not only will Christ be satisfied, but we also will be satisfied. Revelation 19:7 says, “Let us rejoice and exult.” In principle, a bride is the most pleasant and happy person.

The wedding will bring in the reign of the Lord, the kingdom, because all the guests invited to the wedding will be both the corporate bride and the cokings of the Bridegroom. The Bridegroom, who will take the whole earth as His kingdom, certainly needs many sub-kings to be His co-kings. All His co-kings will be His corporate bride.

The wedding, which will take place in the air, will last a short time. After the wedding, there will be the wedding feast. A wedding feast is always much longer than the wedding. Matthew 22 indicates that the wedding feast will be the millennial kingdom. To the overcomers, the thousand years of the millennial kingdom will be a wedding feast. To the Lord, a thousand years are like one day (2 Pet. 3:8). Everyone invited to the wedding feast will also participate in the thousand-year reign as kings. Our King will be the Bridegroom; we, His cokings, will be His bride; and the thousand years will be our wedding feast and honeymoon with our Bridegroom, Christ. Many Christians will not receive the reward of reigning with Christ in the coming kingdom. Although we may be saved, we must become an overcomer in order to receive the kingdom as our reward. For the overcomers, reigning with Christ in His kingdom will be the wedding feast. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 4321-4322)

Further Reading: The Conclusion of the New Testament, msgs. 213, 424

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