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西二13 ~ 15『…神赦免了你們一切的過犯,叫你們一同與基督活過來;塗抹了規條上所寫,攻擊我們,反對我們的字據,並且把它撤去,釘在十字架上。旣將執政的和掌權的脫下,神就把他們公然示眾,仗着十字架在凱旋中向他們誇勝。』









WEEK 6 — DAY 2


Morning Nourishment

Col. 2:13-15 And you…He made alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our offenses; wiping out the handwriting in ordinances, which was against us, which was contrary to us; and He has taken it out of the way, nailing it to the cross. Stripping off the rulers and the authorities, He made a display of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

According to Colossians 2:15, God stripped off the rulers and authorities… We must see that while Christ was on the cross, God was working. At that time the cross was the center of the universe. The Savior, sin, Satan, we, and God all were there. God was there judging sin and nailing the law to the cross. As He was doing this, the rulers and authorities gathered around God and Christ…The subject of verses 13 through 15 is God…God made us alive together with Christ, nailed the ordinances to the cross, stripped off the rulers and authorities, made a display of them openly, and triumphed over them. No doubt, the rulers and authorities had swarmed around Christ as He was being crucified. Both God and Christ were working. Christ’s work was His crucifixion, whereas God’s work was to judge sin and all the negative things and to nail the law with its ordinances to the cross. The rulers and authorities who had gathered around God and Christ were also working. If they had not pressed in closely, how could God have stripped them off? The words stripping off indicate that they were very close, as close as our garments are to our body. By stripping off the rulers and authorities, God made a display of them openly. He openly put them to shame and triumphed over them. What a great matter this is! (Life-study of Colossians, second edition, pp. 190-191)

Today’s Reading

Colossians 2:15 portrays the fighting that took place at the time of Christ’s crucifixion. Evil men had put Christ on the cross. By His crucifixion Christ labored to accomplish redemption. God the Father was also working to judge sin and to nail the law to the cross. At the same time, the rulers and authorities were busy in the attempt to frustrate the work of God and Christ. The reference to triumph in verse 15 implies fighting. It indicates that a war was raging. While Christ was accomplishing redemption and God was dealing with the law and with the negative things, the rulers and authorities came to interfere. They pressed in close to God and Christ. But at that very juncture, God stripped them off, triumphed over them, and made a display of them openly, putting them to an open shame.

Colossians 2:15 is a small window through which we behold a marvelous sight. At the time of Christ’s crucifixion, a battle was raging between God and the rulers and authorities. But God stripped them off and triumphed over them.

Paul’s concept in these verses is that the law and the angels have been set aside through the cross. The law was nailed to the cross, and the evil angels have been stripped off by means of the cross. Therefore, in God’s economy in His salvation there is room neither for the law nor for the angelic rulers. How wrong the Colossians were in following ordinances and in worshipping angels…[and] in allowing these things to pervade the church.

In the economy of His salvation God enlivens us, nails the law to the cross, and strips off the evil rulers and authorities…Because God has removed the law and the angels, we, His chosen people, are alone with Him. We are no longer bothered by terms, conditions, or requirements. God is here to enliven us, and we are here to be enlivened by Him. We should forget the law and the angels and allow God to put Himself into us as life.

We should remind the rulers and authorities that at Calvary God stripped them off and triumphed over them. Based upon God’s victory we can order them to flee. What we need today is not the law or the angels but the enlivening One, the life-giving One. This is the economy of God’s salvation. (Life-study of Colossians, second edition, pp. 191-194)

Further Reading: Life-study of Colossians, msg. 23

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