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太五21 ~ 22『你們聽見有對古人說的話:「不可殺人;凡殺人的,難逃審判。」但是我告訴你們,凡向弟兄動怒的,難逃審判。…』





約瑟在屬天異象之下的生活,就是馬太五至七章所描述諸天之國的生活。照着馬太這幾章所啓示屬天之國的憲法,我們的怒氣必須被制伏,我們的情慾必須被征服。(五21 ~ 32。)我們若聲稱是國度的子民,卻不能制伏我們的怒氣,或征服我們的情慾,我們就了了;我們就不是在國度裏,而是在海邊。我們是發洩怒氣,並放縱情慾的人。但所有國度的子民都制伏


約瑟這樣的生活總有主的同在。(創三九2 ~ 5,21 ~ 23。)那裏有主的同在,那裏就有權柄。你若有主的同在,主的權柄就必與你同在。例如,在被擄時,但以理有主的同在;所以,主的權柄與他同在。…在約瑟的事例中,法老宮中的內臣波提乏是管理事務的。然而,最終波提乏是在約瑟的管治之下,因爲約瑟有主的同在。…雖然有管治監獄的獄長,但最終獄長並不是真正的管治者,那有神同在的囚犯約瑟,反而成了管治者。在波提乏家裏,在監獄裏,約瑟都成了君王。



WEEK 5 — DAY 2


Morning Nourishment

Matt. 5:21-22 You have heard that it was said to the ancients, “You shall not murder, and whoever murders shall be liable to the judgment.” But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be liable to the judgment…

Gen. 39:21 Jehovah was with Joseph; and He extended kindness to him and gave him favor in the sight of the chief jailer.

Joseph behaved so excellently and marvelously because he was directed by the vision he saw in his dreams…The young man Joseph [was] influenced by the heavenly vision, the vision that he was a sheaf rising up full of life and that he was a star worshipped by all the other stars!…The vision of his two dreams controlled his life and directed his behavior. He behaved as the sheaf standing up and full of life, and he conducted himself like a heavenly star shining in the darkness. (Life-study of Genesis, pp. 1424-1425)

Today’s Reading

Just as we all have anger, we also have lust. If you have no lust, then you must be a bench or a stone. Every human being has lust. The way to control our lust is to be subdued, controlled, and directed by the vision…The people perish when they do not have a vision. Because we have seen the vision, it is very difficult for us to indulge in lust…Here in the church life we have the vision of the sheaf and the vision of the star.

Joseph’s life under the heavenly vision was the life of the kingdom of the heavens described in Matthew 5, 6, and 7. According to the constitution of the heavenly kingdom revealed in these chapters in Matthew, our anger must be subdued and our lust conquered (Matt. 5:21-32). If we claim to be the kingdom people, yet we cannot subdue our anger or conquer our lust, we are finished. Instead of being in the kingdom, we are on the seashore. We are those giving vent to our anger and  indulging in lust. But all the kingdom people subdue their anger and conquer their lust. This is the kingdom life.

In the kingdom life today, kings are being trained. We, the kingdom people in the kingdom life, are being trained to be kings, to be Josephs, to be the reigning aspect of the mature life. For this, we must subdue our anger and conquer our lust. What a wonderful picture Joseph’s life is of our experience today!… Instead of agreeing with our anger or cooperating with our lust, we reject our anger and condemn our lust, because we are the reigning aspect of the mature life. We have the constitution of Christ within us, and we are being prepared to reign as kings.

A life such as Joseph’s always has the presence of the Lord (Gen. 39:2-5, 21- 23). Wherever the presence of the Lord is, there is authority. If you have the presence of the Lord, the authority of the Lord will be with you. For example, in captivity Daniel had the Lord’s presence; therefore, the Lord’s authority was with him…In the case of Joseph, Potiphar, an officer in Pharaoh’s palace, was in control of things. Eventually, however, Potiphar was under Joseph’s control because Joseph had the Lord’s presence…Although there was a ruler over the prison, eventually this ruler was not the actual ruler. Instead, Joseph, a prisoner who had the presence of God, became the ruler. Both in Potiphar’s house and in the prison Joseph became king.

Wherever the constitution of Christ goes with the presence of God, there will be the reigning part. In the coming kingdom it will be this part that will be the co-kings with Christ in the kingdom of the heavens. Thus, the reigning aspect of the mature life is a life that always enjoys the presence of the Lord. The authority in this universe is the Lord Himself. Wherever His presence is, there is authority, the ruling power. As long as we have the Lord’s presence, we have authority, even if we are in prison. Although we may be prisoners, we shall eventually become rulers. We shall rule wherever we are. This indicates that we are the reigning aspect of the mature life. (Life-study of Genesis, pp. 1428- 1429)

Further Reading: Life-study of Genesis, msg. 111

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