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第四週■週二 晨興餧養 西二6 ~ 7『你們旣然接受了基督,就是主耶穌,…就要在祂裏面行事爲人。』 19『…持定元首;本於祂,全身藉着節和筋,得了豐富的供應,並結合一起,就以神的增長而長大。』 在歌羅西書中有許多重要的辭句或發表,說到我們對基督的經歷。這些辭句包括『基督在你們裏面』,(一27,)『在基督裏成熟』,(28,)『在祂裏面行事爲人』,(二7,)『照着基督』,(8,)『一同與基督活過來』,(13,)『與基督同死』,(20,)『持定元首』,『本於祂』,『以神的增長而長大』。(19。)這九個辭句給我們一幅正確經歷基督的完整圖畫。在這方面我們需要特別注意『在…裏面』、『照着』、『與(同)』、以及『本於』等介系詞。此外,禱讀所有與這些重點有關的經節,將很有幫助。(歌羅西書生命讀經,四四五頁。) 信息選讀 在我們裏面的基督是延展無限、無法測度、追測不盡的。何等奇妙,這樣一位基督竟然住在我們裏面!我們需要在這樣一位基督裏面長大成熟,在祂裏面行事爲人,並且照着祂生活行動。我們旣與基督同死,並且一同與祂活過來,就當持定祂作元首,本於祂,全身就以神的增長而長大。〔以上這九點〕都指明基督是親切、便利、又可應用的。…基督若不是可應用的,我們就無法在祂裏面行事爲人、照着祂、或與祂同死同活。我們也無法持定祂作元首,本於祂,使全身以神的增長而長大。所有這些點都與主觀經歷基督有關。並且今天的基督徒,都忽視或完全缺少這些點,很少人強調在基督裏行事爲人,照着基督或持定元首基督。…基督對我們若僅僅是客觀的,祂就不能在我們裏面,我們也無法在祂裏面長大成熟。…對於這九個點,惟一彀格的人位乃是那靈。 藉着成爲肉體,神被帶到人裏面;藉着基督的復活,人就被帶到神裏面。藉着基督的復活,與人調和的三一神,就成了那靈。這靈總括了神、成爲肉體、人性、人性生活、釘死和復活。蒙救贖和被提高的人性是在這靈裏面。包羅萬有賜生命的靈,乃是三一神終極的臨到我們。這就是那靈。不僅如此,今天基督就是這靈。因此基督就容易在我們裏面,我們也容易在祂裏面;我們也就有可能在祂裏面長大成熟,在祂裏面行事爲人,並且照着祂生活行動。 一面,基督在我們裏面;另一面,我們在基督裏面。…今天經過過程的三一神這包羅萬有、賜生命的靈,乃是我們的空氣。這空氣在我們裏面,我們也在這空氣裏面,甚至在這空氣裏面行事爲人。再者,我們還能成爲一班人,是照着這空氣生活,並在這空氣中以神的增長而長大成熟。所以,包羅萬有的基督乃是經歷上的基督;祂是一位能在我們裏面的基督,也是一位我們能在祂裏面行事爲人的基督。我們可以在祂裏面生活、行事、行動並爲人。 我們不該照着哲學、倫理、文化或宗教,我們也絕不該照着舊人。反之,我們在此乃是照着經過過程、包羅萬有、賜生命的三一神。然而這不應當僅僅是個道理。譬如弟兄不該照着文化對待他的妻子;他應當照着基督,照着經過過程的三一神對待她。…如果我們的生活、舉止、爲人都是照着包羅萬有、賜生命、經過過程的三一神,我們就都會像使徒保羅一樣。(歌羅西書生命讀經,四四六至四四九頁。) 參讀:歌羅西書生命讀經,第四十二篇。 WEEK 4 — DAY 2 Morning Nourishment Col. 2:6 As therefore you have received the Christ, Jesus the Lord, walk in Him. 19…Holding the Head, out from whom all the Body, being richly supplied and knit together by means of the joints and sinews, grows with the growth of God. In the book of Colossians a number of important phrases or expressions point to our experience of Christ. Some of these phrases are Christ in you (1:27), full-grown in Christ (v. 28), walk in Him (2:6), according to Christ (v. 8), made alive together with Him (v. 13), died with Christ (v. 20), holding the Head (v. 19), out from whom (v. 19), and grows with the growth of God (v. 19). These nine expressions give us a complete picture of the proper experience of Christ. In this regard, we need to pay special attention to the prepositions in, according to, with, and out from. Furthermore, it would be a great help to pray-read all the verses related to these points. (Life-study of Colossians, second edition, p. 355) Today’s Reading The Christ who is in us is the extensive, immeasurable, unsearchable One. How marvelous that such a Christ dwells in us! We need to become full-grown in such a Christ, to walk in Him, and to be according to Him. Having died with Christ and having been made alive with Him, we should hold Him as the Head out from whom the whole Body grows with the growth of God. [These nine expressions] indicate that Christ is near, available, and applicable…Unless Christ were applicable, we could not walk in Him, be according to Him, or die and be made alive together with Him. Neither could we hold Him as the Head out from whom the Body grows with the growth of God. All these points are related to the subjective experience of Christ. Furthermore, these points are neglected or altogether lacking among today’s Christians, where there is little emphasis on walking in Christ, being according to Christ, or holding Christ as the Head. If Christ were merely objective to us, He could not be in us, and we could not be full-grown in Him…The unique person qualified for all these nine points is the Spirit. Through incarnation God was brought into man, and through Christ’s resurrection man was brought into God. Through Christ’s resurrection the Triune God, mingled with man, became the Spirit. This Spirit includes God, incarnation, humanity, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection. Redeemed and uplifted humanity is in this Spirit. The all-inclusive life-giving Spirit is the Triune God reaching us in a final and ultimate way. This is the Spirit. Furthermore, the very Christ today is this Spirit. Therefore, it is easy for Christ to be in us and for us to be in Him. It is also possible for us to become fullgrown in Him, to walk in Him, and to be according to Him. On the one hand, Christ is in us; on the other hand, we are in Christ…Today the processed Triune God as the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit is our air. This air is in us, and we are in this air and even walk in this air. Moreover, we can be people according to this air who grow in this air with the growth of God. The all-inclusive Christ is, therefore, the experiential Christ. He is a Christ who can be in us, and a Christ in whom we can walk. We can live, walk, move, and have our being in Him. We should not be according to philosophy, ethics, culture, or religion. We should not in any way be according to the old man. Rather, we are here to be according to the processed, all-inclusive, life-giving Triune God. This, however, should not be a mere doctrine. For example, a brother should not deal with his wife according to culture; he should deal with her according to Christ, according to the processed Triune God. If we would live, behave, and have our being according to the all-inclusive, life-giving, processed Triune God, we would all be like Paul the apostle. (Life-study of Colossians, second edition, pp. 356-358) Further Reading: Life-study of Colossians, msg. 42 |
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