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第三週 對付我們的心,使我們裏面神聖生命的種子長大,以致我們在生命上達到成熟,爲着在生命裏神的建造 詩歌:詩397 讀經:太五8,十三3 ~ 9,18 ~ 23,箴四23,耶三二39,弗三16 ~ 17 【週一】 壹 我們必須在主同在的光中對付我們的心,使我們裏面神聖生命的種子長大,以致我們在生命上達到成熟;心是人裏面諸部分的總匯,是人的總代表,是他的行動機關: 一 我們的心是由我們魂的各部分(心思、情感、意志—太九4,來四12,徒十一23,約十四1,十六22)加上我們靈的一部分(良心—來十22,約壹三20)所組成。 二 當我們的心活躍時,運用靈纔有用;人的心若是無所謂,靈就被關在裏面,無法施展靈的功能—太五3,8,詩七八8。 三 魂是人位的本身,而心是在採取行動的人位;心是我們全人行動的機關,行動的執行者。 四 我們物質身體的活動和行動依賴我們物質的心;照樣,我們的日常生活,我們如何行事爲人,乃在於我們有何種心理的心。 五 心是生命的進出口,是生命的『開關』;心不對了,靈裏的生命就受了阻礙,生命的律也就不得自由運行,不能通行無阻,而達不到我們全人的各部分;生命雖然有大能,但這大能卻受我們一顆小小之心的控制—箴四23,太十二33 ~ 37,參結三六26 ~ 27。 【週二】 貳 我們在生命裏長大,就建造作基督身體的召會,這建造是藉着我們心裏基督這生命種子的長大而進行的;(約壹三9,彼前一23,西二19, 弗二21, 四15 ~ 16, 太十三18 ~ 23;)我們必須與主合作對付我們的心,使我們的心能蒙保守,有以下四個特徵: 一 神是要我們的心輭: 1 神對付我們的心,乃是從我們的肉體中除掉石心,賜給我們肉心,就是柔輭的心—結三六26。 2 心輭就是心志向着主是折服的,是柔順的,沒有強項,沒有悖逆—參出三二9。 3 柔輭的心乃是好土,基督能在其中自由的長大;柔輭的心乃是沒有被屬世的交通往來所硬化的心,不爲自己尋求甚麼,也沒有今世的思慮和錢財的迷惑—太十三3 ~ 9,18 ~ 23。 4 神是用祂的愛來感動,使我們的心輭;若是愛感不動,神就用祂的手藉着環境來管教我們,直到我們的心輭下來—林後五14,四16 ~ 18,來十二6 ~ 7,參耶四八11。 二 神是要我們的心清: 1 心清就是心愛神、要神,除神以外,別無愛慕、傾向或想望—太五8,詩七三25,參耶三二39。 2 我們的心應當單一的要神,好叫我們不怕別的,只怕得罪神,失去祂的同在—詩八六11,賽十一1 ~ 2。 3 清心是目的專一,要完成神的旨意榮耀神;我們的目標應當是最完滿的享受並贏得基督—腓三7 ~ 14。 4 我們必須『同那清心呼求主的人』追求基督—提後二22,提前一5,詩七三1。 【週三】 三 神是要我們的心愛: 1 心愛就是心情愛神,要神,渴慕神,想望神,與主有個人、情深、私下和屬靈的關係—四二1 ~ 2,歌一1 ~ 4。 2 我們的心必須一次又一次的轉向主,使它不斷的更新,好叫我們對主有新穎並新鮮的愛—林後三16。 3 所有屬靈的經歷都是從心裏的愛開始的;我們若不愛主,就不可能得着甚麼屬靈的經歷—弗六24,啓二4 ~ 5。 4 我們向着主的愛,使我們彀資格、得成全、受裝備,帶着主的權柄爲主說話;我們若愛主到極點,就會被祂充滿,將祂湧流出來—約二一15 ~ 17,太二六6 ~ 13,二八18 ~ 20。 四 神是要我們的心安: 1 心安就是良心無虧,沒有定罪指責—徒二四16,約壹三19 ~ 21,來十22。 2 我們若在神同在的光中認自己的罪,就得着赦免和洗淨,使我們可以用無虧、清潔的良心,不受打岔的享受與神的交通—約壹一7,9,提前一5,三9。 3 在禱告中與神交通的結果,乃是得享神的平安;神的平安實際上就是平安的神自己,在基督裏守衞我們的心懷意念,保守我們平靜安寧—腓四6 ~ 7。 4 我們需要讓基督的平安在我們心裏作仲裁,彼此饒恕,穿上一個新人—西三13 ~ 15。 【週四】 叁 我們需要看見神的生命在我們心裏所遇到的難處: 一 神的生命在我們裏面所遇到的第一個難處,就是我們不認識我們人的觀念乃是黑暗的—林後三14,四4: 1 我們需要看見,活的基督在我們裏面,我們怎樣對待祂,是基督徒生活中惟一值得關切的事—加一16,二20,四19,腓一19 ~ 21,林後三18。 2 作基督徒就是不以基督以外的任何事物爲標的;許多人得救後,所以有屬靈生命上的難處,都是因爲他們不認識生命的道路,不以基督作生命—羅八6。 二 生命在我們裏面所遇到的第二個難處,就是假冒—太六2,5,七5,二三13 ~ 29: 1 一個人是否屬靈,不在於外面的表現,乃在於他如何對待內住的基督。 2 我們天然的良善乃是假冒的屬靈,這是生命的一個大難處;生命的彰顯就是不理睬我們的天性,不管我們的愛好,簡單的讓基督在我們裏面運行,破碎我們。 3 若是我們凡事都憑天性、天然去作,其結果無論是甚麼都是假冒。 【週五】 三 生命在我們裏面所遇到的第三個難處,就是悖逆—林後十4 ~ 5: 1 基督在我們裏面運行,給我們感動,叫我們明明知道祂要我們作甚麼,向我們要求甚麼,要帶領我們甚麼,對付我們甚麼。 2 然而我們若不順服,一味的違反我們裏面的感覺,不接受祂的帶領,也不肯出代價,這樣的反叛、頂撞,就是悖逆。 3 我們所犯的罪,最多、最厲害的,還不是外面看得見的罪行,乃是裏面那些違背基督所給我們感覺的罪;基督活在我們裏面,祂一直給我們裏面生命的感覺—羅八6,約壹二27,參弗三1,四1,六20,林後二12 ~ 14。 四 生命在我們裏面所遇到的第四個難處,就是我們天然的幹才: 1 許多弟兄姊妹都非常愛主,也爲主熱心,實在是敬虔的;然而,他們身上最厲害的難處,就是他們的幹才太大,本事太高,使得基督在他們身上沒有地位,沒有出路。 2 我們可能有幹才,有本能,卻認爲這不是罪,不是污穢;我們沒有輕看這些天然的幹才,反而寶貝這些幹才;這在我們身上若是一直牢不可破,就會成爲基督生命的難處。 五 我們要基督的生命在我們裏面不受限制,就必須經歷十字架的破碎,讓這些難處受到對付並被除掉—太十六24 ~ 25。 【週六】 肆 我們需要看見神的生命在我們心裏所遇到主觀的難處: 一 第一個主觀的難處是我們心思的難處: 1 我們所想作的事,若是出於我們的頭腦,卽使作成功了,也不過是宗教的活動而已,並不是基督從我們靈裏活出來的見證—參腓二5,林前二16,弗四23,羅十二2。 2 雖然我們裏面有基督的生命,但因着我們的思想、行事沒有與基督的生命配合,這生命就活不出來了。 3 我們的心思若置於靈,我們外面的行事就與裏面的人一致,我們與神之間也就沒有不合;我們與神有和平,不爲仇;結果我們裏面就有平安的感覺—八6。 二 第二個主觀的難處是我們意志的難處: 1 許多時候,我們的心思領會靈裏的意思,也明白神的旨意,但我們的意志不肯降服,不肯順從。 2 我們也許懂得、明白、也領會了,我們深深感覺到,主要我們作一件事,但我們的意志不肯折服,不肯降服,於是失去了主的同在。 3 在實行主旨意的事上,人的意志無論硬或輭,都是神生命的難處;一個受過對付的意志,乃是剛柔相濟的,這樣的意志爲主所折服,也爲主所復活;一個能與神配合的意志,是何等的重要—腓二13。 三 第三個主觀的難處是我們情感的難處: 1 我們的情感必須有神的情感,我們必須完全進到神的情感裏—帖後三5,腓一8。 2 神愛甚麼,我們也愛甚麼;神喜歡甚麼,我們也喜歡甚麼;神所厭惡的,我們也厭惡;我們的情感和祂的情感,應當成爲一個情感—弗五25,林後十二15,林前十六24,啓二6,腓一8。 四 我們需要天天得以加強到裏面的人裏,使作生命的基督能安家在我們心的主要部分,就是心思、意志、情感裏—弗三16 ~ 17。 伍 願主憐憫我們,開我們的眼睛,給我們看見,神在這世代裏最中心的工作,就是叫人得着祂的生命,並在祂的生命裏長大成熟;我們的工作該是將主的生命分賜並供應給人;惟有出於祂這生命的工作,纔能搆上祂永遠的標準,纔能蒙祂悅納—約七37 ~ 39 上,林後四10 ~ 12,約壹五16 上,林後三3,6。 Week Three Dealing with Our Heart for the Growth of the Divine Seed of Life within Us unto Our Maturity in Life for God’s Building in Life M. C. Hymns: 537
Scripture Reading: Matt. 5:8; 13:3-9, 18-23; Prov. 4:23; Jer. 32:39; Eph. 3:16-17
§ Day 1 I. We must deal with our heart in the light of the Lords presence for the growth of the divine seed of life within us unto our maturity in life; the heart is the conglomerate of mans inward parts, mans chief representative, his acting agent: A. Our heart is a composition of all the parts of our soul—the mind, the emotion, and the will (Matt. 9:4; Heb. 4:12; Acts 11:23; John 14:1; 16:22)—plus one part of our spirit—the conscience (Heb. 10:22; 1 John 3:20). B. The exercise of the spirit works only when our heart is active; if mans heart is indifferent, the spirit is imprisoned within and is unable to show forth its capability—Matt. 5:3, 8; Psa. 78:8. C. The soul is the person himself, but the heart is the person in action; the heart is the acting agent, the acting commissioner, of our entire being. D. The activities and movements of our physical body depend on our physical heart; in like manner, our daily living, the way we act and behave, depends on what kind of psychological heart we have. E. The heart is the entrance and exit of life, the “switch” of life; if the heart is not right, life in the spirit is hindered, and the law of life cannot work freely and without obstruction to reach every part of our being; though life has great power, this great power is controlled by our small heart— Prov. 4:23; Matt. 12:33-37; cf. Ezek. 36:26-27. § Day 2 II. Our growth in life builds up the church as the Body of Christ, which takes place by the growth of Christ as the seed of life in our heart (1 John 3:9; 1 Pet. 1:23; Col. 2:19; Eph. 2:21; 4:15-16; Matt. 13:18-23); we need to cooperate with the Lord by dealing with our heart so that it can be kept with the following characteristics: A. God wants our heart to be soft: 1. When God deals with our heart, He takes away the heart of stone out of our flesh and gives us a heart of flesh, a soft heart—Ezek. 36:26. 2. To be soft means that our heart is submissive and yielding toward the Lord, not stiff-necked and rebellious—cf. Exo. 32:9. 3. A soft heart is the good earth in which Christ can freely grow; it is a heart that is not hardened by worldly traffic, that is without self-seeking, and that is without the anxiety of the age and the deceitfulness of riches—Matt. 13:3-9, 18-23. 4. God softens our heart by using His love to move us; if love cannot move us, He uses His hand through the environment to discipline us until our heart is softened—2 Cor. 5:14; 4:16-18; Heb. 12:6-7; cf. Jer. 48:11. B. God wants our heart to be pure: 1. A pure heart is a heart that loves God and wants God; besides God, it has no other love, inclination, or desire—Matt. 5:8; Psa. 73:25; cf. Jer. 32:39. 2. Our heart should be single for God so that we are fearful of nothing except offending Him and losing His presence—Psa. 86:11; Isa. 11:1-2. 3. To be pure in heart is to have the single goal of accomplishing Gods will for Gods glory; our goal should be the fullest enjoyment and gaining of Christ— Phil. 3:7-14. 4. We must pursue Christ “with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart”—2 Tim. 2:22; 1 Tim. 1:5; Psa. 73:1. § Day 3 C. God wants our heart to be loving: 1. A loving heart is a heart in which the emotion loves God, wants God, thirsts after God, and yearns for God, having a personal, affectionate, private, and spiritual relationship with the Lord—42:1-2; S. S. 1:1-4. 2. We must turn our heart back to the Lord again and again and have it continually renewed so that we may have a new and fresh love toward the Lord—2 Cor. 3:16. 3. All spiritual experiences start with love in the heart; if we do not love the Lord, it is impossible to receive any kind of spiritual experience—Eph. 6:24; Rev. 2:4-5. 4. Our love for the Lord qualifies, perfects, and equips us to speak for the Lord with His authority; if we love the Lord to the uttermost, we will be filled and overflowing with Him—John 21:15-17; Matt. 26:6-13; 28:18-20. D. God wants our heart to be at peace: 1. A heart at peace is a heart in which the conscience is without offense, condemnation, or reproach—Acts 24:16; 1 John 3:19-21; Heb. 10:22. 2. If we confess our sins in the light of Gods presence, we receive His forgiveness and His cleansing so that we may enjoy uninterrupted fellowship with God with a good and pure conscience—1 John 1:7, 9; 1 Tim. 1:5; 3:9. 3. The result of practicing fellowship with God in prayer is that we enjoy the peace of God, which is actually God as peace mounting guard over our hearts and thoughts in Christ, keeping us calm and tranquil—Phil. 4:6-7. 4. We need to let the peace of Christ arbitrate in our hearts by forgiving one another to put on the one new man—Col. 3:13-15. § Day 4 III. We need to see the obstacles that Gods life encounters in our heart: A. The first problem that Gods life encounters in us is that we do not realize the darkness of our human concepts—2 Cor. 3:14; 4:4: 1. We need to see that the only thing that matters in the Christian life is how we take care of the living Christ in us—Gal. 1:16; 2:20; 4:19; Phil. 1:19-21; 2 Cor. 3:18. 2. Being a Christian means not taking anything other than Christ as our aim; many people have difficulty in their spiritual life after they are saved because they do not know the pathway of life, and they do not take Christ as their life—Rom. 8:6. B. The second problem that life encounters in us is hypocrisy—Matt. 6:2, 5; 7:5; 23:13-29: 1. A persons spirituality is not determined by outward appearance but by how he takes care of the indwelling Christ. 2. Our natural goodness is false spirituality and is actually a great hindrance to life; the expression of life involves the rejection of our natural disposition and preference and simply allowing Christ to operate in us and break us. 3. If we always do things according to our disposition and natural being, the outcome will always be hypocrisy. § Day 5 C. The third problem that life encounters in us is rebellion—2 Cor. 10:4-5: 1. Christ operates and moves in us in order to make us clear about His will and requirements for us and about His leading and dealing with us. 2. However, if we do not obey but go against the feeling within, not accepting His leading or paying the price, this unwillingness and opposition are rebellion. 3. The sin that we commit the most frequently and most severely is not outward and visible; rather, it is the sin of disobeying the sense of Christ in us; Christ is living in us, and He is constantly giving us an inward sense of life—Rom. 8:6; 1 John 2:27; cf. Eph. 3:1; 4:1; 6:20; 2 Cor. 2:12-14. D. The fourth problem that life encounters in us is our natural capability: 1. Many brothers and sisters truly love the Lord, are zealous for the Lord, and are very godly; nevertheless, their greatest problem is the strength and greatness of their capabilities and abilities; consequently, Christ has no ground or way in them. 2. We may be capable and talented, but we do not consider these things as sin or filthiness; instead of despising our natural capabilities, we treasure them; if they remain unbroken in us, they will become a problem to Christs life. E. If we want Christs life to be unhindered in us, we must experience the breaking of the cross and allow these obstacles to be dealt with and removed—Matt. 16:24-25. § Day 6 IV. We need to see the subjective obstacles encountered by Gods life in our heart: A. The first subjective problem is the problem of our mind: 1. If the things we want to do originate from our thoughts, then these things will be nothing more than religious activities, even if they are successful; they are not a testimony of Christ lived out from our spirit—cf. Phil. 2:5; 1 Cor. 2:16; Eph. 4:23; Rom. 12:2. 2. Although we have the life of Christ within, we do not cooperate with Christs life in our thoughts and actions, and so this life cannot be lived out from us. 3. When our mind is set on the spirit, our outward actions are in agreement with our inner man, and there is no discrepancy between us and God; He and we are at peace, not at enmity; the result is that we feel peaceful within—8:6. B. The second subjective problem is the problem of our will: 1. Even though our mind often understands the intention in our spirit, and we know the will of God, we are unwilling to submit and obey. 2. We may understand, know, apprehend, and deeply sense that the Lord wants us to do a certain thing, but our will refuses to submit and surrender, and we lose the Lords presence. 3. Both a strong will and a weak will to carry out the Lords will are hindrances to Gods life; a will that has been dealt with is both strong and pliable by being subdued and resurrected by the Lord; having a will that can cooperate with God is a great matter—Phil. 2:13. C. The third subjective problem is the problem of our emotion: 1. Our emotion needs to have Gods emotion, and we need to fully enter into Gods emotion—2 Thes. 3:5; Phil. 1:8. 2. We should love whatever God loves, like whatever God likes, and hate whatever God hates; our emotion and His emotion should become one emotion—Eph. 5:25; 2 Cor. 12:15; 1 Cor. 16:24; Rev. 2:6; Phil. 1:8. D. We daily need to be strengthened into the inner man so that Christ as life can make His home in the main parts of our heart—our mind, will, and emotion—Eph. 3:16-17. V. May the Lord have mercy upon us and open our eyes to see that the central work of God in this age is that man may gain His life and grow and mature in His life; our work should be the imparting and supplying of the Lords life to others; only the work that comes out of His life can reach His eternal standard and be accepted by Him—John 7:37-39a; 2 Cor. 4:10-12; 1 John 5:16a; 2 Cor. 3:3, 6. |
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