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第二週■週四 晨興餧養 約六57『活的父怎樣差我來,我又因父活着,照樣,那喫我的人,也要因我活着。』 林前十4『也都喝了一樣的靈水;所喝的是出於隨行的靈磐石,那磐石就是基督。』 我們記念主乃是以喫祂、喝祂爲中心。主說,『這是我的身體,爲你們捨的,你們要如此行,爲的是記念我。飯後,也照樣拿起杯來,說,這杯是用我的血所立的新約,你們每逢喝的時候,要如此行,爲的是記念我。』(林前十一24 ~ 25。)主這話就是明明的告訴我們,記念祂就是再一次來接受祂所爲我們捨去的自己,和祂所成功的一切。 因此我們每一次來記念主的時候,不能光在心思裏記念祂、默念祂,更要在靈裏接受祂和祂爲我們所成功的,作我們裏面的享受,讓祂更多的與我們調和。這纔是真正的記念主。 這種擘餅的意義,也就是基督徒生活的意義。基督徒的生活就是天天喫主、喝主、享受主,而讓主與我們調和。不是七日的第一日來赴擘餅聚會的時候纔如此,乃是每一天所過的生活都當如此。我們蒙恩的人,就是藉着這樣喫主、喝主而活着。(李常受文集一九五九年第三册,二○六至二○七頁。) 信息選讀 神沒有一點意思要我們爲祂作甚麼。我一直盼望神的兒女轉一個念頭,神只有一個意思,就是祂要把祂自己來給我們享受。所有基督徒的祕訣都在這裏。不是你爲神作了多少,乃是你享受神有多少。…你要學這一個祕訣。…一直要學一件事,常常回到你的裏面,再來享受神自己。連你有了爲難,有了重擔,…你去禱告的時候,都不必掛念這些事。你要學習到神面前去享受祂,吸取祂。你忘掉了孩子的病,祂不會忘掉;你記得很牢的時候,祂反而不管。…你一直掛着:『主阿,我的兄弟拉撒路病了。』主說,『…他病了,我早就知道了,但是你這個禱告,我是不聽的。…你這一要我去,我非要等他死不可。不光死,還要等到他埋葬了、臭了,我纔去。』主就是這樣。主並沒有意思要我們爲祂作甚麼,主只有一個意思,就是要我們學習吸取祂自己,享受祂自己。 馬大就是一個爲主忙亂的人,她從不懂得怎樣停下來吸取主自己。我們要學習停下來,尤其在禱告這件事上,更需要停下我們的事務。…你半小時的禱告,十分鐘的禱告,都應該在那裏吸取主自己,享受主自己,把祂喫一個飽。孩子生病就生病罷,有難處就有難處罷,有重擔就有重擔罷,那些祂都知道。我們要在這裏享受祂,喫一個飽,我們要一再享受祂,吸取祂。如果是這樣的話,我們每一位裏頭都要滿了神自己,每一位臉面上都要放光,每一位身上都要滿了神的同在。哦,你想那是何等的光景! 有的弟兄們作長老,也是憂憂愁愁的作長老。看看第二十八家,第二十八家不行。…親愛的弟兄們,…你早晨到祂面前去的時候,你只要瞻仰祂的榮美,吸取祂,接受祂,享受祂,你喫了一個飽,你裏頭滿足了,你臉上是放光的。這一個晚上你到了第二十八家,二十八家的弟兄姊妹都說,『…你看這位長老的臉面改了,不是憂憂愁愁的,乃是放光的。他一站起來說幾句話,主就出來了。』…這個就是基督徒。(李常受文集一九五八年第一册,五二七至五二九頁。) 參讀:給在職聖徒的信息,第七篇。 WEEK 2 — DAY 4 Morning Nourishment John 6:57 As the living Father has sent Me and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me. 1 Cor. 10:4 And all drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank of a spiritual rock which followed them, and the rock was Christ. The focus of our remembrance of the Lord is our eating and drinking of Him. The Lord said, “This is My body, which is given for you; this do unto the remembrance of Me…This cup is the new covenant established in My blood; this do, as often as you drink it, unto the remembrance of Me” (1 Cor. 11:24-25). The Lord’s words clearly state that to remember Him is to receive Him as the One who was given for us and to receive all that He has accomplished. Hence, every time we come to remember the Lord, we should not remember Him merely by meditating in our mind. We need to receive Him and all that He has accomplished in our spirit as our inward enjoyment and allow Him to mingle more with us. This is the true remembrance of the Lord. The significance of bread-breaking is also the meaning of our Christian living. The Christian living is a life of eating, drinking, and enjoying the Lord day by day in order to allow Him to mingle with us. We should not do this merely on the first day of the week when we come to the bread-breaking meeting. This should be our daily living. As saved ones, we live by eating and drinking the Lord. (CWWL, 1959, vol. 3, “Lessons for New Believers,” p. 144) Today’s Reading God does not intend for us to do anything for Him. As God’s children, we need to change our concept and see that God’s only desire is to give Himself to us to be our enjoyment. The secret of the Christian life is not how much we work for Him, but how much we enjoy Him…We must learn this secret.. We need to learn to simply turn our inner being to enjoy God. When we pray, there is no need for us to be concerned about our difficulties and burdens…We need to learn to come to God to enjoy and absorb Him, and forget about everything, even a child’s illness. If we forget, the Lord will not forget…The more we want Him to come and take care of a matter, the more He does not come. He knows our “Lazarus” is sick, but He does not answer our prayer…The more we insist, the more He waits until “Lazarus” finally dies, is buried, and begins to stink. This is the Lord. He has no intention for us to do anything for Him. His only intention is that we learn to absorb and enjoy Him. Martha was always busy for the Lord. She did not know how to stop and absorb the Lord. We must learn to stop ourselves. In particular, when we pray, we must learn to stop our involvement in so many affairs…Whether our prayer is for half an hour or only ten minutes, we should absorb and enjoy the Lord. We should feed on Him until we are full. Let the children be sick. Let the difficulties remain. Let the burdens take care of themselves. The Lord knows all about these things. We should enjoy Him and be fed by Him. We should simply enjoy and absorb the Lord again and again. If we do this, we will be filled with God, and our face will shine. We will be full of the Lord’s presence. What a glory this will be! Some elders are sorrowful elders. When they consider hall twenty-eight, they shake their head…When they come to the Lord in the morning, they should behold His beauty, absorb Him, receive Him, and enjoy Him. As they are fed by Him and are filled with Him, their faces will shine. Then when they visit hall twenty-eight in the evening, all the brothers and sisters…will marvel at the shining face and say, “The countenance of this elder has changed. His face is no longer sad but shining. When he stands up to speak, the Lord is expressed.”… This is what it means to be a Christian. (CWWL, 1958, vol. 1, How to Enjoy God and How to Practice the Enjoyment of God, pp. 384-385) Further Reading: CWWL, 1988, vol. 2, “Messages Given to the Working Saints,” ch. 7 |
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