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第七週■週六 晨興餧養 帖前二8『我們這樣切慕你們,不但樂意將神的福音分給你們,連自己的性命也願意分給你們,因你們是我們所愛的。』 11 ~ 12『正如你們所知道的,我們怎樣勸勉你們,撫慰你們,向你們作見證,待你們每一個人,好像父親待自己的孩子一樣;要叫你們行事爲人,配得過那召你們進入祂自己的國和榮耀的神。』 在帖前二章八節…切慕,意熱切喜愛、熱切渴望,就像乳養的母親熱切關心她所餧養、顧惜的孩子。這就是使徒對初信者所作的。…使徒不但將神的福音分給帖撒羅尼迦人,連他們自己的性命也分給他們。過潔淨、正直的生活,〔3 ~ 6,10,〕並且愛初信者,甚至將我們的性命分給他們,〔7 ~ 9,11,〕這些乃是我們傳福音時,將所傳達的救恩注入別人裏面的必要條件。 保羅在八節說到將自己的性命分給帖撒羅尼迦人,這話就好比他在林後十二章所說,他爲信徒的緣故花上自己。〔15。〕保羅不僅願意花費他所有的,也願意花上他自己,就是他這個人。…這好比乳養的母親將她自己給她的孩子一樣。(帖撒羅尼迦前書生命讀經,一二一頁。) 信息選讀 〔在帖前二章十一節〕使徒有力的強調他們的所是或爲人,(一5,)因爲他們的所是開了一條路,將初信者帶進神完全的救恩。…在顧惜信徒如同自己的孩子上,使徒看自己是乳養的母親;在勸勉信徒上,他看自己是父親。〔二11。〕 神的呼召〔12〕是照着祂的揀選,也是隨着祂的揀選。(一4。)信徒從前是拜偶像的人,(9,)在撒但的國裏。(太十二26。)現今藉着在基督裏的救恩,他們蒙了呼召,並已信入神的國;這國乃是他們在神聖的管治下,帶着進入神榮耀的指望,敬拜並享受神的範圍。神的榮耀與祂的國並行。 帖前二章十二節指明,行事爲人配得過神,與進入神的國並被引進神的榮耀有關。這裏的思想相當深。…沒有多少信徒受過教導,看見基督徒要有一種生活行動,使他們能進入神的國,並被引進神的榮耀。…這樣的話卻包括在保羅對年幼信徒的教導中。 二章一至十二節給我們看見,我們該如何行事爲人,作初信者的榜樣。…我們的動機…必須單純,特別是在錢財的事上更是如此。這幾節經文所寫的許多話,都與錢財、貪婪、貪慾有關。我們若在錢財上不單純,我們若不純誠、不誠實、不忠信,就可能會成爲混亂並攙混神話語的人。不僅如此,這動機會叫我們用諂媚的話,並且藉掩飾而貪婪。這些都是嚴重的事。因此,我們若要成爲年幼聖徒正確的榜樣,我們的貪婪就必須受對付,錢財的事必須在我們的腳下。我們絕不該說諂媚的話,不該藉掩飾而貪婪,也不該爲自己尋求榮耀。此外,我們不該想要討人的喜歡,反而要盡全力討神的喜歡。這樣,別的信徒就有好榜樣可以效法。 我們必須成爲別人的榜樣,並要像母親一樣撫育他們、顧惜他們,也要像父親一樣勸勉他們,要行事爲人配得過神。…只有活神的生活,纔配得過神。我們活神的時候,行事爲人就配得過祂。這樣的行事爲人要引導我們進入神的國,並引我們進入神的榮耀裏。這是神呼召的目標。(帖撒羅尼迦前書生命讀經,一二二至一二四頁。) 參讀:帖撒羅尼迦前書生命讀經,第十二至十三篇。 WEEK 7 — DAY 6 Morning Nourishment 1 Thes. 2:8 Yearning in this way over you, we were well pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own souls, because you became beloved to us. 11-12 Just as you know how we were to each one of you, as a father to his own children, exhorting you and consoling you and testifying, so that you might walk in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into His own kingdom and glory. The word yearning [1 Thes. 2:8] indicates being affectionately fond of, affectionately desirous of, like a nursing mother affectionately interested in her child whom she nourishes and cherishes. This was what the apostles did with the new believers. The apostles not only imparted the gospel of God to the Thessalonians; they also imparted their own souls. To live a clean and upright life [vv. 3-6, 10] and to love the new converts, even by giving our own souls to them [vv. 7-9, 11], are the prerequisites for infusing others with the salvation conveyed in the gospel that we preach. Paul’s word in verse 8 about imparting their own souls to the Thessalonians can be compared to his word in 2 Corinthians 12 about being spent for the sake of the believers. Paul was willing not only to spend what he had but also to spend himself, his very being...This can be compared to a nursing mother giving herself to her child. (Life-study of 1 Thessalonians, 2nd edition, pp. 100-101) Today’s Reading [In 1 Thessalonians 2:11] the apostle was strong in stressing what or how they were (1:5), for what they were opened the way to bring the new converts into God’s full salvation. In cherishing the believers as their own children, the apostles considered themselves as nourishing mothers. In exhorting them, they considered themselves fathers [2:11]. God’s calling [v. 12] is according to His selection, and it follows His selection (1:4). As worshippers of idols (v. 9), the believers were in the kingdom of Satan (Matt. 12:26). Now, through the salvation in Christ they were called, and they have believed into the kingdom of God, which is the sphere in which they can worship and enjoy God under the divine ruling with the view of entering into God’s glory. God’s glory goes with His kingdom. Walking in a manner worthy of God [1 Thes. 2:12] is related to entering into His kingdom and being ushered into His glory. The thought here...is quite deep...Not many believers are taught to have a Christian walk that will enable them to enter into the kingdom of God, a walk that will usher them into God’s glory...This is included as part of Paul’s teaching to young believers. First Thessalonians 2:1-12 shows us how we should conduct ourselves as a pattern for new believers...We need to be pure in our motives, especially concerning money. Much of what is written in these verses is related to money, greed, and covetousness. If we are not pure concerning money, if we are not sincere, honest, and faithful regarding it, we may be among those who adulterate the word of God and peddle it. Furthermore, this motive may cause us to use flattery and to have a pretext for covetousness. All of these are serious matters. Therefore, if we would be a proper pattern for young saints, our greed must be dealt with, and money matters must be under our feet. We should never speak words of flattery, we should never have any pretext, and we should never seek glory for ourselves. Moreover, instead of trying to please man, we should do our best to please God. Then other believers will have a good pattern to follow. We need to be a pattern to others and foster them, cherishing them as mothers and exhorting them as fathers to walk in a manner worthy of God...Only a life that lives God is worthy of God. When we live God, we walk in a manner worthy of Him. Such a walk will lead us into the kingdom and usher us into the glory of God. This is the goal of God’s calling. (Life-study of 1 Thessalonians, second edition, pp. 101-103) Further Reading: Life-study of 1 Thessalonians, msgs. 12-13 |
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