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第七週■週二 晨興餧養 林後五14 ~ 15『原來基督的愛困迫我們,因我們斷定:一人旣替眾人死,眾人就都死了;並且祂替眾人死,是叫那些活着的人,不再向自己活,乃向那替他們死而復活者活。』 使徒保羅乃是基督的大使。大使是代表最高權柄的人。…宇宙中最高的權柄乃是神,神已將天上和地上所有的權柄,都賜給了基督。(太二八18。)神設立基督作萬王之王,萬主之主。(提前六15,啓十七14。)今天耶穌乃是基督,萬有之主,最高的權柄。這個最高的權柄,需要一些彀資格在地上代表祂的大使。主的職事不是僅僅作傳道人或教師,乃是由屬天權柄授權,作代表全宇宙最高權柄的人。(李常受文集一九六七年第二册,二一二頁。) 信息選讀 保羅作爲基督的大使,知道他裏面的一切,他所是的一切,他所有的一切,都是必死的。(林後五4。)我們的智慧是必死的,我們的才能是必死的。一切我們所能作的,…所是的,以及…所有的,都會消逝。因這緣故,我們不該信靠我們的所是。…我們是必死的人,但神已經將一些永遠的東西、永遠不死的東西、永遠常存的東西,作到我們裏面。因着我們已經接受主耶穌,祂也活在我們裏面,我們就擁有祂不死的神性。至終,…必死的要被神聖的生命吞滅了。〔4。〕 因着我看見我有基督在我裏面作不死的生命,我就必須懷着雄心,一直努力討祂喜悅。(9。)如果你要成爲基督的大使,在全宇宙中必定有這麼一天,你下定決心,呼天喚地作見證,你現在要絕對的爲着基督,你只有一個雄心,就是討基督喜悅。神已經將祂自己這不死的生命作到我們裏面,使我們不憑自己而活,乃憑這生命而活。現在我們必須懷着雄心討祂喜悅。 保羅…是一個向主活着的人。(15。)裝備我們成爲基督大使的…一個項目,乃是基督困迫的愛。你必須是一個被基督的愛沖激的人。保羅在林後五章十四至十五節告訴我們,基督受死的愛,像大水澎湃沖向我們,迫使我們情不自禁的向祂活着。被困迫就像被浪潮沖走。基督的愛像浪潮一樣強烈,將你征服,將你沖走。我們必須被基督的愛所沖沒。我們需要被祂的愛所困迫,以致我們別無選擇。我們應當能說,『我沒有別的路可走,我必須愛主,因爲祂的愛困迫我。我能作甚麼呢?』…我們都必須這樣被基督的愛困迫。 我必須承認,我多年來天天禱告,求主向我啓示祂的愛,好使我能被基督的愛所困迫。我這樣禱告:『主阿,用你的愛困迫我。哦,主阿,用你的愛沖沒我。』…我們中間的青年人必須看見,雖然他們今天愛主,但他們在基督徒的經歷上,仍在十字路口。有許多方向讓他們選擇,讓他們走。你也許有許多選擇,然而一旦你被基督的愛所沖沒,你就失去所有的選擇。 一個作大使的人…乃是…不照着肉體,乃照着基督,在靈裏認人。我們絕不該憑外表,照着肉體考慮事情或者認人,乃該一直照着基督,在靈裏考慮事情並認人。(李常受文集一九六七年第二册,二一三至二一六頁。) 參讀:一個在靈裏之人的自傳,第六章;哥林多後書生命讀經,第十三至十四、二十五、二十九篇。 WEEK 7 — DAY 2 Morning Nourishment 2 Cor. 5:14-15 For the love of Christ constrains us because we have judged this, that One died for all, therefore all died; and He died for all that those who live may no longer live to themselves but to Him who died for them and has been raised. The apostle Paul was an ambassador of Christ. An ambassador is one who represents the highest authority...The highest authority in this universe is God, and God has given all authority in heaven and on earth to Christ (Matt. 28:18). God has appointed Christ to be the King of kings and the Lord of lords (1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14). Today Jesus is the Christ, the Lord of all, the highest authority. For this highest authority there is the need of some ambassadors on this earth who are qualified to represent Him. The Lord’s ministry is not a matter of merely being a preacher or a teacher but of being one who is authorized with the heavenly authority, representing the highest authority in the whole universe. (CWWL, 1967, vol. 2, “An Autobiography of a Person in the Spirit,” p. 171) Today’s Reading As an ambassador of Christ, Paul realized that whatever was within him, whatever he was, and whatever he had was mortal (2 Cor. 5:4)...Our wisdom is mortal, and our ability is mortal. Whatever we can do,...we are, and...we have is going to die. This is why we should not have any trust in what we are...We are mortal beings, but God has wrought into us something which is eternal, something which will never die, something which will last forever. Because we have received the Lord Jesus and He lives in us, we possess His eternal divinity. Eventually,...mortality will be swallowed up by the divine life [v. 4]. Since I realize that I have Christ as the eternal life within me, I have to endeavor with an ambition to please Him all the time (v. 9). If we are going to be an ambassador of Christ, there must be one day in this whole universe in which we make a decision, calling the heavens and the earth to be the witnesses, that we are now absolutely for Christ, that we have only one ambition—to please Christ. God has wrought Himself as the eternal life into us so that we should not live by ourselves but by this life. Now we have to be ambitious to please Him. Paul was a person who lived to the Lord (v. 15). Another item which equips us to be the ambassadors of Christ is the constraining love of Christ. We must be persons carried away by the love of Christ. In 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 Paul tells us that the dying love of Christ is like the rushing of great waters toward us, impelling us to live to Him beyond our own control. To be constrained is similar to being carried away by a tide of water. The love of Christ is as strong as a tide of water which overcomes us and carries us away. We need to be flooded by the love of Christ. We need to be constrained by His love so that we have no choice. We should be able to say, “I have no other way to go. I have to love the Lord because His love has constrained me. What can I do?”...We all have to be constrained by the love of Christ in such a way. I must confess that I have prayed day by day for years that the Lord would show me His love so that I could be constrained by the love of Christ. I prayed in this way: “Lord, constrain me with Your love. O Lord, flood me with Your love.”...The young saints among us need to realize that although they love the Lord today, they are still at the crossroads of their Christian experience. There are many directions for them to choose, to take. They may have many choices, but once they are flooded by the love of Christ, they lose all the choices. A person who is an ambassador of Christ...does not know people according to the flesh but according to Christ in the spirit. You should never consider anything or try to know a person by the outward appearance according to the flesh but always according to Christ in the spirit. (CWWL, 1967, vol. 2, “An Autobiography of a Person in the Spirit,” pp. 172-174) Further Reading: CWWL, 1967, vol. 2, “An Autobiography of a Person in the Spirit,” ch. 6; Life-study of 2 Corinthians, msgs. 13-14, 25, 29 |
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