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出二八29 ~ 30『亞倫進聖所的時候,要將決斷胸牌上以色列兒子們的名字,帶在胸前,在耶和華面前常作記念。你又要將烏陵和土明放在決斷的胸牌裏;亞倫…要帶在胸前…。』









參讀: 出埃及記生命讀經, 第一百二十三、一百二十六至一百二十九篇。

WEEK 4 — DAY 3


Morning Nourishment

Exo. 28:29-30 ...Aaron shall bear the names of the sons of Israel in the breastplate of judgment on his heart when he goes into the sanctuary, for a memorial before Jehovah continually. And you shall put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim; and they shall be on Aaron’s heart when he goes in before Jehovah...

The twelve names on the breastplate included eighteen of the twentytwo letters in the Hebrew alphabet. The remaining four letters were put on a piece called the Thummim. The Hebrew word Thummim means “perfecters” or “completers.” Thus, on the breastplate with the additional piece called the Thummim all twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet could be found. Just as the twenty-six letters of the English alphabet on the keys of a typewriter can be used to compose a word, phrase, sentence, or paragraph, so the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet on the breastplate and the Thummim could be used to spell out words and sentences. (Life-study of Exodus, p. 1405)

Today’s Reading

The Urim was an illuminator inserted into the breastplate underneath the twelve stones. In Hebrew the word Urim means “lights”...The Urim had the capacity to contain oil for burning, and...the fire used to burn this oil came from the altar...This Urim had twelve illuminators, one to illuminate each piece of stone on the breastplate. Then the transparent stones could shine with light.

When the Urim and the Thummim were added to the breastplate, they caused it to become the breastplate of judgment...Whenever Joshua needed guidance concerning the move of the people, he had to go to the high priest who then received guidance from God by means of the Urim and the Thummim. Thus, God spoke through the Urim and the Thummim.

Both the Urim and the Thummim typify Christ...The breastplate typifies the church. Therefore, the Urim and the Thummim added to the breastplate typify Christ added to the church. The twelve precious stones in the breastplate typify the believers, the components of the church, inscribed with Christ as the letters of the spiritual alphabet. According to the book of Revelation, Christ is the Alpha and the Omega. Since He is the first letter and the last, He is no doubt all the letters in between. This means that Christ is the alphabet used to compose words, sentences, paragraphs, chapters, and books. The letters inscribed on the twelve stones in the breastplate typify Christ as the letters in the heavenly alphabet.

The Thummim...was a completer, a perfecter, of the letters on the breastplate. This indicates that no matter how much of Christ has been inscribed into us, we still are not complete. Some letters, something of Christ, are still missing. We need the completing Christ, the One who bears these missing letters.

The Urim added to the breastplate caused the twelve precious stones to shine...The important point here is that even with all the stones inscribed with letters signifying the believers inscribed with Christ, there was still something missing...Hence, there is the need for the Christ typified by the Thummim to be added to the church, the breastplate.

Often the leading ones in the church realize that no matter how much the saints in their locality have been experiencing Christ or how much of Christ has been inscribed into them, something of Christ is still missing...Therefore, we need Christ as the completion. Furthermore, no matter how much we have experienced Christ and have had Him inscribed upon us, we will still be in darkness if we depend on ourselves. We need Christ as the light, as the Urim, to be added to the church...Even though we may be rich in the experience of Christ, something of Christ is still lacking and can be made up by Him alone. We should never think that we have exhausted Christ. No, He is inexhaustible...We need Christ to be added to us. When this missing portion of Christ is added, we have the completion and the shining. (Life-study of Exodus, pp. 1405-1406, 1423-1425)

Further Reading: Life-study of Exodus, msgs. 123, 126-129

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