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第三週■週五 晨興餧養 弗三16 ~ 19『願祂照着祂榮耀的豐富,藉着祂的靈,用大能使你們得以加強到裏面的人裏,使基督藉着信,安家在你們心裏,叫你們在愛裏生根立基,使你們滿有力量,能和眾聖徒一同領畧何爲那闊、長、高、深,並認識基督那超越知識的愛…。』 約翰福音這卷書是論到主觀經歷基督作生命。一章十二節說,『凡接受祂的,就是信入祂名的人,祂就賜他們權柄,成爲神的兒女。』這裏的接受主,就是內裏的接受祂,將祂接受到我們全人裏面。凡有人內裏的接受主,將主接受到他們全人裏面,主就賜他們權柄,成爲神的兒女。所以他們『不是從血生的,不是從肉體的意思生的,也不是從人的意思生的,乃是從神生的』。(13。)這意思是,有一些出於神自己的事物,已經生在他們裏面。這經歷完全是主觀的。(李常受文集一九七七年第三册,八九頁。) 信息選讀 以弗所三章十六至十九節說,『願祂照着祂榮耀的豐富,藉着祂的靈,用大能使你們得以加強到裏面的人裏,使基督藉着信,安家在你們心裏,叫你們在愛裏生根立基,使你們滿有力量,能和眾聖徒一同領畧何爲那闊、長、高、深,並認識基督那超越知識的愛,使你們被充滿,成爲神一切的豐滿。』我們也許有基督住在我們裏面,但我們可能不讓基督安家在我們心裏,就是在我們全人裏。爲這緣故,使徒保羅爲我們禱告,好叫基督安家在我們心裏,就是在我們的心思、情感、意志、良心裏,使我們被充滿,成爲神一切的豐滿。這是何等主觀的經歷! 基督安家在我們心裏到一個地步,使我們被充滿成爲神的豐滿後,每逢我們這些被充滿的人聚在一起,神就顯現出來。當我們這些被充滿成爲神豐滿的人來在一起,神必定在我們中間顯現,我們就成爲神的顯現。 聖經中確實有主觀的點,這個主觀的點一再告訴我們,神不光是高高在上的神,祂今天就在我們裏面,作我們的生命之氣,作我們的活水,作我們的食物營養。…祂願進到我們裏面,給我們享受。我們越享受祂,祂就越喜樂。祂在我們裏面,和我們成爲一靈;我們有祂的生命,有祂的性情,有祂的素質。我們的生命、性情、素質和祂完全是一個。這…乃是祂的救恩把祂自己作到我們裏面來,也把我們放在祂的裏面,叫我們和祂成爲一靈。這是聖經中主觀的真理和經歷。 這些…主觀真理就是神今天所要恢復的。…我們不彀經歷讓神的成分聖別我們全人,變化我們全人,我們少有新陳代謝作用的生機變化。我們很容易落到外面的修改中。當我們信主之後,我們愛主、追求主,活在召會中,甚至在事奉上也有了分,這時我們常會自動的把自己修一修、改一改。雖然你的存心很正確、很純潔,你願意活在主面前,與眾聖徒的體統相稱,也願意像一個在召會中事奉神的人。但我們還得承認,這些還是人的觀念、宗教的思想,還帶着倫常的味道,並不是主觀的來經歷這一位成爲肉體、死而復活、經過過程的神,在我們裏面與我們聯合爲一,使我們成爲祂的一部分。(李常受文集一九七七年第三册,一○二、一三九、二一三至二一四頁。) 參讀:聖經中的主觀真理,第一至三、七篇。 WEEK 3 — DAY 5 Morning Nourishment Eph. 3:16-19 ...Be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the The Gospel of John is a book on the subjective experience of Christ as life. Today’s Reading Ephesians 3:16-19 says, “That He would grant you, according to the riches of After Christ makes His home in our heart to the extent that we are filled unto the fullness of God, whenever we who are filled gather together, God is manifested. When we who are filled unto the fullness of God come together, surely God will be manifested among us, and we will be the manifestation of God. (CWWL, 1977, vol. 3, pp. 78-79) The subjective viewpoint truly exists in the Scriptures. This subjective viewpoint tells us over and over again that God is not only the God who is high above. Rather, He is in us today to be our breath of life, our living water, and our nutritious food...He desires to come into us to be our enjoyment. The more we enjoy Him, the more joyful He is. He is in us; He is one spirit with us; we have His life, nature, and essence. Our life, nature, and essence are exactly the same as His...This is His salvation—to work Himself into us and put us into Him so that we can become one spirit with Him. These are the subjective truths and experiences in the Holy Scriptures. These subjective truths are what God desires to recover today...We do not have enough experience of allowing the divine element to sanctify and transform our entire being, and we have very little of the metabolic, organic transformation. We easily fall into the concept of outwardly improving our behavior. After believing in the Lord, we love Him, pursue Him, live in the church life, and even participate in His service. At this time, we oftenspontaneously try to improve or change ourselves. Our intention is proper and pure; we want to live before the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints and be like one who serves God in the church. Nevertheless, we must admit that these ideas are still human concepts and religious thoughts, which also have the flavor of ethics. They are not our subjective experience of the God who was processed through incarnation, death, and resurrection to be joined with us so that we may become a part of Him. (CWWL, 1977, vol. 3, “The Subjective Truths in the Holy Scriptures,” pp. 106-107, 165-166) Further Reading: CWWL, 1977, vol. 3, “The Subjective Truths in the Holy Scriptures,” chs. 1-3, 7 |
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